Tag Archives: originals

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The Counter-Currents 2019 Fundraiser
Only White Identity Can Save Western Civilization

1,158 words

Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 in order to expand our efforts to build a metapolitical vanguard for White Nationalism. So far, we have received 93 donations totaling $19,942.92. Read more …

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Hope for a Non-White Savior

Cardinal Robert Sarah

2,072 words

Some on the Dissident Right hope that the next Pope will be black.

Guinean Cardinal Robert Sarah has distinguished himself from the open borders crowd that controls the Vatican. In a March interview, Cardinal Sarah said:

The Church cannot cooperate with this new form of slavery that mass migration has become. Read more …

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The Saxon Savior:
Converting Northern Europe

4,814 words

“There were many whose hearts told them that they should begin to tell the secret runes.” Thus begins an ancient manuscript written in Old Saxon. It may surprise the reader to learn that these are, in fact, the opening lines of the Christian Gospel in the version known as the Heliand, produced for the Saxons in the early ninth century, after their conquest by Charlemagne. Read more …

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The Original Optics Cucks, Part 3:
Narcissism & Honor

Rousseau’s Émile

3,539 words

Part 3 of 3 (Part 2 here)

This conversation took place in the spring of 2015. We would like to thank KC for making this transcript. 

Greg Johnson: When people talk about vanity, another term that they’ll use is narcissism. “So and so is very narcissistic.” Again, I think that there’s a certain sense of narcissism in which it’s not a bad thing. The myth of Narcissus is that he’s captivated by his own reflection in the water, and he basically exists as a prisoner of his own image, reflected in something external. Read more …

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Remembering Carl Schmitt:
July 11, 1888–April 7, 1985

Carl Schmitt, 1888–1985

988 words

Carl Schmitt was born on July 11, 1888 in Plettenberg, Westphalia, Germany — where he died on April 7, 1985, at the age of 96. The son of a Roman Catholic small businessman, Carl Schmitt studied law in Berlin, Munich, and Strasbourg, graduating and taking his state exams in Strasbourg in 1915. In 1916, he earned his habilitation in Strasbourg, qualifying him to be a law professor. He taught at business schools and universities in Munich, Greifswald, Bonn, Berlin, and Cologne.

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Cargo-Cult Sociology:
Ashley Jardina’s White Identity Politics

1,591 words

Ashley Jardina
White Identity Politics
Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019

The big takeaway from White Identity Politics is that there’s been a huge raising of white American racial consciousness in recent years. This is due to a number of factors, none of them imaginary or rhetorical. Read more …

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The Citizens’ Councils:
White Metapolitics 1.0

2,425 words

Stephanie R. Rolph
Resisting Equality: The Citizens’ Council, 1954–1989
Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2018

The definitive book on the “civil rights” movement remains to be written, but Stephanie Rolph, a Professor (and a privileged “Becky,” no matter what she believes) at Mississippi’s Millsaps College has provided a solid reference for such a book. Read more …

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The Original Optics Cucks, Part 2:
Pretentiousness, Snobbery, & Elitism

2,340 words

This conversation took place in the spring of 2015. We would like to thank KC for making this transcript. 

Part 2 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)

Greg Johnson: We also got into the question of pretentiousness when we were walking around Hyde Park. I think pretentiousness always has a negative connotation, but I think that one can actually say that there is a positive connotation of pretense in this sense: Read more …

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The Original Optics Cucks, Part 1:
In Defense of Vanity

John William Waterhouse, Vanity

1,901 words

Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)

This conversation took place in the spring of 2015. We would like to thank KC for making this transcript. 

