
Friday, 22 October 2010   International relations   8 comments 

A war of invasion only ends because the invaders win, lose or are pulled back home. None of these look set to happen.

Stay at home

Thursday, 7 October 2010   International relations   13 comments 

The press are not really making much of this, but Abbott’s gaffe over Afghanistan is probably a major blow to his leadership inside the party.

Highlighting the coalition’s hypocrisy by contrasting its response to Hick’s detention at Guantanamo is a good example, but surely Dr Haneef’s case is a better one.

Denial – an update

Wednesday, 23 July 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on Denial – an update 

It seems very careless of Rudd to agree to launch a book that has let out one of Labor’s most closely guarded and politically damaging secrets – that they dread the possibility of Costello as leader of the Liberal party.

The tragic fate of a modern Conservative leader

Friday, 7 March 2008   Key posts, Political figures  Comments Off on The tragic fate of a modern Conservative leader 

Howard’s problem was that not only had the union movement clearly had its day but we also had here a Labor Prime Minister to tell everyone the fact.

Howard haters exposed

Wednesday, 28 November 2007   Political figures  Comments Off on Howard haters exposed 

Blaming Howard for lying for some people became much easier than dealing with their own political weaknesses.

The unmentionable rears its head

Thursday, 22 November 2007   Tactics  Comments Off on The unmentionable rears its head 

Howard is right in saying that Labor is a friend to terrorism is not part of his campaign. The question is, why not?

Stunt master

Friday, 7 September 2007   International relations  Comments Off on Stunt master 

The changing politics of the War on Terror and Iraq has created some awkwardness at the APEC conference because it is hosted by a leader who cannot adapt to it.

A new ‘Man of Steel’

Thursday, 6 September 2007   International relations  Comments Off on A new ‘Man of Steel’ 

If Rudd’s principled ‘withdrawal’ from Iraq is a bit of a fraud, it is no less so than Howard’s ‘commitment’.

APEC: The summit nobody wants

Monday, 3 September 2007   International relations  Comments Off on APEC: The summit nobody wants 

Having forced the debate away from international issues, Howard is now being forced to turn back to them with the APEC summit.

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