Monthly Archives: July 2013

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Why Christianity Can’t Save Us

Odin22,349 words

French translation here

The conservative philosopher Russell Kirk wrote:

We must remind ourselves, to begin, that culture arises from the cult: out of the religious bond and the sense of the sacred grow any civilization’s agriculture, its common defense, its orderly towns, Read more …

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The Musings of a Self-Confessed Insider


Carroll Quigley, 1910–1977

3,231 words

Where do you come from white boy, what is your land
Everybody else knows where they come from
You don’t know your place, you never did, you never can
You can’t find a place in this land

 –“White Boy,” Paul Kanter and Grace Slick

The Dilemma Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 59  
What Socrates Knew:
Plato’s Gorgias, Part 5 of 10

thethreefacedhekate45:21 / 361 words

Audio Version: To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target as.”

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Note: This installment has a somewhat choppy quality in places because of extensive discussion, Read more …

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Learning from Success

solidarismus2,022 words

Spanish translation here

In the third part of my essay I have given myself the more cheering task of putting down some notes as to what I want to see, which very statement can be a start of what needs to be done, to be aware less of what one is against, than what one is for, less concerned with what happened in the past and more concerned with what should change, and how one may bring desirable change about. We do not have to start from scratch. There are instances in different places not only of those getting it wrong but also of those getting it right. Read more …

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The Journey to Tilsit:
A Song of Two Movies

Sunrise-Poster17,194 words

Many people consider F. W. Murnau’s Sunrise: Song of Two Humans (1927) to be the greatest film of the silent era. But most are unaware that it was remade under Hitler as Die Reise nach Tilsit (1939), and directed by the notorious Veit Harlan.

Both films were based upon a novella – titled Die Reise nach Tilsit (The Journey to Tilsit) – by Hermann Sudermann. Read more …

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Waking Up from the American Dream 
The Fall of the Southern Avenger:
Power, Access, & Activism

hunter3,478 words

In the life of any successful activist, there comes a moment of choice. You can have power, or you can have access.

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The Nigger Word

noevil1,076 words

At Counter-Currents/North American New Right, our aim is to raise the social status, intellectual rigor, and stylistic tone of racialist discourse. Thus we do not use the nigger word and other crude racial slurs.

However, although the distinction between “using” a word and merely “mentioning” it is lost on the low-IQ and the high-PC alike, Read more …

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Principles of Convenience

Herbert James Draper, "Figure with a Laurel Wreath"

Herbert James Draper, “Figure with a Laurel Wreath”

646 words

Your personal shortcomings and natural talents are not moral triumphs.

When I read about someone preaching sexual abstinence, I want to see what that person looks like. I don’t want to be lectured about the virtues of chastity by someone who would obviously have trouble getting laid. I’m not impressed with the self-discipline or moral fortitude of an obese neckbeard or pimply teenager, Read more …

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Rudyard Kipling’s “The Burden of Jerusalem”

Kipling photo2,469 words

Rudyard Kipling is out of favor, in large part because his work was so politically and racially incorrect. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 58 
Bill Hopkins & the Angry Young Men

Bill Hopkins, 1928–2011

Bill Hopkins, 1928–2011

59:34 / 9,640 words

To listen, click here.

To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save target as.”

To subscribe to our podcasts, click here.

Editor’s Note:

The following text is transcript by V. S. of a lecture by Jonathan Bowden given at the 7th New Right meeting in London on April 8, 2006 entitled “Bill Hopkins: An Anti-Humanist Life.” Read more …

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New from Counter-Currents! 
“I do not belong to the Baader-Meinhof Group” & Other Poems

HobsonFrontCropJuleigh Howard-Hobson
“I do not belong to the Baader-Meinhof Group” and Other Poems
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2013
112 pages

Hardcover: $20



Paperback: $14

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Review of 
Jonathan Bowden’s Pulp Fascism


Jonathan Bowden takes aim at the intellectual banalities of our age

390 words

Jonathan Bowden
Pulp Fascism: Right-Wing Themes in Comics, Graphic Novels, and Popular Literature
Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents

Jonathan Bowden, a leading New Right thinker, will be remembered for the many important contributions he made to our cause. Read more …

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The Psychology of Apostasy

Il Sodoma, "The Martyrom of Saint Sebastian," c. 1525

Il Sodoma, “The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian,” c. 1525

2,671 words

Translations: French, Polish

Derek Black’s renunciation of White Nationalism raises questions of wider significance about how people form and reject beliefs. There are two basic kinds of beliefs: those you think are true based on reality and reason vs. those you think are true based on other people’s opinions.

If you base your beliefs on reality and reason, then you will change them as new facts come to light or as better arguments are presented. For example, I used to be a classical liberal, but classical liberalism grants no importance to racial and cultural differences, Read more …

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Now in Print! 
Jonathan Bowden’s Pulp Fascism

PulpFacism-BowdenJonathan Bowden
Pulp Fascism: Right-Wing Themes in Comics, Graphic Novels, and Popular Literature
Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents
210 pages

Hardcover: $35

Paperback: list price $20, our price $18

Kindle E-book: $5.99

Nook E-book: $5.99

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New Release Date! 
Savitri Devi’s The Lightning & the Sun

LS-NewCoverMockupSavitri Devi
The Lightning and the Sun
Third Edition
Complete and Unabridged
Edited by R. G. Fowler
San Francisco: Counter-Currents Publishing, 2013
432 pages

The Counter-Currents limited hardcover edition of Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun will be released on September 30, 2013, Savitri Devi’s 108th birthday.

