National Staff

The National Staff of the Green Party of the United States are members of the Industrial Workers of the World. The statement from the Staff can be read here.

DSCN6887.pngDavid Doonan, Web Manager

David Doonan has served as web manager for GPUS since 2007. His career has been spent in the graphic arts, working as a college photographer; offset platemaker, cameramen, 4/C stripper and compositor, desktop publishing technician; photographer / journalist and finally, web developer.

A 1977 graduate of The Cooper Union in New York City, Doonan began his career in politics circulating petitions for an anti-war congressional candidate in Springfield MA in 1968. In 2008 he was elected Village Mayor of Greenwich, New York. He served until 2018 when he choose not to seek re-election.

Shortly before 9/11, Doonan left full time employment to become a self-employed web developer. Shortly after 9/11 Doonan changed his party registration to Green as a silent protest against vengeance and not justice.

Doonan lives with Judy, his wife of 36 years, two cats who fully live up to their names (Trouble and Turbo) and has his heart constantly broken by Tottenham Hotspur and the Buffalo Bills. At least the Red Sox & Celtics have brought him joy.

To email David: Email

3a_2E.jpgStarlene Rankin, Fundraising Technician

Starlene Rankin is a longtime member and leader of the Green Party, and joined the staff in 2015. She has been a co-chair of GPUS. She is a founder of the GPUS Lavender Green Caucus, former co-chair of the Media Committee, and manages the GPUS social media presence.

Starlene co-chaired the Iowa Draft Nader for President Committee in 1996, then co-founded the Iowa Green Party.

Starlene lives in NW Portland, OR with her cool cat, Bobby. She has three amazing sons and adores singing and performing as a member of the Portland Lesbian Choir.

To email Starlene: Email