Monthly Archives: February 2016

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Ja, Roosh, Weiße Nationalisten wollen das Sexualverhalten kontrollieren

RooshTheDoosh937 words

Übersetzung Carla Smith-Haggard, English original here

Manosphäre-Blogger und „Cuckold“-Porno-Onkel Roosh „the Doosh“ Valizadeh hat gegen seine weiß-nationalistischen Kritiker zurückgeschossen, am deutlichsten auf mich. Seine Kritik ist indes so schwach und die Position, die er verteidigt, moralisch derart gehaltlos, daß der wahrscheinlichste Effekt sein wird, was immer auch an Unterstützung, durch die Alternative Rechte verblieben ist, daß diese nun versiegen wird. Read more …

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The Enjoyment of Vulgarity

Max Ernst, "The Virgin Spanking the Christ Child before Three Witnesses: Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, and the Painter, 1926

Max Ernst, The Virgin Spanking the Christ Child before Three Witnesses: André Breton, Paul Eluard, and the Painter, 1926

3,285 words

Trans. G. A. Malvicini

One of the most indicative signs of the influence of the regressive processes that we have described in the preceding pages of this book [L’Arco e la Clava] with regard to customs and tastes, is the enjoyment of vulgarity, with its more or less subconscious undercurrent of pleasure taken in degradation and self-contamination. Related to it are the various expressions of a tendency towards deformation and a taste for the ugly and the base. A few observations with regard to this matter will perhaps not be devoid of interest.

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Iron & Paint:
The Lee-Jackson Memorial: A Rational Interpretation

1,765 words

Bmore LJM 2There has been much anger expressed on either side of the racial divide in Baltimore, concerning the so-called “Lee-Jackson Memorial.” This past week, on a fog-shrouded, drizzling, winter Wednesday, a young White Nationalist from out of state came to Baltimore on his personal mission to photograph Caucasian monuments Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 149
The Pursuit of Happiness 
Pleasure, Part 2: Epicureanism

RomanMosaicSkullLarge40:21 / 156 words

To listen in a player, click here.

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Beginning in August of 1999, I gave a series of eight lectures on “The Pursuit of Happiness: Philosophies East and West,” Read more …

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Zur Verteidigung des Vorurteils

M&Ms2,515 words

English original here

Vor Jahren erzählte mir ein Freund eine Parabel über eine Hominidenspezies, die es nicht erlebte, die Erde zu erben. Diese Hominiden betrachteten jedes einzelne Wesen als völlig einzigartig. Wenn ein Tiger aus der Dunkelheit sprang und einen von ihnen in sein Verderben zerrte, veranlasste sie das zu keinen Verallgemeinerungen über Tiger als Gruppe. Als daher ein neuer Tiger in den Schatten am Rande des Feuerscheins herumzuschleichen begann, wurde er nicht auf der Grundlage des Verhaltens des anderen Tigers beurteilt. Read more …

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En Defensa del Prejuicio

M&Ms2,632 words

English original here

Hace años, un amigo me dijo una parábola sobre una especie de homínido que no vivió para heredar la tierra. Estos homínidos comprendían cada entidad como enteramente única. Cuando un tigre saltaba desde la oscuridad y secuestraba uno de ellos a su muerte, esto no les generó ninguna generalización de los tigres como grupo. Entonces cuando un tigre nuevo aparecía alrededor merodeando en las sombras al borde de la luz del fogón, él no era juzgado en base al comportamiento de los otros tigres. Read more …

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Porque los Conservadores no pueden conservar algo

jmobamawithviolincrop1,804 words

English original here

La Crítica del Nacionalismo Blanco a los conservadores es simple: no pueden conservar algo. Read more …

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On The Blunt Edge of Weird Fiction:
Two Short Novels by William Sloane

RimofMorning3,945 words

William Sloane
The Rim of Morning: Two Tales of Cosmic Horror
New York: NYRB Classics, 2015

“Have you been hearing some weird stories recently? About telepathy, the fourth dimension, or GHOSTS?”[1]

NYRB Classics started off seeming like a nice little boutique imprint that would “rescue” lost classics that proudly never stood a chance at best-seller status, Read more …

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The Wigan Speech

6,819 words

vicwarmem5Editor’s Note:

This is the transcript by V. S. of one of Jonathan Bowden’s British National Party stump speeches, delivered in Wigan sometime after Nick Griffin’s Question Time appearance on October 22, 2009. The speech can be viewed on YouTube here. If you know the precise date or have corrections, please post them as comments below. 