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National Socialism & Anti-Semitism

NSDAP Election Poster: "Death to Lies: Marxism, High Finance"

NSDAP Election Poster: “Death to Lies: Marxism, High Finance”

1,467 words

Editor’s Note:

Excerpt from chapter 13 of Savitri Devi, The Lightning and the Sun, 3rd edition, complete and unabridged, ed. R. G. Fowler (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2013). Read more …

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Detroit’s Downfall . . . & Japan’s

Jap930 words

The most depressing thing about Detroit’s bankruptcy isn’t the hours victims wait for police responses, sprawling neighborhoods reverting back to nature, historic buildings crumbling to ruin, or the once-vanquished problems of illiteracy and sex slavery climbing out of their graves. It’s certainly not the financial quandary the city’s in, or the uncertain fate of its pensioners and employees. The most hopeless thing about Detroit is the false hope which hangs on despite reason and sanity. Read more …

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Waking Up from the American Dream 
Not Our Victory

george-zimmerman-acquittal-300909 words

George Zimmerman’s innocence is nothing to celebrate.

It was never about George Zimmerman. It was never about a half-Peruvian, half-Jewish failed police officer. This was always about white against black, race against race, Read more …

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The Psychology of a Turncoat

derek_black1.jpg2,092 words

The SPLC, a powerful Southern Jewish hate group and anti-First Amendment organization with extensive ties to the media, police, secret police, and judiciary, has announced triumphantly that Derek Black, 24, the activist son of Stormfront founder Don Black, has renounced his views and joined the bloated ranks of the anti-white multitude. (“Activist Son of Key Racist Leader Renounces White Nationalism,” July 17, 2013)  Read more …

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Arms & Being

Dominique_Venner1,895 words

A propos of . . .

Dominique Venner
Frontier Pistols and Revolvers
Edison, N.J.: Chartwell Books, 1996

Dominique Venner
Le coeur rebelle
Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1994

Of the 50 or so books written by the now world-famous Dominique Venner, Frontier Pistols and Revolvers is the sole one to have been translated into English. Read more …

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Akhnaton on Racial Diversity


Faience tiles from the palace of Rameses III at Medinet Habu near Thebes: foreign captives (left to right: Libyan, Nubian, Syrian, Shasu Bedouin, and Hittite), 20th dynasty, 12th century BCE.

595 words

[A]lthough nothing even hints at the existence of a code of ethics attached to the Religion of the Disk, in the amount of evidence yet unearthed, there are, in his Longer Hymn to the Sun, three remarkable lines which express, more eloquently perhaps than any others, the young king’s idea of man—three lines which have not attracted, as far as I know, the special attention of any archaeologists: Read more …

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Mircea Eliade, Carl Schmitt, & René Guénon

portugaljournal1,399 words

Mircea Eliade’s The Portugal Journal, trans. Mac Linscott Ricketts (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 2010) covers the years 1941 to 1945 when Eliade was a Romanian diplomat in Portugal. It is thus a prequel to Eliade’s four-volume Journal (Vol. 1: 1945–1955, Vol. 2: 1957–1969, Vol. 3: 1970–1978, and Vol. 4: 1979–1985), which begins with his arrival in Paris in September of 1945 and continues for the rest of his life.

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Warlords with Wi-Fi:
Archaeo-Futurism & Our Dark Future

total-war924 words

For centuries, technological progress has poured from the First World fountainhead of innovation, eventually trickling down to the Third World. People in Shanghai, Tel Aviv, and San Jose get to play with the prototypes, then the rest of us get to be the early adopters, and it eventually finds its way to the Middle Eastern bazaar, Indian village, and African jungle.  Read more …

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Untainted Love

handinhand1,139 words

“A man and a woman are one. A man and a woman and a blackbird are one.” Carl Jung was apparently besotted with this stanza from Wallace Stevens’ poem “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.” Read more …

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Warehouse Clearance Sale

285 words

an126Since our mission is to make sure that ideas circulate, not pay to keep them in storage, we are clearing out our storage unit, and that means amazing bargains for our readers.

The Occidental Quarterly

1. We have 150 issues of The Occidental Quarterly, ranging from vol. 6, no. 2 to vol. 10, no. 1. We will sell them in three lots of 50, and we will make every effort to include as great a variety as possible in each box, although some duplication is inevitable.  Read more …

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Reading is Racist

Readers1,022 words

In trying to articulate the white message—I mean primarily the morality of survival, since that is presently so critical—and reach others with it, it is essential to be aware of the differences between orality, print, and electronic media. Read more …

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“All or Nothing”:
The Prisoner & Ibsen’s Brand

Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner

Patrick McGoohan in The Prisoner

6,769 words

A number of years ago I wrote an essay offering an interpretation of the cult TV series The Prisoner (anthologized in Summoning the Gods, published by Counter-Currents).

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Neutrality According to International Law & National Totality

futurismatwar3,244 words

Translated by Simona Draghici

Editor’s Note:

The following translation of a 1938 essay from Carl Schmitt appears online for the first time in commemoration of Schmitt’s birth on July 11, 1888. Read more …

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Further Development of the Total State in Germany

gino-severini-visual-synthesis-of-the-idea-war-19143,387 words

Translated by Simona Draghici

Editor’s Note:

The following translation of a 1933 essay from Carl Schmitt appears online for the first time in commemoration of Schmitt’s birth on July 11, 1888. The translation originally appeared in Carl Schmitt, Four Essays, 1931–1938, Read more …

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Tomorrow Relies on Us:
John Young’s A Springless Autumn

springlessautumn2,031 words

John Young
A Springless Autumn
Raleigh, NC: Western Culture Institute, 2012

John Young, the author of A Springless Autumn, is on the board of directors of European Americans United, a group which defines itself as “an organization dedicated to the preservation and exaltation of classical European values.” He is also a writer for EAU—many of the articles on the EAU website are his, Read more …

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