The World Parliament Experiment

A World Parliament is possible, if YOU join it!

We believe that another world is possible. But what does this new world look like? The World Parliament Experiment (WPE) is not just against the current world order, it is a positive vision of a fully democratic world, in which everybody will take part and have a say.

This is why the WPE is YOUR democracy. It is your forum to vote, to elect, to express your opinions, and be elected as a representative!

The WPE allows political activity on the national and the local level: It is linked to national democracy experiments and it includes regional forums.

Everybody is invited to create its own Parliament Experiment on the national, regional or local or even the individual level. Just send us an e-mail regarding your plans, and we will try to set up your individual space on the server. The WPE Team will provide you with all the technical support you will need for setting up your own Parliament Experiment.

The WPE is the internet platform for political discussions. Besides elections, the forum allows you to debate, discuss and share your views in a truly international environment!
The WPE results will be introduced into the international political process as claims to decisions-makers. Therefore, the WPE is a real political factor. The more people participate, the more powerful the WPE will become.

Imagine the opportunities of such a global forum! Imagine the combined power of all its participants! Imagine a real World Parliament!

Your World Parliament Experiment Team

For more information on desirability and potential of this project please see the Essay “Towards a World Parliament”.

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square WPE Climate Change Campaign 2010

WPE Symbolic Permanent Online Parliament (SPOP) First Meeting 2009

square The WPE in Bonn (Germany) 2008
square The WPE at ISFiT (Norway) 2007
square The WPE Funding Proposal (pdf)

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