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  1. Angehefteter Tweet
    3. Apr.

    Twitter, I'm looking for contributors for 's – a new series that hears from those on the frontline of public service. Are you a teacher, police officer, firefighter, social worker etc? I want to hear your stories!!

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  3. hat retweetet
    3. Mai

    OMG Line Of Duty correspondent has surpassed himself - he's asked serving police officers to try and solve the case in the plot

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  4. 2. Mai

    I am 'more than two and a half hours' away from the front of the 👾 👜 queue. Experience tells me this doesn't end well but SUE ME, I'M FEELING HOPEFUL!

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  5. hat retweetet
    17. Feb. 2018

    In 1889, Tit-Bits magazine offered prizes to single, female readers who sent in the best answers to the question: ‘Why Am I A Spinster?’ Here are some highlights...

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  6. hat retweetet
    1. Mai

    I don't try to be controversial. I get anxious about appearing in the media. I like to listen, not just speak. But I wrote this piece in solidarity with and other athletes with high T who are as much my sisters on the track as any other women.

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  7. 1. Mai

    Twitter – I want to know how social media affects your spending 🛍️ for a sensitive feature. Do influencers succeed in making you spend? What about Instagram's targeted ads – are they effective (dangerously so for me)? DM or email ✍🏽

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  8. 1. Mai

    I'm always looking for new contributors. Are you a midwife, a nurse, a social worker, a firefighter, a councillor, a police officer, a prison warden? I want to hear from you. Tell me what life is like at the coalface on

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  9. 1. Mai

    This is exactly what series aims to do: to shine a light on the faces behind the uniforms – those who witness the best and worst of humanity. Read more about what are doing here

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  10. 1. Mai

    This week's is such a powerful piece. It speaks to the seemingly impossible challenge of maintaining professionalism and a brave face in the most devastating of human circumstances: the loss of a baby's life.

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  11. hat retweetet
    1. Mai

    is a weekly series that hears from the people working at the coalface of public service about the cases they have carried with them throughout their careers This week -  writes

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  12. 1. Mai

    "To this day, nearly a quarter of a century later, I think about Baby M's family every Christmas. Some jobs change you forever." Poignant piece from on the many faces of death you encounter as a police officer

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  13. hat retweetet
    1. Mai

    Cambridge Uni is investigating its links to slavery - what exactly does that mean? I spoke to historians and to find out what the move might bring

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  14. hat retweetet
    28. Apr.

    Should the colour of plasters match skin tones? 'Who knew something as mundane as using a plaster could provoke such an emotional and lively debate about racial identity?' - black people knew.

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  15. 26. Apr.

    Bloody hell, this is a good thread. I feel ashamed of my boob ignorance:

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  16. 26. Apr.

    An examination of the most popular theories – and how likely they are to be true. This by is basically my brain since last Sunday night.

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  17. 25. Apr.

    Bumping this as I'm always on the hunt. Get in touch!! I want to hear your amazing stories of public service.

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  18. hat retweetet
    3. Apr.

    Twitter, I'm looking for contributors for 's – a new series that hears from those on the frontline of public service. Are you a teacher, police officer, firefighter, social worker etc? I want to hear your stories!!

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  19. hat retweetet
    24. Apr.

    I honestly assumed police already treated women like human beings with basic needs but apparently that's not the case

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  20. hat retweetet
    24. Apr.

    'Elsa only ever misses one day of school each year, and that is Red Nose Day. It isn’t the £1, Miss B would give her that, it’s because no uniform is worn.' writes for

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  21. 24. Apr.

    'Elsa only ever misses one day of school each year, and that is Red Nose Day. It isn’t the £1, Miss B would give her that, it’s because no uniform is worn.' writes for

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