

We are at a critical moment in human history. Our world continues to be wracked by catastrophic climate change, devastating wars, surging inequality, and historically unprecedented levels of human migration.

More and more people are recognizing that there is something drastically wrong with the status quo, and are now being drawn out of the quagmire of moderate centrism towards the political fringes. As anarchists we celebrate the crumbling of capitalism’s liberal facade, and the suffocating social peace it represents. And yet the revolutionary opportunities this has opened up are being matched and often outpaced by the dangers of reactionary violence.

The far-right has seized on this atmosphere of generalized crisis in order to scapegoat refugees and movements fighting for social and economic justice. Their calls for entrenched hierarchies and a return to even more authoritarian forms of nationalism are broadcast 24/7 through a dizzying array of prominent alt-right youtube pundits and well-funded right-wing propaganda outfits like Infowars and Breitbart News.

We at subMedia believe that anarchists and anti-authoritarians must build and support our own media infrastructure, not just to counter reactionary currents… but to go beyond that towards fighting for our own ideas. That’s why, for over a decade and a half, we have produced hundreds of videos showcasing anti-capitalist and anti-colonial resistance, providing an anarchist analysis of current events, and seeking to introduce new generations to radical concepts and movement histories that are often overlooked by the mainstream media. Our films have reached millions of viewers in dozens of countries around the world, and have inspired many people to stand up and fight back.

subMedia is a small, independent media collective that depends entirely on viewer donations in order to fund our operations. This is important because it means that our content is not only free of influence by political parties and government agencies, but also the NGOs and Foundations which our ‘progressive liberal’ counterparts subsist off of. We are unwilling to have our work constrained by such organizations… but that means that every cent of our funding has to come directly from our viewers.

Going into 2019, we’re hoping to first stabilize, and then continue to grow our collective, by bringing on one or more video editors and a dedicated social media administrator, in order to increase our output and our online audience. We’ve also got plans to expand our translation and begin putting out more videos in multiple languages. Lastly, we also want to return to producing more episodes of our A is for Anarchy and 5 Minute Indigenous Resistance videos, plus an increase in our stand-alone Video Ninja reports on struggles going on around the globe.

But in order to do this, we need your support. Please consider signing up to become a regular monthly sustainer — or if this isn’t realistic, giving a one-time donation. Like many of you, we’re very much looking forward to dancing on the ashes of this capitalist system…. but until then, we’ve got bills to pay just like everyone else. So please send some love to help sub.Media do what we do best.

Make a one-time donation Become a monthly sustainer

Click here for additional payment options, such as Bitcoin, Direct Mail or Interac online money transfers.

Monthly sustainer packages (scroll down for more info)
$2/month $5/month $10/month $15/month $20/month $30/month $50/month $100/month $1000/month

Provide Sustained Support

$2 Ally

Capitalism is garbage and every little bit helps. Hit us up with $2 a month and we’ll send you a sticker.

$5 Collaborator

Five bucks lets us metro to the office when it’s too snowy to bike. Subscribe for this amount and we’ll send you some stickers and a trouble bandanna.

$10 TroubleMaker

Become a TroubleMaker, and for ten bucks a month, we’ll send you an advanced link to our monthly documentary series Trouble, along with a screening kit that includes additional videos, topical readings and a set of questions to help spark discussions aimed at promoting local organizing initiatives. We’ll also send you some stickers, a bandanna and our new poster.*

$15 Accomplice

For fifteen bucks a month, we’ll send you everything in the Troublemaker package, plus exclusive ‘Accomplice’ content from each episode of Trouble.

$20 Co-Conspirator

Sign up for a monthly donation of twenty bucks, and to show our thanks for your support, we’ll send you a sub.Media T-shirt of your choice, plus everything in the Accomplice package.

$30 Ninja

For thirty dollars a month, we’ll send you everything in the Co Conspirator package plus one of our brand new sub.Media toques.

$50 Gangsta

If you’re shelling out this much we will give you Accomplice access as well as send you stickers, a bandanna and poster, one of our new toques, a brand new burning cop car sweat shirt, and a copy of Offline – the best of the Stimulator

$100 Expropriator

We don’t wanna know where you got the money, but we definitely appreciate the support… and to prove it, we’ll give you Accomplice access and send you a custom USB thumb drive packed full of over a decade of subMedia content, plus a sub.Media hoodie, toque, bandanna, poster and stickers.

$1,000 Soros

Okay so appealing to billionaire philanthropists was a flop but on the off-chance that you’re winning at capitalism but still want to bankroll its downfall (or at least greatly increase the amount of anarchist propaganda we can produce) then get in touch.

*Shipping rolled up posters is hella expensive so they will come folded.