Now having reached the ultimate ritual of the Budget, and economic management, through which the last thirty years political unravelling has been understood, the depth of the government’s problems are finally becoming apparent to all.

AdWatch: Labor’s negative ads

Sunday, 25 August 2013   Tactics   4 comments 

The debate showed how much Rudd, rather than maintain the aura of incumbency he so well established when he returned, has needed to take up the negativity himself. Shouldn’t the ads be doing that?

Could it be that the RBA had more influence over election timing than Sussex St?

Running on empty

Monday, 5 August 2013   Tactics   11 comments 

The common theme running through the message is a new way economic policy is being viewed, namely that government is not responsible for the state of the economy, rather just for protecting the electorate from the worst of it.

If the EU-appointed technocrat governments have no legitimacy, neither do the Parliaments that voted them in.

Unlike Labor’s previous bouts of economic rationalism, say, as under Hawke and Keating, this time business aren’t especially asking for it.

Australian politics in 2011 centres around one question: can Gillard shrug off the backers that put her into power?

The reform pantomime

Thursday, 4 November 2010   State of the parties   21 comments 

There was a time when reform didn’t used to be such a fashionable word.

Before a sunrise, there has to be a sunset.

These decades of stagnant real wages is the background that is usually forgotten by billionaires like George Soros and Bill Gross when they get worked up about the rise of credit.

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