Monthly Archives: October 2017

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Go Back to Where You Came From

1,976 words

On October 25th, Tucker Carlson invited onto his program Jewish author Sasha Polakow-Suransky to discuss the main thrust of his latest book Go Back to Where You Came From: The Backlash Against Immigration and the Fate of Western Democracy. And, you guessed it, its thrust was aimed against the Right, in particular, against White Nationalists and the anti-immigration Right.  Read more …

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Video of the Day
Nationalism as a Cure

54 words / 63:20

Bre Faucheux interviews Greg Johnson about his intellectual journey as well as such topics as multiculturalism, White Nationalism, globalization, protectionism, Central and Eastern Europe, the bourgeois mind, why White Nationalism is growing, sometimes in spite of our movement, what winning looks like for White Nationalism, and reasons for long-term optimism about white survival.

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On Martin Luther & the Reformation

3,213 words

Lucas Cranach the Elder, Martin Luther, 1529

Today marks the fifth centenary of the Protestant Reformation. In Germany, October 31 is an annual public holiday in five states, but this year a nationwide holiday has been declared in all states to celebrate the Reformation. A search for books about Martin Luther and the Reformation on Amazon shows that a vast number of books about him have been published in recent months. It seems right to commemorate this pivotal event in the history of Germany and all of Europe, and the man responsible for it.  Read more …

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Masterpieces of Aryan Literature 2
Ernst Jünger’s The Glass Bees

992 words

Ernst Jünger (1895–1998) was a prominent member of the German nationalist Conservative Revolutionary movement of the 1920s that was opposed to the feckless Weimar Republic. The son of a wealthy chemist, Jünger rejected the staid bourgeois world of his upbringing and instead sought adventure wherever he could find it. Running away from home and joining the French Foreign Legion while a minor, Jünger was sent to Algeria and Morocco. Through the intercession of his father, Jünger got out of the Legion in time to join the German Army at the outbreak of World War I.  Read more …

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Remembering Ezra Pound:
October 30, 1885 to November 1, 1972

Pound2698 words

“A slave is one who waits for someone else to free him.” — Ezra Pound

One of the ongoing projects of the North American New Right is the recovery of our tradition. One does not have to go too far back before one discovers that every great European thinker and artist is a “Right Wing extremist” by today’s standards.

What is even more remarkable is the number of great 20th century figures who belong in our camp as well. Read more …

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I Wake Up Screaming:
My Top Ten Halloween Horror Flick Picks

2,284 words

It’s not clear why human beings enjoy being frightened. Indeed, in most circumstances we don’t. I find nothing particularly “thrilling,” for example, about the frightening threat posed by mass non-white migration into the lands of my ancestors. Nor do I enjoy how I feel when I’m the only white person on the J train at midnight. But I thoroughly enjoy the imaginary threats posed by ghosts, witches, and vampires. There’s a lot to be said here about the human fascination with the uncanny, and what it reveals about us. Read more …

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Greg Johnson Interviewed About Savitri Devi on the BBC

234 words

On Tuesday, May 30th, I was interviewed at the BBC studios for a 28-minute audio documentary about Savitri Devi by Maria Margaronis, produced by Shabnam Grewal. You can listen to the documentary here and read the accompanying article by Maria Margaronis here.

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The Secret to the West

Grant Wood, Parson Weems’ Fable (George Washington and the Cherry Tree), 1939

987 words

Truth Telling Regardless of Cost

The rise of the West is due to a single accident: we discovered truth telling. We are the only people who discovered it, and we paid the high cost to establish it as a commons – as normative infrastructure – in manners, ethics, morality, law, philosophy and science. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 201
The Civil War in Yemen

60 words / 47:39

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Greg Johnson is joined by Patrick Le Brun to talk about the civil war in Yemen and what it means for American, Jewish, and Saudi power.  Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2017 Fundraiser
Why I Write for Counter-Currents

Edward Hopper, Office in a Small City, 1953

588 words

If I ever get doxxed, I have prepared a simple explanation for why I write for Counter-Currents which I will share with family members, friends, colleagues, employers, neighbors, and anyone else who’ll listen:

I do not want to be a minority in my own country. Read more …

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Viktor Orbán Designates Globalization & Speculators as Threats to Identity

946 words

As every October 23, this week Hungary celebrated its fight against Sovietism and for its freedom. It is a national holiday with a particularly political connotation. On this occasion, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán made strong statements, including the fact that Hungary’s identity is threatened again, this time by globalism and financial speculators.

