Climate change has become the issue that is carrying the Coalition parties downstream not just away from the electorate, but even from their own base.

Before a sunrise, there has to be a sunset.

Playing with their heads

Wednesday, 23 September 2009   Tactics   11 comments 

It is classic Rudd. Not just making a mockery of what was supposed to be the fault-lines of the Australian political system, but locking the opposition increasingly into the international framework that is setting the domestic debate.

It could be possible that rather than Rudd needing to fear Gillard, there could come a point when the threat is the other way round.

Rights and wrongs

Tuesday, 1 September 2009   The Australian state   10 comments 

While the right and left have argued over the nature of the punishment, what we have seen with the intervention is a denial of a basic right in front of the law to be judged whether to receive the punishment in the first place.