Greg Johnson: I’m Greg Johnson. Welcome to Counter-Currents Radio. I’m going to have another conversation today with Canadian filmmaker Hugh MacDonald. Read more …

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Soporific Cinema

2,127 words

I like to fall asleep in front of the TV, and I’ve established a ritual for it. After a hard day of writing inspirational articles for Counter-Currents (under various pennames), I mix myself a drink that consists of vodka, soda water, lots of lime juice, and lots of ice. I thought I had invented this carb-less drink until, to my embarrassment, I discovered it already had a name: “The Skinny Bitch.” Apparently, it is also enjoyed by rail-thin rich bitches sitting poolside at the country club (like that mother on Arrested Development). Read more …

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A Note on the “Islamic Question”

1,214 words

Recently, Counter-Currents posted the transcript of an important interview with Dr. Johnson entitled “Conversation with a Philosopher: Greg Johnson Interviewed About the New Right.” As always, it is a pleasure to read Johnson’s incisive insights. Already, his exact and thorough metapolitical analyses provide fundamental building blocks of the New Right. In the case of this interview, one – somewhat marginal – note should be allowed: a note regarding “Islam.”

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Rembrandt’s The Night Watch

Rembrandt, The Night Watch

1,427 words

Today, Amsterdam’s Rijksmuseum will begin its restoration of Rembrandt’s The Night Watch, or Militia Company of District II under the Command of Captain Frans Banninck Cocq (1642). It is the largest research and restoration project the Museum has undertaken and will last several years. The process will be broadcast live online.

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Remembering Revilo Oliver (July 7, 1908–August 20, 1994)
Revilo Oliver in Winter

1,992 words

Today is the birthday of Revilo Pendleton Oliver, born in Texas in 1908. He was Professor of Classics and Modern Languages at the University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) for many years, an analyst with the War Department in the 1940s, and a contributor to the National Review and other publications from the 1950s onward.

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Remembering Revilo Oliver (July 7, 1908–August 20, 1994)
The Professor & the Carnival Barker

3,431 words

Professor Revilo Pendleton Oliver died in 1994, full of years and honors, as they say; and also notoriety. Long a Classics professor at the University of Illinois in Urbana, he gained his PhD in 1938 with a translation and commentary on a 1500-year-old Sanskrit drama. At age 80 was capable of holding lengthy telephone conversions with a young fellow linguist, in which (just to show off) they would switch back and forth between German and Attic Greek.

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Remembering Revilo Oliver:
July 7, 1908–August 20, 1994

350 words

Revilo Pendleton Oliver was born in Texas on this day in 1908. He received his undergraduate degree at Pomona College in California and his doctorate in classics at the University of Illinois under William Abbot Oldfather. He was Professor of Classics at the University of Illinois for many years. Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2019 Fundraiser
Do Not Throw Away the Hero in Your Soul

Finnish hero Lauri Törni

2,050 words

Our goal this year is to raise $100,000 in order to expand our efforts to build a metapolitical vanguard for White Nationalism. So far, we have received 80 donations totaling $18,115.92. We set our goals high because the task we have before us is formidable, but not impossible. And we need your help to succeed.


I sometimes wonder who I am writing for. I know that a couple of my friends read every essay I post (though recently, one of them has been falling down on the job). Read more …

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Avengers: Endgame – Thanocaust Commemoration

2,605 words

Endgame is an undeniably popular film. Concluding a twenty-two film run of Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movies featuring home comic book names like Iron Man, Spiderman, Thor, Captain America, the Hulk, and Guardians of the Galaxy, Endgame has the accumulated attention of multiple franchises supporting its monumental box office numbers. It is the largest-grossing superhero film of all time and is the capstone on the MCU cinematic project. Read more …

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Propertarianism, Part 3

2,374 words

Part 3 of 3 (Part 2 here)

Social control

The core problem of Propertarianism is its phobia of naked power, Read more …

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Our Flag

1,262 words

The Betsy Ross flag is now a “hate” symbol — and that’s a good thing.

The first flag of the United States of America became a controversial icon this week thanks to former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Nike cancelled its upcoming Betsy Ross shoe line after Kaepernick, a spokesman for the corporation, complained. He said the flag has a “connection to an era of slavery.” That argument was persuasive enough to nix the entire shoe line.