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Kurt Schlichter’s People’s Republic

1,757 words

Kurt Schlichter
People’s Republic
CreateSpace, 2016

I’m reviewing this book not because I think it’s an important one for the Dissident Right, but because knowing about it will be instructive. Kurt Schlichter’s People’s Republic is, in essence, a cowardly novel masquerading as a brave one. Yet, compared to the state of popular literature in the West, it’s still pretty brave. Read more …

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Greg Johnson’s You Asked for It

1,172 words

Greg Johnson
You Asked for It: Selected Interviews, Volume One
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2017

You Asked for It: Selected Interviews, vol. 1 is a handsome book. It has an attractive matte cover and a pleasant neutral smell. The paper stock takes a standard Faber-Castell HB pencil nicely and accepts a rubber eraser without pilling. There is ample room for marginalia, and line spacing that accommodates triple underlining, if required. Read more …

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Brawl in Cell Block 99

6,764 words

Brawl in Cell Block 99 (2017), a new film by writer/director S. Craig Zahler and which stars Vince Vaughn in the lead, enters the canon of recent films and TV shows dealing symbolically with the plight of white men in contemporary America. This theme is explored through the protagonist’s surface-level patriotism, antagonisms between Mexicans and Anglos, and through the allegory of a beaten-down Christianity, as embodied in the character of Bradley Thomas (Vince Vaughn).  Read more …

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John Powell & the Soul of American Classical Music

John Powell

3,292 words

The history of American classical music has been shaped by the quest to define the nature of American identity. Lacking the rootedness and history of Europe, we have been forced to mold a new identity as a nation. Likewise American composers have been faced with the task of creating an authentically American sound.

A number of American composers during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries held the view that American music must necessarily reflect America’s racial and cultural inheritance. Read more …

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Our Successful Hunt for a New Shopping Cart

76 words

After PayPal purged Counter-Currents in the aftermath of Unite the Right in Charlottesville, many customers experienced shopping cart problems. We heard your complaints. Counter-Currents now has a new shopping cart system, and the best way for us to debug it is for you to put items into the cart and buy them. Read more …

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Masterpieces of Aryan Literature 1
August Strindberg’s Tschandala

August Strindberg by Edvard Munch

925 words

Although best known as a playwright, the Swedish author August Strindberg (1849–1912) was a prolific writer of novels, short stories, poetry, and essays. The official edition of his collected works comes to more than seventy volumes. In 1888 Strindberg attended a series of lectures about the then little-known philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche. He quickly became a devotee of Nietzsche and even started up a brief correspondence with the philosopher. Read more …

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Always on the Wrong Side:
US-Chinese Foreign Policy, 1844 to the Present—Part Two

1,681 words

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)


Here I would like to summarize the major factors that resulted in the incorrect and chronically suicidal American approach to China from the early twentieth century to this day. Read more …

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The Degeneracy Question

1,517 words

In my last article, I discussed the HIV/AIDS epidemic. I pointed out that according to estimates placing the risk of transmission of HIV per act of (1) anal sex (2) without a condom, (3) with someone who is HIV positive at a mere 0.5%, this statistic would entail that “for every single person who catches HIV, there are 200 people having condom-free anal sex with HIV-infected people and getting by just fine.”  Read more …

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Defeating Defeatism:
A Review of Derek Turner’s Sea Changes

4,007 words

Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

Derek Turner (Foreword by Tito Perdue)
Sea Changes
Whitefish, Mt.: Washington Summit Publishers, 2012 Read more …