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 148
The Pursuit of Happiness 
Pleasure, Part 1: Plato’s Gorgias

RomanMosaic53:16 / 149 words

To listen in a player, click here.

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Beginning in August of 1999, I gave a series of eight lectures on “The Pursuit of Happiness: Philosophies East and West,” Read more …

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Crowdsourcing Appeal
Gregory Hood’s Waking Up from the American Dream

GeorgeWashington162 words

In April, Counter-Currents will publish Gregory Hood’s long-awaited first book, Waking Up from the American Dream. We want this book to have a striking and memorable cover that suggests America’s decline, so we are running a contest.

The person who provides us with the winning image/design concept will receive $100 and free copies of the hardcover and paperback editions. Read more …

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Nicolás Gómez Dávila, Unknown Reactionary

Nicolás_Gómez_Dávila1,963 words

There are two purposes for this article. The first is to introduce the ideas of Nicolás Gómez Dávila to the English-speaking American and European Right. The second is to motivate a more profound approach to his works, in their original Spanish editions and in Italian and German translations. (Sadly, the English translation is deficient.)

His Life

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The National Policy Institute’s “Identity Politics” Conference

The 100th Anniversary of Former President Ronald Reagan's birth176 words

I want to encourage all Counter-Currents readers to consider attending the National Policy Institute’s upcoming evening conference on “Identity Politics,” which is being held on Saturday, March 5th in Washington, D.C. The speakers are Kevin MacDonald, Richard Spencer, and RamZpaul. And of course there will be ample opportunities for networking. (I will not be there because of a prior travel conflict, but the conference will be covered for Counter-Currents by Claus Brinker.) For more details, see the NPI Events websiteRead more …

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Carl Schmitt sobre la Tiranía de los Valores

Gerrit van Honthorst, Croesus and Solon, 1624

Gerrit van Honthorst, Croesus y Solon, 1624

2,271 words

English original here

Los dos ensayos de Carl Schmitt sobre “La Tiranía de los Valores” (1959 y 1967) son típicos de su trabajo. Contienen simples e iluminadoras ideas las cuales, sin embargo, son complicadas de poner en conjunto porque Schmitt las presenta sólo a través de conversaciones complejas con otros pensadores y escuelas de pensamiento. Read more …

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La limpieza lenta

2,609 words

ExitDoorEnglish original here

Los Nacionalistas Blancos creen que nuestra raza se volverá extinta a menos que creemos patrias blancas homogéneas dónde pueda nuestro pueblo reproducirse y cumplir nuestro destino, libre de las interferencias de los otros. Sin embargo, los blancos que encuentran esta idea atractiva piensan que es imposible o inmoral. Read more …

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Si Roosh, los Nacionalistas Blancos quieren controlar el comportamiento sexual

RooshTheDoosh917 words

English original here

El blogger de la esfera de blogs masculinos y vendedor de pornografía de contenido cornudo Roosh “el Doosh” Validadeh ha disparado contra sus críticos Nacionalistas Blancos, principalmente a mí. Su crítica, sin embargo, es demasiado débil, y la posición que defiende moralmente vacua, y el probable efecto que traiga será secar el poco apoyo que le queda dentro de la Derecha Alternativa. Read more …

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Différences sexuelles

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, « Une vision de Fiametta », 1878

1,358 words

English original here

Cet essai est extrait du livre de Michael Polignano, Taking Our Own Side [Prendre parti pour notre propre camp], disponible en version reliée, en version brochée, et en PDF à télécharger ici.

21 octobre 2003

Il y a quelques jours, j’ai eu une discussion mouvementée sur les différences sexuelles avec une amie à moi qui se proclame féministe. Read more …

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La quadrité

5,838 words

English original here

1. Introduction

Ceci est le premier de deux essais traitant de la cosmologie germanique. Read more …

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Lettre de la Côte Ouest 
Pourquoi les environnementalistes devraient avoir beaucoup d’enfants

574 words

English original here

Les environnementalistes, en général, sont bien au-dessus de la moyenne concernant leurs facultés intellectuelles, esthétiques et morales.  Read more …

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Sibelius et les nazis : anatomie d’une diffamation

1,332 words

English original here

Je suis un grand admirateur du compositeur finnois Jean Sibelius, qui avec Richard Strauss et Ralph Vaughan Williams, fit partie de la dernière génération (jusqu’ici) des grands compositeurs romantiques européens. Ainsi mon attention fut attirée par un article du 29 novembre 2009 sur Sibelius dans la Chronicle of Higher Education, « A Composer’s Ties to Nazi Germany Come Under New Scrutiny » Read more …

