Monthly Archives: December 2012

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Light Entertainment:
The (Implicitly) White Music of Scott Walker

No_Regrets_Scott_Walker4,826 words

No Regrets: Writings on Scott Walker
Edited by Rob Young
London: Orion, 2012.

“I’ve come far from chains/From metal and stone/From makeshift designs/And seeking a star” — Scott Walker, “Rhymes of Goodbye”

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My New Year’s Resolutions

Image courtesy of Harold Arthur McNeill

2,790 words

Every year, near the end of December, I establish plans for the coming year. The centerpiece of these plans is ten resolutions – no more, and no less. I’ve had a lot of practice at this, and I’ve discovered that more than ten major resolutions is usually too ambitious, whereas fewer than ten is not ambitious enough.  Read more …

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The Old Order vs. the New Right

Alan Beiler, Black Amish Fugitive920 words

By a quirk of fate, a Black toddler ended up being raised in an Amish community in Lancaster County. A couple decades later, he’s a fugitive leading the cops on high-speed chases, a thorn of deviance in the side of the Amish community’s pathetic Amish Mafia underbelly.   Read more …

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How the Irish Became White, Part 3

3,221 words

Part 3 of 3

Apropos of Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White (New York and London: Routledge, 1995)

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Another Triumph of Diversity & Democracy 
Hawaii Appoints Jewish US Senator Brian Schatz

US Senator Brian Schatz (D.-Hawaii)

1,165 words

US Senator Brian Schatz (D.-Hawaii)

The latest, and at age 40 youngest, US Senator is Hawaiian Democrat Brian Emanuel Schatz. He obtained his lofty post not by election but by appointment. As an incumbent, he will enjoy a built-in advantage when he campaigns for election in late 2014, which he intends to do.

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How the Irish Became White, Part 2

Thomas Nast cartoon asserting the equal worth of Irish and blacks

3,660 words

Part 2 of 3

Apropos of Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White (New York and London: Routledge, 1995)

What are here called the ‘whiteness historians’ ought not to be confused with ‘Whiteness Studies’ (WS) or ‘critical race studies’ (or certain other new ‘disciplines’ favored by ‘the New Know-Nothings’), Read more …

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Estamos presenciando el fin del Imperio Romano

Paul Jamin, “Brenn and his Share of the Spoils,” 1893

1,864 palabras

English version here

Esta es la pregunta: “¿Estamos viviendo en el año 370 dC, 40 años antes de que Alarico saquease Roma?” O “¿Vivimos en el año 270 dC, poco antes de las drásticas medidas correctivas de los emperadores ilirios, que se apartan de la catástrofe, para prolongar la vida del imperio durante otros dos siglos? ”

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Separatismo vs. Supremacismo

1,825 palabras

English original here

Nota del autor::

Yo escribí el siguiente ensayo, en junio de 2005. Aquella vez, se distribuyó en Internet bajo el seudónimo de Michael Meehan. Lo escribí en respuesta a una propuesta del libro de Edgar Steele “Racismo Defensivo”, Read more …

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The Relevance of Philosophy to Political Change

3,526 words

Translations: French, Polish

The title of this essay is somewhat misleading, since I am going to argue that philosophy is relevant to all human endeavors, not just politics.[1] Philosophy is not just metapolitical, but meta-everything.[2] But I know you are interested in political change, so that was my hook to get you reading. Furthermore, I will argue that philosophy is more than just relevant to life, but of paramount importance.

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How the Irish Became White, Part 1

4,478 words

One of Thomas Nast’s 19th-century anti-Irish cartoons

Part 1 of 3

Apropos of Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White (New York and London: Routledge, 1995)

‘We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English’. — Winston Churchill

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First World Values or Tribal Values?
On Jax, Tara & the Sons of Anarchy

2,045 words

The First World has a plan for you.

You’re supposed to go to college. Learn what to do, what to say, what to think, how to feel. Someone gives you a good grade, pats you on the back and tells you that you’re a “critical thinker.” Read more …

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The Solution is State Power

Jacques-Louis David, “Napoleon Crossing the Alps,” detail, 1805

1,670 words

Conservatism is Unrealistic

The Republican Party is useless as a political force. The key battle was not the presidential election of 2012 but the passage of Barack Obama’s health care plan. All of the disparate factions of the American Right joined together to oppose “Obamacare,” and they failed, miserably. Read more …

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Plastic Christmas

1,253 words

My whole adult life, I have had my own Christmas tree on only two occasions. The reason is simple: I always spent Christmas back home or with the family of a friend. But even so, I love Christmas trees. Read more …

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New Items for the Counter-Currents Moving Sale

741 words

We’re moving, and that’s good news for you. We’ve decided to reduce or eliminate our stocks of certain items.

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Behind Trouble with Father

Stu Erwin and wife June Collyer in “Trouble with Father”

2,839 words

An online blogger and CC commenter recently pointed out that everything is a “goddamned cold fish to the face.” As often as possible, I like to discover where that comes from.