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Always on the Wrong Side:
US-Chinese Foreign Policy, 1844 to the Present—Part One

3,802 words

Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)

It is unquestionably true that today’s China has grown into a major geopolitical, economic, and military rival of America, with both an active ambition and an increasing capacity to challenge, threaten, and eventually dethrone America on the global stage in the coming decades if globalization, through which China has demonstrably been the foremost beneficiary, continues unabated. Read more …

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Oscar Wilde in America

1,728 words

Roy Morris, Jr.
Declaring His Genius: Oscar Wilde in North America
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2013

Oscar Wilde arrived in America in January 1882 as a young man of 27. Over the course of the next eleven months he would travel 15,000 miles across the country, delivering a total of 140 lectures primarily on the English Renaissance, the Pre-Raphaelites, and the decorative arts. Read more …

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Our Sheep Are the Best

2,332 words

Now and then I encounter fellow travelers who have become fed up with our movement due to what they perceive as the incorrigible stupidity of white people. Let us take stock. Whites are on a fast track to being replaced by some other people (in Europe by black and Arab Muslims, in America by mestizos). Their culture is literally being torn down all around them. Read more …

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Friedrich Schleiermacher:
The Father of Modern Theology & a Prophet of German Nationalism, Part 2

4,506 words

Part 2 of 2. Part 1 here.

Schleiermacher’s Philosophy of Mind

According to Schleiermacher, the task of philosophy is the “immersion of the Spirit into the innermost depths of itself and of things in order to fathom the relations of their [spirit and nature] being-together.”[1] Schleiermacher’s philosophy, like German idealism in general, was very influenced by, and a reaction to, the critical transcendental philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 200
Blade Runner 2049 & Commemoration in Belgium

424 words / 52:24

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

Greg Johnson, John Morgan, and Michael Polignano reconvene for a new weekly Counter-Currents Radio podcast. This week, we discuss Blade Runner 2049 and the commemoration of Syrian martyrs event in Belgium that took place earlier this month. Note: There are lots of plot spoilers.  Read more …

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The Poz

1,635 words

The term “poz” originated as a slang term for “positive,” as in “HIV positive.” There’s a POZ magazine, POZ Personals, and a PozMatch dating site. A California DMV allowed a man in Santa Clara to use “HIV POZ” as his license plate.

An article at the “Black Youth Project” has its author tell us how “The fact that [he is] HIV positive is a result of anti-Black state sanctioned violence.” Read more …

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The Counter-Currents 2017 Fundraiser
Encountering Counter-Currents

818 words

Greg asked me to pen this week’s fundraiser update to bring a fresh voice and perspective. Since last week’s update, we have received 23 donations (including 12 all-important pledges of monthly support) totaling $2,045.04. This brings the total for our fundraiser to $44,973.56. That puts us just short of 75% of the way to our goal of $60,000. Read more …

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Friedrich Schleiermacher:
The Father of Modern Theology & a Prophet of German Nationalism, Part 1

4,148 words

Part 1 of 2. Part 2 here.

“I feel sure that Germany, the kernel of Europe, will arise once more in a new and beautiful state, but when this will happen, and whether the country will not first have to experience even greater difficulties […] God alone knows.” — Friedrich Schleiermacher, 1806[1]

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Decline of the Western Male, Part 2

2,898 words

Part 2 of 2. Part 1 here

Transhumanism — The Final Showdown

The West, in its essence, is neither a human nor a natural society. The current debate – is gender real? – is not directed at finding truth but is instead a program of action – “we will make it so that there is no such thing as gender.” Masculinity and femininity, their polarity, will be abolished. Read more …

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Decline of the Western Male, Part 1

3,060 words

Part 1 of 2

Martin Heidegger, Oswald Spengler – “Martin Spengler” – these two 20th-century thinkers provide the main source of inspiration behind this project. Both sought to understand the times we live in, and to bring into view the deeper historical and philosophical significance underlying many of the political, economic, social, and cultural issues before us today. Read more …

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