Monthly Archives: July 2010

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Heidegger “The Nazi”:
Emmanuel Faye’s Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy . . .

4,070 words

Emanuel Faye
Heidegger: The Introduction of Nazism into Philosophy in Light of the Unpublished Seminars of 1933-1935
Trans. Michael B. Smith, foreword Tom Rockmore
New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009

National Socialism was defeated on the field of battle, but it wasn’t defeated in the realm of thought.

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Mulholland Drive

1,709 words

David Lynch is the greatest director working today, one of the greatest of all time. Mulholland Drive is his latest film. It is one of his best. Those who took their grandmothers to see Lynch’s last film The Straight Story should not take them to Mulholland Drive, which most closely resembles Lynch’s Lost Highway. Like Lost Highway, Mulholland Drive is filled with sex, violence, decadence, and dark humor. Both films have almost unintelligible plots. Both are set in Los Angeles. Read more …

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The Spanish Films of Guillermo del Toro

1,857 words

Guillermo del Toro is a Mexican director whose films I have been watching since I learned he was directing The Hobbit, which is being produced by Peter Jackson, the director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. As a LOTR fanatic, I wanted to get a sense of how Del Toro might handle The Hobbit. This is the first of three reviews I hope to write on his work so far.

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175 words

Translated by Michael O’Meara

Czech translation here

Of all the pathologies afflicting our society, “philosophical” relativism is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous, for its diffuse character, pseudoscientific logic, and air of tolerance (the highest value in our postmodern world) give it a distinct advantage over its philosophical competitors.

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In Defense of Bad Taste

Angelina Jolie and her adopted children

1,718 words

Portuguese translation here

Woman’s fundamental lack of taste is the fact to which . . . I ascribed the two myths of Pandora and Eve, in which woman is depicted as being the cause of the fall of man, and of the introduction of evil on earth. I demonstrated this fundamental bad taste by pointing to women’s inability to select and recognize the best men and their general preference for inferior men, the reason of this preference being the greater facility with which the latter are ruled and made amenable to women’s love of petty power.

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The Jünger–Heidegger Correspondence

1,358 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

Ukrainian translation here

When two great men—and what great men, in fact the greatest philosopher of the twentieth century and one of its most important writers!—correspond with one another, what do they discuss? Read more …

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Hooray for Bollywood

2,096 words

May 7, 2003

Sick of Hollywood? Try Bollywood. “Bollywood” is the world’s largest film industry, the Indian film industry, centered in Mumbai (Bombay). My first exposure to Bollywood was over lunch in an Indian Chaat House. A music video compilation was playing on a big-screen TV, and I was totally captivated.

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From Dusk to Dawn

3,176 words

Editor’s Note:

This is the first unabridged publication of the following translation with introduction by Michael O’Meara.

Translator’s Note:

The following talk was given in Moscow on May 17, 2005 and recently posted, in French, on the Russian site Athenaeum. Read more …

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Nietzsche on Freedom

512 words

Editor’s Note: The following is section no. 38 of “Skirmishes of an Untimely Man” from Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Twilight of the Idols.

38. My conception of freedom. — The value of a thing sometimes does not lie in that which one attains by it, but in what one pays for it — what it costs us. I shall give an example. Read more …

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Against the Armies of the Night: The Aurora Movements
Lindholm & Zúquete’s The Struggle for the World

1,544 words

Czech translation here

Charles Lindholm and José Pedro Zúquete
The Struggle for the World:
Liberation Movements for the 21st Century

Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010

The single greatest force shaping our age is unquestionably that of globalization.

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Oswald Spengler, 1880–1936

6,158 words

My book (The Decline of the West, Vol. I.) has met with widespread misunderstandings. In a sense, that is almost an inevitable concomitant of any novel approach which arrives at new conclusions. Such a reaction is all the more to be expected when the conclusions reached, or even the perspectives and methodology that led to them, present a serious challenge to the prevailing mood of an age. Read more …

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Abrogated Verses in the Koran

1,208 words

“Let there be no compulsion in religion; truth stands out clear from error” (Sura 2.256).

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The Islamic Conquest of Europe

658 words

There are officially four million Muslims in France today. The real figure is almost certainly higher, probably between six and seven million believers. Islam is already France’s second largest religion, with 1,430 official mosques. Read more …

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An Introduction to His Life & Ideas

4,116 words

Oswald Spengler was born in Blankenburg (Harz) in central Germany in 1880, the eldest of four children, and the only boy. His mother’s side of the family was quite artistically bent. His father, who had originally been a mining technician and came from a long line of mineworkers, was an official in the German postal bureaucracy, and he provided his family with a simple but comfortable middle class home.

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Twilight: Eclipse

1,431 words

Note: Since more people watch movies than read Nietzsche and Spengler, I have vowed to write a weekly movie review. Hold me to it, dear reader. Nag me if necessary. And send me your requests and recommendations.

