A Reader’s Guide to Anti-Capitalism

Reader's Guide to Anti-Capitalism

What is anti-capitalism. What is the big fuss about capitalism all about? Why are people opposed to globalization?

Title Author
A16 Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Bloc Statement RACB
A20: Passive-ism and Peace Cops Peter Gelderloos
"Activism" and "Anarcho-Purism" sasha k
All We Are Saying is Give Protests a Chance Judy Rebick
Anarchism, the TABD, and globalization Erico Malatesta
An Anarchist Statement against the FTAA (and capitalism in general) Black Star North zine
Anarchists and Corporate Media at the Battle of Seattle Black Planet Radical Books
Anarchists Want to Unite With Diverse WTO Protesters Marshall Kirkpatrick
The Anarchosyndicalist Answer to Corporate Globalization Brian Oliver Sheppard
Another World Is Possible . . . But What Kind, and Shaped By Whom? Cindy Milstein
Another World is possible! A Black Flag May Day Special anarcho
Anti-Capitalism or State Capitalism? anarcho
Anti-IMF Riots Sweep Developing World World Development Movement
Assault on the Border sasha k
Auto-Struggles: The Developing War against the Road Monster Aufheben
An autonomous call for the adoptation of Ya Basta! style tactics another fish in the sea
Bashing the Black Bloc? Ray Cunningham
Black Block Participant Interview Active Transformation
Beyond "Anti-Globalization": Towards a Deeper Understanding of Capital and the State Black Star North zine
Capitalists and Anti-Capitalists: Two visions of solidarity in New York City Jaggi Singh
Direct Action, Direct Democracy Dru Oja Jay
Dirty Mirrors and Deformed Reflections sasha k
Doing things differently this time: Kananaskis G8 meeting and movement building Yutaka Dirks
FAQ About Anarchists at the "Battle for Seattle" and N30 Infoshop.org
Finding Hope After Seattle: Rethinking Radical Activism and Building a Movement Chris Dixon
For the spread of the riots: Manifesto in favour of violent direct action La Haine
The France of Jose Bove Richard Kuper
Genoa – one year on black bollock
The Global Privileges of Whiteness Kendall Clark
Globalisation, the reformist Left and the Anti-Globalisation ‘Movement' Takis Fotopoulos
Going Down To Kananaskis: Fork In the Road For Our Movement Macdonald Stainsby
Groups in Britain look at their actions and reflect Unknown
Indian Movements vs. WTO – Part 1 Unknown
Labor & the WTO Sarah Luthens
Lessons on Tactics after New York City Peter Gelderloos
Mark Laskey replies to Albert's "On Trashing and Movement Building" Mark Laskey
Micropower Broadcasting, the Internet and the WTO Protests Stephen Dunifer
MRG on the European Social Consulta and the EuropeanSocial Forum (ESF) MRG Catalunya-International working group
N30 Black Bloc Communique ACME Collective
The Necessity and Impossibility of "Anti-Activism' J. Kellstadt
A NEFAC Critique of the Anti-G8 Protests in Calgary Tom Keefer
The New Anarchists David Graeber
A New World in Our Hearts Iain McKay
Now the protesters box clever Johann Hari
OCAP Victories – Movement Building Jonnie
An Open Letter To The Anti-Authoritarian Anti-Capitalist Movement Ben Grosscup and Doyle
Pagan Cluster Call for WEF/NY Pagan Cluster
The politics of anti-politics Andy Tate
Postscript to the article "Give up Activism" Unknown
Practice and Ideology in the Direct Action Movement Undercurrent
Reflections on J18 G. Lancaster J-18 Collective
The reincarnation of Rumpelstiltskin Arundhati Roy
Reinventing Democracy David Graeber
Reflections on Privilege, Reformism, and Activism Chris Dixon
Response to Seattle Ernie Jacob
Revolutionary Anarchists: Unite Against The World Economic Forum! NEFAC
Seattle – We Won R Tate
Sisters in the Struggle Krystalline Kraus
Soccer Showdown! Kendall Clark
Something Did Start in Quebec City: North America's Revolutionary Anti-Capitalist Movement Cindy Milstein
Starhawk on NYC protests Starhawk
This Is What Bureaucracy Looks Like Jim Davis
Violence in the anti-corporate-globalization movement Stacia M. Brown
Where Was the Color in Seattle? Looking for Reasons Why the Great Battle Was So White Elizabeth Martinez
The whole world is watching s
WTO Protesters Appear Prophetic Sean Gonslaves
your face is so mysteriously kind Monsieur DuPont


Anti-Capitalist Movements

  • Bennholdt-Thomsen, Veronika, Claudia Von Werlhof, Nicholas Faraclas, (2001), There Is an Alternative: Subsistence and Worldwide Resistance to Corporate Globalization, Zed Books.
  • Cockburn, Alexander (2001), Five Days That Shook the World: The Battle for Seattle and Beyond, New York: Verso.
  • Danaher, Kevin (2000), Globalize This! The Battle Against the World Trade Organization and Corporate Rule, Community Archives Publications.
  • Fisher, William F. and Thomas Ponniah (2003), Another World is Possible: Popular Alternatives to Globalization at the World Social Forum, Zed Books. ISBN: 1842773291
  • Held, David and Anthony McGrew (2002), Globalization/Anti-Globalization, Polity Press.
  • Mertes, Tom (Editor), Walden F. Bellocontributor, Bernard Cassen, Jose Bove (2004), A Movement of Movements: Is Another World Really Possible?, Verso. ISBN: 1859844685
  • Notes from Nowhere (2003), We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of Global Anti-Capitalism, Verso. ISBN: 1859844472
  • Starr, Amory (2000), Naming the Enemy: Anti-Corporate Movements Confront Globalization, New York: Zed Books.
  • Thomas, Janet (2000), The Battle in Seattle: The Story Behind and Beyond the WTO Demonstrations, Fulcrum Pub.


  • Brecher, Jeremy (2000), Globalization from Below, Boston, South End Press.
  • Ellwood, Wayne (2001), The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization, New York, New Internationalist.
  • Klein, Naomi (1999), No Logo: No Space No Choice No Jobs, New York: Picador.
  • Lechner, Frank J. and John Boli (2003), The Globalization Reader, Blackwell Publishers. ISBN: 1405102802

Autonomist Marxism

  • Cleaver, Harry (2000) Reading Capital Politically, Oakland: AK Press.
  • Wright, Steve (2002) Storming Heaven: Class Composition and Struggle in Italian Autonomist Marxism, New York: Pluto Press.

Magazines with Regular Coverage of the Anti-Capitalist and "Another World is Possible" Movements

  • Alternative Press Review
  • Anarchy: a journal of desire armed
  • In These Times
  • Left Turn
  • Z Magazine