A horrible hack

Nanami Ozone


Year Released: 2019
Format: LP
Label: Tiny Engines
Reviewed by MH on Mar 31, 2019
This is a big, noisy indie rock record but there's more to it than that. I'd not heard Nanami Ozone before but it's their second album and first on Tiny Engines. As far as label mates go, this one would sit closer to See Through Dresses and Sweet John Bloom than The Hotelier or Dikembe. It's big and noisy and with plenty of drive and kick when needed, with the dual vocals of Colson Miller and Sophie Opich battling and pairing off nicely. They exude an appreciation of 90s indie rock bands with a big guitar sound - Smashing Pumpkins, Pixies, Swervedriver and the like. Current peers would probably be the likes of the excellent Ovlov. They similarly hover around the edge of a few genres and are hard to pigeonhole. One minute I'm thinking they're a shoegaze band, the next it goes all big on that 90s guitar sound. There's even moments in "Something To You" where the vocals pair up and it reminds me of "Goo"-era Sonic Youth. Next you have "The Art of Sleeping In" which goes big on the shoegaze right from the off. Can't help but be impressed by this one - an early highlight in 2019.

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