VFP Says No to War on Iran!

Veterans For Peace firmly opposes U.S. attempts to increase tensions in the Persian Gulf and create the conditions for war against Iran.

The U.S. has  created ongoing tensions with Iran by leaving the Iran Nuclear Deal, by imposing punishing economic sanctions, and by making questionable accusations against Iran.  Veterans know firsthand how dangerous lies and exaggerations can lead the American public into war.

It is imperative that the U.S. immediately begins seeking diplomatic solutions to conflicts instead of creating pretexts for war.  Veterans For Peace calls on the U.S. to:

  • Draw down all its military forces from the Persian Gulf

  • End its economic war against Iran, lifting sanctions immediately

  • Re-join the six-country Iran Nuclear Deal

  • End the 2001 Authorization of Use of Military Force (AUMF) that administration after administration has used to fund military expeditions around the globe under the guise of fighting the Islamophobic “War on Terror”

Read the Entire Statement

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Introducing VFP's new Executive Director!

Veterans For Peace is excited to announce that that have hired a new Executive Director.  Please join us in welcoming Garett Reppenhagen.  Garett is a veteran of the Iraq war and joins us with a history of anti-war and climate activism, as well as a dedication to serving the veteran community.  He will be starting on June 27th. 

It is a great honor to help VFP modernize our campaign for peace while preserving the powerful legacy of veteran activism. I hope to encourage more post 9-11 veterans to join our fight and prepare the organization to address the coming military conflicts and domestic violence. Veterans For Peace is a critical force to help turn our government’s policies away from aggression and to shape a culture of peace in our communities. No one has more credibility to talk about nonviolence than those who swore to serve in the armed forces.

Click here to read the rest of Garett's message!


Members In Action

VFP Member on Hunger Strike to Protest U.S. Sanctions

Sally-Alice said, "I am fasting because I empathize with the many hungry children of the world, so I am joining them in their suffering. I am outraged that our country is engaging in sanctions and sieges that result in starvation of babies and children. I am profoundly saddened that my government interferes in the affairs of other countries, refusing to acknowledge their sovereignty and to respect their dignity.

Check out other highlights about VFP Members!
