A landslide of the political imagination

Wednesday, 22 May 2019 


Posted by The Piping Shrike on Wednesday, 22 May 2019.

Filed under Other


3 responses to “A landslide of the political imagination”

  1. F on 22nd May 2019 12:52 pm

    This seems to be suggesting that:

    – Labor will never form government again

    – the electorate is now ambivalent/hostile to nearly any change

    – Labor now has nothing in the community it can represent, but the Coalition still has….what? Business?

  2. The Piping Shrike on 23rd May 2019 4:20 am

    I would disagree with all three. The parties, both of them, have been grappling with what they represent for years. Hence the long standing decline of the primary vote, the emphasis on culture wars and party branding.

    The issue is not whether the electorate wants change, governments cannot create a reform program just by fiat. This is why there is policy paralysis, not a lack of “ideas” or “vision”.

    The non Labor parties have the same problem as they were formed to oppose a union Labor agenda that’s no longer relevant. Actually I think last term showed they have even more governance problems than Labor.

  3. Not Trampis on 30th May 2019 7:40 am

    One large problem is we have no idea of why the Libs won or why the ALP lost because of the now disgraced polls.

    We have indirect evidence from Ben Phillips who found older votes switched to the LIBS were low income, low educated and ‘christians. ( Benny if Aussies were christians as they state on the census then the same sex plebiscite would have failed)switched to the libs whilst hi income and high educated older people switched to the ALP

    Simon Jackman also found those with large incomes who had a business changed to the libs whilst if they did not have a business they switched to the ALP.

    ipsofacto franking credits and negative gearing did not have much impact.
    Also if Adani was such a large factor how come QLD overall swung big time.

    Lots of questions but very few answers

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