Author Archives: Travis LeBlanc

Travis LeBlanc

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Coal Burning Point USA:
The Fast Times & Short Career of Ashley St. Clair

2,829 words

Everyone loves a good social media implosion.

A good implosion is, among other things, a comeuppance: one where the mask falls at last and a hotsy totsy e-celeb is exposed to be every bit the no-good son of a bitch that you always kinda knew he was, but now everyone knows. His status as a no-good son-of-a-bitch becomes a matter of public record and public knowledge. Read more …

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Morrissey Strikes Back:
The Pin is Mightier than the Sword

2,932 words

“I straighten up, and my position is one of hope. The march backwards is over, and life has begun again.” — Morrissey

 A couple weeks ago, I wrote an article about the iconic ex-Smiths singer and champion of the white race Morrissey and his drift to the Right and support of Anne-Marie Waters and her party For Britain. Read more …

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Fash Morrissey

3,830 words

One of the most satisfying aspects of Morrissey’s recent drift into the populist nativist Right is the absolute butthurt from his shitlib fans. It’s glorious. They feel so betrayed. Read more …

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God Emperor . . . Sargon?

3,166 words

Carl Benjamin, aka Sargon of Akkad, is a guy who everyone loves to hate. Or rather, everyone would hate Sargon of Akkad if they could. Read more …

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The Last Temptation of Owen Benjamin

Owen Benjamin

5,274 words

On the Dissident Right, it can sometimes appear that we exist in a constant state of stalemate – that nothing is happening and that we are all just wasting our time. Progress and gains are being made, but slowly and imperceptibly – unless you know what to look for.

The blue-pilled are getting a tiny bit more purple every day. Things that were only discussed on the chans and message boards a few years ago are now out in the open. Read more …

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The Enigma of Christchurch

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I fought in the Optics Wars. I was in there, man. I was in those 504-um mega-threads alongside Ricky Vaughn, Weev, and Andrew Anglin, debating the primary issue of the day (optics) against the members of the Traditional Workers Party, their malevolent wignat allies, and the odd well-meaning “us pro-whites have to stick together no matter what” useful idiot.

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The Dying Days of Russiagate

1,823 words

I haven’t really paid all that much attention to Russiagate, because the whole thing has been an obvious hoax from the beginning.

I mean, the whole Mueller investigation was really long, really boring, and really, really complicated. Keeping up with the godforsaken mess just seemed like a lot of work for what was an obvious hoax destined to end in a whimpering anti-climax. Just call me when it’s time for the Schadenfreude.

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We Are Doomed Revisited:
An Interview with John Derbyshire

2,219 words

2019 is almost here.

As everyone knows, 2019 is the year when the dystopian sci-fi movie Blade Runner takes place. 2019 will also be the ten year anniversary of the release of John Derbyshire’s paradigm-shifting bestseller We Are Doomed: Reclaiming Conservative Pessimism, a book which paints a dystopian future for America even more disturbing and unsettling than the one portrayed in Blade RunnerRead more …

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The Rise & Fall of South Park, Part 2
South Park in the Age of Trump

Canadian Donald Trump from “Where My Country Gone?”

3,175 words

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)

Matt and Trey: Never Trumpers

On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama defeated John McCain in the presidential election, and the next evening, South Park had an episode about it. Read more …

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The Rise & Fall of South Park, Part 1
South Park Conservatism

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Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)

Novelist Robert Anton Wilson once famously said, “It only takes twenty years for a liberal to become a conservative with changing a single idea.”  Read more …

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We’re All Jets Now:
The Racial Politics of West Side Story

5,930 words

So Stephen Spielberg is remaking West Side Story.

Let me guess, Stephen. You believe that in the era of Trump, this classic tale of nativists versus immigrants — and about how “we should all just get along because we really aren’t all that different when you really think about it” — is more relevant than ever. Did I guess right, Stephen? Did I?

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Imagine if They Tried to #MeToo Snoop Dogg

Krystyna Hutchinson and Corinne Fisher of the podcast Guys We Fucked.

