A Brief History of US Concentration Camps

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has ignited a firestorm of criticism, from both the left and the right as well as the mainstream media, for calling US immigrant detention centers “concentration camps.” To her credit, Ocasio-Cortez has refused to back down, citing academic experts and blasting the Trump administration for forcibly holding undocumented migrants “where they are brutalized with dehumanizing conditions and dying.” She also cited history. “The US ran concentration camps before, when we rounded up Japanese people during World War II,” she tweeted. “It is such a shameful history that we largely ignore it. These camps occur throughout history.” More

Race, Identity and the Political Economy of Hate

Several theories have been put forward to explain the schisms roiling American politics. The least contentious, meaning the one not obviously intended to produce a political result, is that a battle is underway within the oligarch class. Given the role of security and surveillance state officials, the precise alliances driving the split— if the term is accurate, aren’t clear. An alternate explanation is that a defense of the existing order is underway. The latter has been put forward in terms approximating a ‘redneck rebellion.’ More

“So Happy”: The Trump “Boom,” the Nation’s Despair, and the Decline of Joe Biden

A common media narrative on Donald Trump is that he foolishly fails to run on his greatest strength, the economy. Instead of smartly trumpeting his leading political asset, the “booing” economy, the story runs, Trump stupidly rails against immigrants.Trump has often seemed to (well) trump what would seem to be his best political card with wild Bad Grandpa rants against diverse targets and enemies, immigrants above all. More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Whatever Happened to the EPA?

In this issue: Former whistleblower Evaggelos Vallianotas on the corruption of the environmental watchdog. Netanyahu’s Victory: Jennifer Matsui explores whether the Israeli right has finally gone too far. The Evolution of the Minimum Wage by David MacarayDavid Price details the legacy of forgotten CIA critic David Conde. Kent Paterson reports from the Mexican border on AMLO’s stormy first months in office. Pete Dolack on the imbalances of modern capitalism. Lee Ballinger considers the consequence of AI in the workplace. Lee Hall on the value of eastern predators in a chaotic climate. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the plight of the Orca; Laura Carlsen on the plague of white nationalism; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on climate and gender. Chris Floyd on American despair and Andy Piascik on the journalism of Pete Hamill and Jimmy Breslin.

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • TOPICS: Can the working class save the world?

The Palestinian Kids Fighting Israel’s Occupation
