Author Archives: John Morgan

John Morgan

John Morgan was born in New York, where he was raised, and then lived for many years in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he graduated with a degree in literature from the University of Michigan. These days he divides his time between the US and Budapest, Hungary. He was one of the founders of Arktos Media in 2010 and served as its Editor-in-Chief until 2016. Today he is an editor for Counter-Currents Publishing. In addition to the True Right, John's interests include literature, philosophy, religion and esotericism, consciousness, and related issues. A lifelong lover of books and ideas of all sorts, John sees his work as a publisher as the fulfillment of his dream of combining his bibliomania with his desire to bring cutting-edge ideas based in and defending the best traditions to the world.  He can be reached at [email protected], or on Facebook / Twitter.
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Hungary: Illiberal Democracy in Action

6,981 words

The following is the text of the talk that Counter-Currents editor John Morgan delivered at the American Renaissance conference on May 18, 2019. It is reprinted from the American Renaissance site. The video is included as well.

It’s great to be back here. It’s the first time I’ve been at AmRen since 2014, and of course the world has changed a lot since then. This is why I think it’s timely that I talk about what’s happening in Hungary today, since I spoke about that in 2014 as well, but at that time, Europe’s migrant crisis was nothing more than a twinkle in George Soros’ eye. Read more …

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Earth Day Special

350 words

Today is Earth Day, which has been an occasion to call for conservationism and environmental protection since it was first celebrated in America with bipartisan support in 1970, in response to the Santa Barbara oil spill of 1969. Although in recent decades, environmentalism has come to be identified with the political Left, taking stewardship of the Earth and seeking harmony in the relationship between man and nature has traditionally been an issue of the Right. Read more …

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The Man of the Twentieth Century:
Remembering Ernst Jünger,
March 29, 1895–February 17, 1998

3,553 words

Hungarian translation here; Czech translation here

Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

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The Power of Myth:
Remembering Joseph Campbell,
March 26, 1904–October 30, 1987

Joseph Campbell & his wife, Jean Erdman Campbell, c. 1939.

2,318 words

Joseph Campbell, the famed teacher of comparative mythology, was born on this day in 1904. For many people, including yours truly, he has served as a “gateway drug” into not only a new way of looking at myths, but into a non-materialistic way of viewing the world. And although as a public figure, Campbell mostly remained apolitical, evidence from his private life indicates that he was at least nominally a “man of the Right.” Read more …

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How to Fight Amazon Censorship

Captain Bezos, book-burner-in-chief

884 words

As we have already publicized on this site, Amazon has rolled out a new policy of censoring books based solely on their political content – specifically, those books which engage in thoughtcrime against the Establishment’s sacred cows of the unquestionable desirability of globalization, open borders, multiculturalism, and egalitarianism. Read more …

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Now in Audio Version!
Ten Great Films Against the Modern World, Part II

2,157 words / 13:42

Part 2 of 2 (Part 1 here)

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

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Now in Audio Version!
Ten Great Films Against the Modern World, Part I

2,550 words / 15:56

Part 1 of 2 (Part 2 here)

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

Some friends recently asked me to draw up a list of a few films that have made a lasting impression on me, aesthetically, emotionally, intellectually, or however, over the course of my life thus far. Read more …

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Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Resources at Counter-Currents

793 words

In recent decades, Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) has become a symbol of the possibility of racial egalitarianism and the supposed victory of progressivism throughout the Western world. His birthday, January 15, which is commemorated on the third Monday of each January, has been designated as a federal holiday by the United States government since 1986 (although it was not celebrated in all fifty states until 2000). Read more …

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Remembering Robinson Jeffers:
January 10, 1887–January 20, 1962

274 words

Robinson Jeffers was born on January 10, 1887.

Once regarded as one of the greatest American poets, Jeffers is largely forgotten by the literary establishment today, no doubt because of his politically incorrect subjects and views. A Nietzschean who was accused of fascist sympathies (which he denied), he celebrated nature and the outdoors in his work, eschewing the abstruse modernist style that was fashionable in his day. Read more …

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Counter-Currents Radio Podcast No. 226
A Patriot Without a Country:
A Film about Stanislaw Szukalski

5,264 words / 32:47

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Struggle: The Life & Lost Art of Szukalski (2018)
Directed by Ireneusz Dobrowolski
Written by Stephen Cooper & Ireneusz Dobrowolski

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History through the Traditionalist Lens:
Alexander Wolfheze’s The Sunset of Tradition & the Origin of The Great War

2,116 words

Alexander Wolfheze
The Sunset of Tradition and The Great War
Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018
£67.99 (sale price £33.99 until December 1)

Of the major (and even several of the minor) European languages, the Traditionalist school of philosophy – that articulated by René Guénon and Julius Evola and their offshoots – was a latecomer in the Anglophone world. Read more …

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“Pride in a Country that I Did Not Belong To”
Announcing the Counter-Currents Laibach Anthology

