Pomodoro timer for your favourite productivity tool

PomoDoneApp is the easiest way to track your workflow using Pomodoro technique, on top of your current task management service.
Download PomoDoneApp:
Mac Windows Linux iOS Android Web App #1.5.1534
Easy setup Time tracking Chrome extension

Easy setup

Don't create any tasks! Just connect your favorite task management service and start using PomoDoneApp in just 3 minutes

Easy setup

Time tracking

Use the Pomodoro technique to keep track of time you spend on your tasks

Time tracking

Chrome extension

PomoDoneApp chrome extension allows you to create tasks right from the browser (Mac & Win version only)

Chrome extension

What People Are Saying

I really love PomoDone App. It’s really great being able to effortlessly link my pomodoro sessions with my tasks and also get a measurable sense of how much time I spend doing deep work everyday.
I also really enjoy the fact that I can use todoist and PomoDone on all my devices; OS, iOS, and Windows. That’s very important for my workflow.
Keep up the good work!

Karim E.

Your app works naturally and I love how it helps me tracking my focus time separately from planning what to do.

Viet Phuoc

Easily one of the best Pomodoro apps on Windows and Mac. It has become an integral part of my work routine.

Chirag Chopra

I love your app, it changed my life. The integration with other software product is definitely its strength point.

Pasquale Iero

Easy and straightforward; it helps to run my day in a positive way

Abdel Ayadi

Real love PomoDone. Without it I would live a life like a monkey. So thanks for a great app!

Auke Jongbloed

PomoDone is easily the best Pomodoro Technique app I have ever used. I use it every day in conjunction with Trello and I couldn't be without it. Keep that dopamine flowing!

Andrew Jolly

Hey Guys, Love PomoDone! It made my time logging seamless and has changed my work life...

Alberto Mata

Tasks from (almost) anywhere:

We are working constantly to add more services. In 2019 PomoDoneApp will develop to accept tasks from 50+ sources.

Download PomoDoneApp:
Mac Windows Linux iOS Android Web App #1.5.1534

This product was last tested in the Softpedia Labs on 
10th of June 2019 This product was featured on FitSmallBusiness.com at 2019

We want to hear from you

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