VVAW: Vietnam Veterans Against the War
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Some Photos from the 1970s

It all started in 1967, with six Vietnam veterans marching together in a peace demonstration. Now, fifty-two years later, VVAW is still going strong-- continuing its fight for peace, justice, and the rights of all veterans.

Explore these pages; see what we've done, what we do, and why we do it. The struggle continues, perhaps these days more than ever. VVAW has never stopped working to protect the welfare of those who served their country.

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VVAW Library in Vietnam Project: ,
April 20 - September 30, 2019
Support VVAW's Library in Vietnam Project
(More Info)

Latest Commentary: New crises, new dangers, new possibilities. Since our last issue, it seems we have entered a new era, with ever-compounding crises in politics and environment. At the same time, there are new possibilities in politics and citizen activity with fresh new faces and voices in Washington a...

Taken from "From the National Office" by Joe Miller Read More

View and sign the 50th Anniversary Guestbook

Excerpt From  THE VETERAN:  Now Online

Taken from VVAW to Sponsor Children's Library in Vietnam by Bill Branson:

"You may remember—as I do—hinking, when I was in Vietnam the first time, what a beautiful country Vietnam was, and how nice it might be to come back someday when there was no war. For me that day had now come—I hope you get the chance and take it." —VVAW member Pete Zastrow, Fall 1987 issue of The Veteran. Fifty years ago, a good chunk of us were still in Vietnam. Wherever we were at in country and whatever we were doing, it was not for the benefit of the Vietnamese people. When we came back, whether it was right away or after some time, joining VVAW was how we coped with what we did in Vietnam and how we fought to stop the war and the impact it was having on our Vietnamese brothers and sisters. VVAW members Pete Zastrow and Barry Romo, presenting a painting by VVAW member Robert Spicher to the Vietnam/My (Vietnam/American) Friendship Society in Hanoi, 1987.... Read More


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