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La conscience d’un « cuckservative »

OnYourKnees2,015 words

English original here

[NDT : Le mot « Cuckservative » combine les mots « Cuck » (abréviation de cuckold : cocu) et  « Conservative » (conservateur). Il désigne ironiquement les membres du Parti Conservateur qui sont les « cocus » de la gauche. Read more …

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L’argument d’autochtonie


Michel-Ange, Esclave inachevé

2,342 words

English original here

L’une des éternelles accusations contre les sociétés coloniales blanches autour du globe – dans les Amériques, en Afrique, et aux Antipodes – est qu’elles sont moralement illégitimes parce que d’autres gens étaient là les premiers. C’est ce que j’appelle l’« argument d’autochtonie », du grec “αὐτόχθων”, signifiant « sortant du sol », c’est-à-dire indigène. D’après cet argument, les habitants d’origine d’un pays sont ses propriétaires légitimes (« découvreurs-gardeurs »), et c’est une violation de ces droits si d’autres peuples les  remplacent. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast 147
The Pursuit of Happiness 
The Conquest of Nature: Ayn Rand

apollo1167:53 / 223 words

To listen in a player, click here.

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Beginning in August of 1999, I gave a series of eight lectures on “The Pursuit of Happiness: Philosophies East and West,” Read more …

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Donald & Us

1,280 words

TrumpRabbitDonald Trump’s master strategy is such a perfect response to the Current Year that was, and the Current Current Year, that the man is either a genius, a savant, or someone anointed by the Gods to wreak havoc on the folly of humankind. The Donald has armored himself in a sort of ideological invulnerability that comes from strategizing on a primal level, and this makes him unassailable, Read more …

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Yes Roosh, White Nationalists Want to Control Sexual Behavior

RooshTheDoosh866 words

Translations: GermanSpanish

Manosphere blogger and cuckold porn-monger Roosh “the Doosh” Valizadeh has fired back at his White Nationalist critics, most prominently me. His critique, however, is so weak, and the position he defends so morally vacuous, that the likely effect will be to dry up whatever support remains for him on the Alternative Right. Read more …

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White Nationalist Answers to Postcolonialist Questions

3,947 words

Diego Rivera, Flower Carrier

Diego Rivera, Flower Carrier

Do you feel that your own people and country are somehow positioned outside the mainstream? Have you ever felt that the moment you said the word ‘I’, that ‘I’ was someone else, not you? That in some obscure way, you were not the subject of your own sentence? Do you ever feel that whenever you speak, you have already in some sense been spoken for? Or that when you hear others speaking, Read more …

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Trump from a EuroCanadian Perspective

When completed in 2016, the twisting Trump tower in Vancouver will stand at 616 feet.

When completed in 2016, the twisting Trump tower in Vancouver will stand at 616 feet.

1,972 words

A few months ago when Trump was beginning his incredible campaign, a minor politician in Vancouver, city councillor Kerry Jang, demanded that the planned Trump Tower in Vancouver have its name changed to signal disapproval of Trump’s “racism.” Jang, acting as if the Chinese were the new owners of Vancouver, said that Trump was a “bigot” who stood against the Canadian values of “diversity.”

People like Jang dislike any sense of White identity no matter how implicit it may be. Read more …

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Ten Everyday Things You Can Do to Help the War In Europe

DoAllYouCan2,240 words

A couple days ago the Daily Mail presented the case of another young British girl, this one thirteen years old, who was “groomed,” beaten, and forced into sex with a Muslim teenager, and then pimped out and virtually enslaved for months in a small room with a couch, to a group of at least 12 Muslim men, who would rape her — sometimes one at a time, sometimes in groups of up to six — for hours on end every day.

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Schultheiss Bierstube

zwyciestwa129123 words

German translation here

I look down, see there’s a new bank
where the Schultheiss Bierstube was
the summer of 1934.
It was a place where Germans drank
their märzen, pilsner, kölsch. The buzz
of saws in their ears, they would look
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Now in Audio Version
Why Conservatives Conserve Nothing

1,715 words / 11:38

jmobamawithviolincropTranslations: FrenchGermanSpanish, Swedish

Audio version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” Video version: click here.

The White Nationalist critique of conservatives is simple: they conserve nothing. Read more …

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