Defend free speech. Fight surveillance. Support innovation.

Facial recognition 1 1

Massachusetts: Hit the Pause Button on Face Surveillance

Massachusetts has a long history of standing up for liberty. Right now, it has the opportunity to become a national leader in fighting government use of face surveillance. Face surveillance poses a threat to our privacy, chills protest in public places, and gives law enforcement unregulated power to undermine due process. Massachusetts bills S.1385 and H.1538 would place a moratorium on government use of face surveillance, until the legislature passes measures to regulate these technologies, protect civil liberties, and ensure oversight of face surveillance use.

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California bear 0

California: Tell Your Legislator Not to Abandon Oversight of the Broadband Monopolies

At a time when we are fighting to keep the future of broadband access from reverting back towards a monopoly, the recently introduced A.B. 1366 mirrors the FCC’s abandonment of consumers.

Tell California's lawmakers to oppose A.B. 1366, and instead promote competition and access—not abandon Californians to their broadband monopoly.

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Act nsa stopnsamassspying

End the NSA's Call Detail Records Program Once and for All

Over nearly two decades, the NSA has searched millions of Americans’ telephone call records—all without a warrant or, for the vast majority of these calls, any suspicion of wrongdoing.

It’s time to end the mass telephone Call Detail Records (CDR) program once and for all. Tell your members of Congress to support the Ending Mass Collection of Americans’ Phone Records Act (S. 936, H.R. 1942).

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