3,250 words

Is there anything more satisfying than when liberal virtue-signaling goes horribly wrong? If you answered “no” to that question, then have I got the story for you.

Krystyna Hutchinson and Corinne Fisher are two New York-based comedians best known for being the co-hosts of a podcast with more than a million subscribers, Guys We Fucked: The Anti-Slut Shaming Podcast. Read more …

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The Creature from the Black Pill
A Reply to Ryan Faulk

4,617 words

It was only a few weeks ago that I did an interview with Ryan Faulk of Alternative Hypothesis fame here in the pages of Counter-Currents. I thought it was a good interview, and Faulk had a lot of interesting things to say. Read more …

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Interview with Ryan Faulk

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It was about a year ago this time that legendary-for-all-the-wrong-reasons Skeptic Youtuber Kraut and Tea decided to take up the sword in a mad quest to slay the White Nationalist hydra that was menacing the internet and, more importantly, frequently making him look dumb. His weapon of choice in the matter was a series of embarrassingly and easily debunked race denial videos. One the people doing the debunking of those videos was Ryan Faulk of the YouTube channel The Alternative HypothesisRead more …

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The Day I Found Out That You Couldn’t Call Them Orientals Anymore

Johnny Yune as “Bruce” in They Call Me Bruce

1,861 words

On May 8, former coal mining executive Don Blankenship lost the primary to be West Virginia’s Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate. This comes less than a year after Blankenship got out of prison for cutting corners on safety regulations Read more …

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Bill Cosby:
America’s Uncle (Tom)

Bill Cosby following his conviction.

2,339 words

Recent weeks have seen a few public figures take some surprising and welcome shifts to the Right.

First, Ann Coulter has started retweeting White Nationalists and hanging out with Holocaust revisionists. The day after Trump’s April 13 airstrikes on Syria, Ms. Coulter let loose a flurry of anti-war retweets from various other Right-wing commentators, including three from The Right Stuff’s Mike Enoch. This caused a media panic and Mike Enoch’s Twitter account was deleted within a matter of days. Read more …

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Baked Alaska Goes Hollywood

1,841 words

“Welcome to the Jungle. Watch it bring you to your knees.”

It is fashionable to the point of cliché to liken someone’s downfall to Greek tragedy. But in the case of Baked Alaska and his Los Angeles adventures, it would not be appropriate to compare him to the classics. Read more …

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The Great Sex Worker Shuttening

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In recent years, White Nationalists and identitarians have been the most censored people in the world. But lately, one other group has been trying to steal our thunder as free speech martyrs: sex workers.

Prostitution has operated fairly openly on the internet for many years on adult dating websites and even in personals sections of otherwise respectable websites. Read more …

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O. J. Simpson & the Red Pill that White America Forgot

1,265 words

Recently, FOX aired a program entitled “O. J. Simpson: the Lost Confession.” The program showed clips from a 2006 interview where O. J. Simpson talks “hypothetically” about murdering his wife Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman. The interview was originally intended to promote Simpson’s book If I Did It, his clumsy attempt to profit from his crimes without technically admitting to them. In between clips, FOX had assembled a panel of experts who offer horrified reactions to O. J.’s blunt confessions.  Read more …

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Internet Bloodsports

2,411 words

January 2018 was truly a historic month for White Nationalism as we saw our movement break out of the echo chamber in a big way.

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An Identitarian, a Civic Nationalist, & a Classical Liberal Walk into a Stream (the Third One Cucks)

Andy Warski

2,208 words

We’re one week into 2018, and the front-runner for this year’s White Nationalist MVP is a guy who is not a White Nationalist (yet) and someone who most in the Dissident Right hadn’t even heard of until a few weeks ago.

That’s not to say that no one had heard of Andy Warski. His +250,000 YouTube subscribers had certainly heard of him. Read more …

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The Skeptic War

1,798 words

2017 was a year when nothing went right for the pro-white movement. It was year of doxings, shuttenings, and corporate censorship across all of social media. Read more …

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