Twilight: Eclipse is the third movie based on Stephenie Meyer’s phenomenally popular four volume Twilight Saga. Read more …

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Roy Campbell

4,736 words

Roy Campbell was born October 2, 1901 in the Natal District of South Africa. He enjoyed an idyllic childhood, growing up in South Africa and being imbued as much with Zulu traditions and language as with his Scottish heritage. He showed early talent as an artist but an interest in literature including poetry soon became predominant.

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Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political

Carl Schmitt

2,001 words

Note: The following short synthesis of Schmitt’s classic essay The Concept of the Political stems, in part, from a recent discussion with the Bay Area Nationalist Book Club.

However it is posed, the question of the political is always about the most important issue facing every people.

The political, though, is not to be confused with “politics” or “party-politics,” which speaks to individual or special interest in parliamentary gas houses.

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Gabriele D’Annunzio

Gabriele d'Annunzio, 1863 - 19382,071 words

“We artists are only then astonished witnesses of eternal aspirations, which help raise up our breed to its destiny.”

— Gabriele d’Annunzio, 1863–1938

Gabriele D’Annunzio, unique combination of artist and warrior, was born in 1863 into a merchant family He was a Renaissance Man par excellence. Read more …

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Alex Kurtagić’s Mister

4,856 words

Alex Kurtagic
Foreword by Tomislav Sunic
Guildford, U.K.: Iron Sky Publishing, 2009

Imagine a novel that is a marriage of George Orwell’s classic Nineteen Eighty-Four and Jean Raspail’s depressing account of the genocide of Europeans, The Camp of the Saints.

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In Defense of Deceptive Women

1,994 words

In the positive woman only those vices may be recognized which are inseparable from her functions as a promoter and preserver of life, for all the other vices she may or may not have in common with man. Those that are constantly characteristic of her are: (1) duplicity and an indifference to truth, (2) lack of taste, (3) vulgarity, (4) love of petty power, (5) vanity and (6) sensuality.

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Nietzsche’s Critique of Modernity

Josef Thorak's portrait of Nietzsche

590 words

Czech translation here

Editor’s Note:

The following is section no. 39 of “Skirmishes of an Untimely Man” from Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Twilight of the Idols.

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Nietzsche & Spengler:
Preface to Thinkers of the Right

1,900 words

Friedrich Nietzsche and Oswald Spengler loom large over the horizon of twentieth-century European thought. Nietzsche was influential in the thinking of Spengler, while either one or both had a major impact on the thinking of most of the writers we deal with herein.

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The Fall of the Berlin Wall:
Germany Celebrates its Americanization

1,468 words

Translator’s Introduction:

The following interview has been twice “betrayed.” It originally appear in Vienna’s zur Zeit, no. 46 (2009). It was then translated into French by Robert Steuckers Read more …

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The Nature of Politics

2,704 words


First, what is politics? That is, politics as a fact. Politics is activity in relation to power.

Politics is a domain of its own — the domain of power. Thus it is not morality, it is not esthetics, it is not economics. Politics is a way of thinking, just as these others are. Each of these forms of thought isolates part of the totality of the world and claims it for its own. Read more …

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Ernst Jünger & the French New Right

Arno Breker’s portrait of Ernst Jünger

2,828 words

Translated by Greg Johnson

The New Right obviously did not have to introduce Ernst Jünger’s name in France. When the New Right appeared at the end of the 1960s, the author of On the Marble Cliffs was already well-known to the French public. Indeed, Jünger was surely the German writer most famous and most read on this side of the Rhine. This situation, which always astonishes the Germans, is explained multiple ways.

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Uneasy Listening:
Boyd Rice’s Standing in Two Circles

2,290 words

Boyd Rice
Standing In Two Circles: The Collected Works of Boyd Rice
Ed. Brian M. Clark
Washington, D.C.: Creation Books, 2008

Boyd Rice (b. 1956) is a remarkable figure. He is a composer, poet, artist, essayist, photographer, filmmaker, actor, and self-educated scholar of both pop culture and Western esotericism, particularly Grail lore. Read more …

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Nietzsche on Conservatism

180 words

Czech translation of this post: here

Editor’s Note:

The following is section no. 43 of “Skirmishes of an Untimely Man” from Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Twilight of the Idols.

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Predators All

1,576 words

Recently, I went to see Predators, a sequel to the 1987 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Predator, about a group of American Special Forces commandos in the Central American jungle who find themselves being hunted by an extraterrestrial, the Predator.

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Christianity & Dysgenics

Face of Jesus, detail of Matthias Gruenewald's Isenheim altarpiece, c. 1515

The face of Jesus, detail of Matthias Grünewald's Isenheim altarpiece, c. 1515

1,062 words

How does Christian sexphobia influence youth unsoundly in the choice of a mate?

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“The Great Death-Continent”: 
D. H. Lawrence on America

David Herbert Lawrence, 1885–1930

529 words

Editor’s Note:

The following passage on America is from D. H. Lawrence’s novel The Plumed Serpent (1926). The Plumed Serpent tells the story of Kate Leslie, an Irish widow of 40, who, to escape her unhappy life, decides to travel to Mexico. She is horrified at Mexico’s ugliness, degeneracy, and backwardness. Read more …

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