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North American New Right, vol. 1


North American New Right, volume 1
Edited by Greg Johnson
366 pages

Kindle E-Book: $7.99

North American New Right is the journal of a new intellectual movement, the North American New Right. This movement seeks to understand the causes of the ongoing demographic, political, and cultural decline of European peoples in North America and around the globe — and to lay the metapolitical foundations for halting and reversing these trends.

The North American New Right seeks to apply the ideas of the European New Right and allied intellectual and political movements in the North American context. Thus North American New Right publishes translations by leading European thinkers as well as interviews, articles, and reviews about their works.

NOTE: The hardcover edition of NANR is so expensive because it is a premium available to donors who give more than $120 in a given year. If you have already given such a donation, you already own a copy.



North American New Right, volume 1
Edited by Greg Johnson
366 pages

Kindle E-Book: $7.99

North American New Right is the journal of a new intellectual movement, the North American New Right. This movement seeks to understand the causes of the ongoing demographic, political, and cultural decline of European peoples in North America and around the globe — and to lay the metapolitical foundations for halting and reversing these trends.

The North American New Right seeks to apply the ideas of the European New Right and allied intellectual and political movements in the North American context. Thus North American New Right publishes translations by leading European thinkers as well as interviews, articles, and reviews about their works.

NOTE: The hardcover edition of NANR is so expensive because it is a premium available to donors who give more than $120 in a given year. If you have already given such a donation, you already own a copy.



“Toward a North American New Right”
Greg Johnson


“The Death of Francis Parker Yockey”
Michael O’Meara

“Spiritual & Structural Presuppositions of the European Union”
Julius Evola

“A Contemporary Evaluation of Francis Parker Yockey”
Kerry Bolton

“The Overman High Culture & the Future of the West”
Ted Sallis

Six Poems for Francis Parker Yockey
Juleigh Howard-Hobson


Interview with Alain de Benoist
Bryan Sylvain

Interview with Harold Covington
Greg Johnson


“What is to be Done?”
Michael O’Meara & John Schneider

“Pan-European Preservationism”
Ted Sallis

“Vanguard, Aesthetics, Revolution”
Alex Kurtagić

“Absolute Woman: A Clarification of Evola’s Thoughts on Women”
Amanda Bradley

“D. H. Lawrence’s Women in Love
Derek Hawthorne

“’The Flash in the Pan’: Fascism & Fascist Insignia in the Spy Spoofs of the 1960s”
Jef Costello


“The Lesson of Carl Schmitt”
Guillaume Faye & Robert Steuckers

“Homer: The European Bible”
Dominique Venner

“Mars & Hephaestus: The Return of History”
Guillaume Faye

“Post-Modern Challenges: Between Faust & Narcissus”
Robert Steuckers”

“Jean Thiriart: The Machiavelli of United Europe”
Edouard Rix


Michael O’Meara’s Toward the White Republic
Michael Walker”

Michael Polignano’s Taking Our Own Side
Kevin MacDonald

“A Serious Case: Guillaume Faye’s Archeofuturism
F. Roger Devlin

Julius Evola’s Metaphysics of War
Derek Hawthorne

Abir Taha’s The Epic of Arya
Amanda Bradley

Jack Malebranche’s Androphilia
Derek Hawthorne

“Sir Noël Coward, 1899–1973: The Noël Coward Reader
James J. O’Meara

Arkham Asylum: An Analysis”
Jonathan Bowden

“Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins & The Dark Knight
Trevor Lynch


Greg Johnson, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief of Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd. and Editor of the annual journal North American New Right. From 2007 to 2010 he was Editor of The Occidental Quarterly. In 2009, he created TOQ Online with Michael J. Polignano and was its Editor for its first year.

He is the author of Confessions of a Reluctant Hater (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2010).

He is editor of Alain de Benoist, On Being a Pagan, trans. John Graham (Atlanta: Ultra, 2004); Michael O’Meara, Toward the White Republic (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2010); Michael J. Polignano, Taking Our Own Side (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2010); Collin Cleary, Summoning the Gods: Essays on Paganism in a God-Forsaken World (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2011); Irmin Vinson, Some Thoughts on Hitler and Other Essays (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2011); and Kerry Bolton, Artists of the Right: Resisting Decadence (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012).

hardcover: $120


paperback: $30


Kindle E-Book: $7.99 

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Weight N/A

Hardcover, Paperback

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