Justice Through Music / Music. Politics. Activism.

Massive Iranian Protests Hit Streets

Islamic Revolutionary Guard Building Stormed by Protesters Jan. 1, 2018: Anti-Ayatullah demonstraters in Tehran welcoming the first day of 2018 with a rousing march against the Islamic Regime. People of Ahwaz are chanting ‘dont be scared, don’t be scared, we are in this together’. See in credible footage and more on #IranianProtests Twitter feed here: https://twitter.com/hashtag/IranianProtests?src=hash


Country Stars React to Las Vegas Shooting

Oct 3, 2017 – Country stars react to the Las Vegas shooting. One country star, Calob Keeter of the Josh Abbot Band, even re-thinking their stance on the 2nd Amendment. Guns do not make you safer. They were asking heat big time, and were helpless. Read more on RawStory: https://www.rawstory.com/2017/10/country-musician-who-played-at-las-vegas-festival-reverses-pro-gun-stance-after-deadly-massacre/


Ted Nugent Meets With President

Has-Been Rocker Says He Will Not Run For Office July 25, 2017 – Kathy Cichon of the Chicago Tribune has an interview of has-been rocker and political firebrand nutjob Ted Nugent up, and he tells the Trib he met with the President and describes it as a “glorious moment in time”.  He insulted everyone’s intelligence and…


Putin’s Thug “Chaika” in Pussy Riot Video Met With Russian Lawyer at Trump Jr. Meeting

President Trump And Trump Jr.’s Claim Lawyer At Meeting Was “Not a Government Lawyer” Turns Out To Be False July 14, 2017 – JTMP has learned that claims by the President and his son that the lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskya, who was at the Trump Jr. meeting, was just a “Russian lawyer” and “not a government lawyer”…


RawStory: Trump supporters are having a white-hot meltdown over Moby’s latest music video

June 22, 2017 – Moby released his “In This Cold Place” music video recently where President Cheeto ‘transforms’ into a missile-firing swastika Transformer robot, and the conservative right is totally freaking out, and claims it corrupts our youth, encourages violence towards the President, and is ‘anti-American’. Seems to me Moby is doing a great job,…


The World Celebrates Oskar Fischinger’s 117th Birthday

Artist Combined Graphic Art & Music June 22, 2017 – The world today is celebrating German-born artist Oskar Fischinger who combined synchronized animation and music, and was a Maestro who went on to become involved in many great works such as Disney’s “Sorcerer’s Apprentice”. The Telegraph has a good piece up about this remarkable individual, and…


Ted Nugent Says ‘Tone Down Rhetoric’

June 16, 2017 – Firebrand has-been rocker Ted Nugent told Curtis & Eboni on 77WABC radio that his past rhetoric was “wild ass” and that he would avoid ‘harsh’ comments in the future, as a result of the recent shooting of a US Congressman and others at a Virginia baseball field. You can listen to Curtis…

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