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In a concerning development for radicals everywhere, Russian officials have been cracking down on journalists with renewed vigor. In particular, journalist Ivan Golunov was recently arrested on fabricated drug charges and help for six days. While Golunov was released on June 11th, following a massive outpouring of support from journalists and citizens alike, there remains…
Peer-to-Peer Ridesharing, Not Corporate Profiteering!
Uber and Lyft sometimes get cited as agorist ventures by misguided anarcho-capitalists. While it could be claimed that these models are slightly more agorist in nature than the traditional taxi industry, it is far from the model we should be striving for. Instead of being an agorist model for transportation services, it is merely traditional…
Mock Assassinations, Or: My Milkshake Shoos All the Proud Boys From the Yard
All Cops Are Bastards: Jon Snow Edition
The War on Hamburgers: A Practical Alternative to World Veganism
A Cop, a Dog, and a Computer Walk into a Bar: Personhood & ...
I’m mostly writing about morality because I would very much like to stop writing about morality. I say this because morality is, ultimately, a social construct — which isn’t to say that it’s nothing, but is to say that it’s malleable. It’s a feeling. You can’t whip out a morality-o-meter and measure morality. Even further,…
Reputation Markets: Reality, Dangers, and Possibility
How Anarchist Theory Explains the Death of the ISO, the Defeat of the Red Guards, and the Struggles of the DSA
Pigs on the Beat
When Warmed Over Georgism Becomes Neoliberalism
I have a personal rule — I think you should never review a book that you strongly disagree with or strongly agree with. If you entirely agree, then a “review” would be nothing more than an echo. But if you strongly disagree there’s also little point to writing a review, the disagreements cannot be isolated…
Review: Setting Sights
Review: The People’s Republic of Walmart
Markets in the Name of Socialism: The Left-Wing Origins of Neoliberalism
Killing 8chan: The Heart of Modern Nazi Terrorism [CW]
In addition to all kinds of scariness, it’s important also to mention exactly how mediocre 8ch is. It’s the human equivalent of the magazines in your dentist’s but– if it’s even possible– more tryhard. That they consider themselves to be an intellectual vanguard is on par with a grown adult self-identifying as Rick from Rick and Morty. It’s laughably pathetic and sad.
Libertarian Municipalism: Networked Cities as Resilient Platforms for Post-Capitalist Transition
Agency and Other Anarchist Themes In Paul Goodman’s Work
Deleuze, Guattari and Market Anarchism