Recently I experienced the cold fish to the face phenomenon while watching an old episode of Trouble with Father (ABC, 1950–1955), a half-hour TV comedy series starring Stu Erwin and his real-life wife June Collyer. (The show is known under several different names, including The Stu Erwin Show.)  Read more …

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Are Marriage & Children Consumer Goods?

956 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

At first, everyone thought that the draft law on homosexual marriage was one of those booby-traps (in crude terms, asshole traps) by which politicians entertain the gallery, unable to act on real issues. Read more …

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Christmas Special 
Merry Christmas, Infidels!

1,405 words

German translation here

It was about twenty years ago when I first noticed that the greeting “Merry Christmas” was being replaced by the bland, neutral “Season’s Greetings” and “Happy Holidays.”

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El Nacionalismo Blanco Explícito

1,922 words

English original here

El nacionalismo blanco es una idea monstruosa e inmoral en la que la raza blanca, una subespecie biológica única se encuentre a largo plazo en peligro de extinción (debido a la pérdida de su hábitat natural y la competencia de otras subespecies más resistentes invasoras) y se merece las mismas protecciones que las percinas tanasi, búhos manchados y los cóndores de California.  Read more …

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Beauty in Life

395 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

We are approaching Christmas (another name for the winter solstice). Associated with the evergreen tree, Christmas has always been celebrated in European countries since time immemorial as the great feast presaging the revival of nature and life after the repose of winter. Read more …

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Christmas Reading at Counter-Currents

150 words

The Meaning and History of Christmas

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Mad Men Jumps the Gefilte Fish
Part Three: The Country of the Blind, Continued


Part 3 of 3

“You’ll hang higher than Haman!”

Today’s Mad Men, though set in the same era as Advise and Consent, portrays a very different world — in fact, an inversion. Read more …

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Revolution from the Periphery:
The Lessons of Nueva Germania

Elisabeth Nietzsche, 1846–1935

5,070 words

The concept of “Revolution from the Periphery” is an important contribution to Traditionalist thought as once proud centers of culture sink ever further into decadence. The system of control deployed against whites is strengthening its grip, and “the Collapse” is still a dream. If anything, anarcho-tyranny is becoming more widespread, and the forces pushing radical egalitarianism are removing the velvet glove to reveal the mailed fist beneath.

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Mad Men Jumps the Gefilte Fish
Part Two: The Country of the Blind

3,415 words

Part 2 of 3

“Here Punch does a mean trick, very unworthy of his Satanic character. Read more …

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Follow the White Rabbit:
Andy Nowicki’s Heart Killer

2,147 words

Andy Nowicki
Heart Killer
London: ER Books, 2012

I would not like to be in a room with any character from Andy Nowicki’s latest novel Heart Killer. Then again, I really wouldn’t know it if I were. Andy Nowicki has written a novel about evil within, about depravity within, about horror within.

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Language, Nation, & Race

1,845 words

The Lord’s Prayer in Scottish Gaelic

In 1766, English writer Samuel Johnson penned a letter to William Drummond, an Edinburgh bookseller, regarding the translation of the Bible into the “Erse or Gaelic language” as biographer James Boswell put it in The Life of Samuel Johnson (1791).

Certain members of “the society in Scotland for propagating Christian knowledge” (undoubtedly meaning the Society in Scotland for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge (SSPCK), opposed translation of the Bible into Scottish Gaelic because it would be contrary to national unity.  Read more …

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Counter-Currents Moving Sale

512 words

We’re moving, and that’s good news for you. We’ve decided to reduce or eliminate our stocks of certain items.

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Nacionalismo Blanco y Nacionalismo Judio

3,051 words

English original here

El discurso realizado por Guillaume Faye en la conferencia de American Renaissance del año 2006 fue bastante agitado. La mayoría de la gente ha oído hablar del infame incidente de Michael Hart.[1] Sin embargo, en mi opinión, algo mucho más importante se produjo durante el discurso de Faye, algo que más tarde me pareció revelador.

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Politicized Science vs. Scientific Politics

Gabriel von Max, “The Vivisectionist,” 1883, detail

2,731 words

It may seem ironic for those who are said to have “far Right views,” but perhaps one of the biggest obstacles in the struggle for the West is the far Right’s obsession with the scientific understanding of human races. It is not so much that scientific knowledge about race is irrelevant to our political purpose (which is the struggle for the West), but, rather, that this science is thought to possess a political utility it does not and will never have.

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Yukio Mishima & Richard Wagner:
Art & Politics, or Love & Death

The platform of this year’s “Yukoku-Ki,” November 25th, 2012, Tokyo

3,668 words

The Keynote Speech at the 42nd Yukoku-Ki in Tokyo, November 25, 2012

Translated by Riki Rei

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„5 to 9“-Konservatismus

1,175 words

Grant Wood, „Fall Plowing“ („Pflügen im Herbst“), 1931

Übersetzt von Deep Roots

English original here

Vor Jahren lieferte mir der Freund, der den größten Einfluß auf mein Erwachen bezüglich Rasse und der Judenfrage hatte, eine ziemlich Klarheit schaffende Unterscheidung zwischen „9 to 5“- und „5 to 9“-Konservatismus.  Read more …

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