Join Shadowproof's Monthly Membership Program

Our goal with Shadowproof is to cultivate a bold new community for movement-first journalism that challenges power and promotes sustainable practices for new media organizations.

The purpose of the Shadowproof membership program is to provide a stable system of financial support for our work each month, which will allow us to pay talented, out-of-work and struggling journalists and build an ideal home for their work.

Use the form below to subscribe as a monthly member of Shadowproof. We'll get in touch after you sign up to join our Slack chatroom and send you a tote bag as a thank you!

Other ways to join:

Members-only newsletter ($9/month minimum donation): Essays, interviews, and arts & culture reviews! You also get a tote bag and access to our Slack chatroom

Join us on Patreon

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Billing information
Donation amount
Credit Card
Recurring Contribution:

By checking the box below, you acknowledge that you are making a monthly recurring contribution and that the amount you have selected above will be charged to your credit card on the 23rd of every month. You may cancel at any time. The first charge will be made immediately.