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The Founders of Ohio

1,189 words

David McCullough
The Pioneers: The Heroic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West
New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019

David McCullough’s latest book tells the story of the pioneers who settled the Northwest Territory (Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, and most of Minnesota), mostly focusing on Ohio and spanning the signing of the Northwest Ordinance in 1787 up to 1853. Read more …

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The Man, the Meme, Morrissey

3,974 words

You would think that after more than thirty-five years in the public eye that there would be no more surprises left. You would think that now that he’s turning 60, all the youthful rebellion would be long gone. And you would think that after the last two months of the media losing their collective marbles over Moz’s red-pilled statements and his support for the Right-wing populist party For Britain, that Morrissey would be ready to lay low for a while.

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Propertarianism, Part 2

Curt Doolittle

3,239 words

Part 2 of 3 (Part 1 here, Part 3 here)

Whiggery vs. Abrahamism

First of all, let’s say that there’s been no systematic exposition of Propertarian philosophy, either from Curt Doolittle or John Mark. There’s no book to read and precious few online resources to peruse, and so we’re left with trying to discover the philosophy from Curt’s many Facebook updates and online interviews. Read more …

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Propertarianism, Part 1

The logo of the Propertarian Institute.

1,902 words

Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 here)

Anyone involved in Dissident Rightist politics has probably heard of Propertarianism, which purports to be a system of law that will ensure a society immune to the various pathologies of modernity by redefining property to include those intangibles which are earned, built, and protected (homesteaded in the Lockean sense), and thus protecting such property – especially property common to a community of people. Read more …

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The Polish poster for the film

1,886 words

Bob Fosse’s 1972 film Cabaret is supposed to be propaganda for Weimar decadence and against Nazi brutality. But the film utterly fails as propaganda insofar as it changes no minds. In fact, Cabaret is more akin to a diagnostic tool—like inkblot tests or gestalt images—for distinguishing between fundamentally different human types: people who love beauty versus people who love ugliness, people who love order versus people who love chaos, people who love health versus people who love decadence. Read more …

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Reality: Ain’t It a BITCH-100

Probably the chairman of a university department somewhere.

1,798 words

The past four months have been a rather hectic round of presentations at scholarly conferences for your favorite ancient Roman rhetorician. This is my main contribution to the movement. I attend scholarly conferences so that the rest of you don’t have to. Also, it’s the best way of doing reconnaissance of the enemy. And even though I’m fairly inured to the nonsense that passes for “humanistic scholarship” these days, sometimes it’s just more than one can stand.

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The Open Borders Party

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the least horrifying among the current crop of Democratic candidates — but who won’t get the nomination.

1,832 words

Open borders is no longer a meme; it’s the official stance of most Democratic presidential candidates.

During last week’s debates, which were held over two nights, most Democratic candidates said they want illegal immigration decriminalized. Nearly every candidate thinks illegal immigrants deserve free healthcare. The only debate in this area was over who was the most favorable toward open borders of them all. Read more …

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Clueless in Portland:
Blake Nelson’s The Red Pill

2,407 words

Blake Nelson
The Red Pill: A Novel
Nashville/New York: Bombardier Books, 2019

“We weren’t conducive. We got together and hypered each other into a frenzy. His wife left for a younger woman; he couldn’t make love. Eventually he was hospitalized for being such a nerd.” — The Big Chill

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Attack the System Interview with Robert N. Taylor

Robert N. Taylor

9,993 words

The following is a transcript of a conversation which took place in November 2012. The transcription was made by Tyler Harding. The original audio is here.

Keith Preston: Good evening, and welcome to Attack the System. I’m your host, Keith Preston, here on Counter-Currents; with me tonight is Mr. Robert N. Taylor.

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The Soul of a Vincent ’52

1,904 words

It’s very possible that one of the greatest songs written in the rock era gets almost no air time and is largely unknown – at least in the United States. Read more …

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What is the Metaphysics of the Right?

5,486 words

In my essay “What is the Metaphysics of the Left?” I identified the fundamental presuppositions underlying the Leftist worldview. In the present essay, I intend to build on that analysis by showing how it can enable us, with relative ease, to identify our own metaphysics, the metaphysics of the Right. In short, my approach is indirect: I intend to arrive at our own most fundamental presuppositions by, in essence, negating the metaphysics we reject and revile. Read more …

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