328 words

Over the years, Counter-Currents has published a number of essays about the infamous Slovene fascist/Communist/anarchist band and art project, Laibach, and its music, art, and career, which now spans nearly forty years (my own “Barbarians are Coming from the East” should provide all the essentials for newcomers) and many highly diverse phases in their style and aesthetics. Read more …

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Resistance is Futile:
Laibach & the Lviv Philharmonic in Ljubljana, 2018

3,128 words / 20:43

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

When I discovered that the Slovene fascist/Communist/anarchist (depending on who you ask) band and art project Laibach was going to be performing in Slovenia’s capital, Ljubljana – which, until a century ago, was known by its German name of Laibach – on September 7 with the Lviv Philharmonic Orchestra, as a longtime devotee, I knew I had to be there. Read more …

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Boomer Bayreuth:
Wagner’s Parsifal at the Festspielhaus in 2018

Parsifal and Gurnemanz travelling through German history and entering the Grail Hall in Hans-Jürgen Syberberg’s film of Parsifal – a truly outstanding presentation of the drama.

6,800 words / 39:17

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

For a Wagnerian, seeing a performance at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus (Festival House) – the theater that was built and established by Richard Wagner himself, with the financial support of Wagner Societies across Germany as well as King Ludwig II and the Bavarian state coffers in the 1870s – is the Holy Grail of Wagnerism, the pinnacle of the Wagner experience. Read more …

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I Saw the World End:
Wagner’s Ring in Munich

5,540 words / 32:41

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

Seeing an opera production these days, if you’re anything even approximating a small-t traditionalist, is always a risky business. When the guardians of Western culture – who actually hate Western culture, or at least what it was until recently – want to change literature, painting, television, or film to suit whatever agenda they’re pursuing at the time, it’s a relatively simple matter: they simply create new works in new styles. Read more …

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Now in Audio Version!
Meeting to Some Purpose:
The Second International Colin Wilson Conference

4,188 words / 26:20

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

As I have written about previously for Counter-Currents (as well as in a considerably revised and expanded version of this same essay that was included in North American New Right, vol. 2), the English philosopher, novelist, and compiler of eclectic knowledge of all kinds, Colin Wilson (1932-2013), is one of the most unjustly forgotten writers of our time. Read more …

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Now in Audio Version!
“Our Homeland,” a New Party, is Born in Hungary:
An Interview with László Toroczkai

László Toroczkai

3,627 words / 21:30

Russian translation here

To listen in a player, click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

Over the past three years, Hungary has become well-known throughout the world for its resistance to illegal immigration as well as to the demands of the European Union, which has been attempting to force all of its Member States to accept quotas of migrants in spite of the fact that the majority of people in many of those nations are opposed to it. Read more …

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What Would Evola Do?

5,765 words

The follow is the text of the talk that Counter-Currents editor John Morgan delivered to The New York Forum on May 20, 2017.

Tonight I thought I’d talk about Julius Evola, since yesterday (May 19) was his 119th birthday, and I have overseen the publication of many of Evola’s texts in English. Read more …

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In South Carolina, Criticizing Jews & Israel is Now Hate Speech

Rep. Alan Clemmons and Sen. Larry Groom, the ultimate cuckservatives, who led the fight for the bill

1,667 words

Something happened in South Carolina last month that seems to have escaped the attention of the mainstream media, for some unknown reason. On April 12, South Carolina became the first American state to legally define the criticism of Jews or the state of Israel as anti-Semitism. The definition goes into effect on July 1. Read more …

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Eladó életek:
Az erdélyi szászok sorsa – és a miénk

3,000 words

English original here

Eladó életek
Írta és rendezte: Razvan Georgescu
2014 Read more …

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Remembering José Antonio Primo de Rivera:
April 24, 1903–November 20, 1936

509 words

José Antonio Primo de Rivera y Sáenz de Heredia, the First Duke of Primo de Rivera, the Third Marquis of Estella, GdE was born on this day in 1903. His father was the dictator of Spain, appointed by King Alfonso XIII, from 1923 until 1930. Primo de Rivera was originally a lawyer, but in October 1933 he founded the fascist Spanish Falange movement. The Falange was monarchist, Catholic, anti-democratic, anti-capitalist, anti-Communist, and national syndicalist in orientation Read more …

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Příliš velká výhra? Zamyšlení nad výsledky voleb v Maďarsku

1,119 slov

English original here

Navzdory předpovědím o opozici povzbuzené vysokou volební účastí, jíž se v nedělních volbách mělo podařit snížit parlamentní převahu strany Fidesz Viktora Orbána, se po sečtení více než 98% hlasů zatím výsledky příliš neliší od minulých voleb v roce 2014. Read more …

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Too Much Victory?
The Hungarian Election Results

“For us, Hungary comes first.”

1,478 words

Czech version here

Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here. Read more …

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For Europe:
Hungary’s 2018 National Election

Fidesz-sponsored billboards that were up all over Budapest recently, showing the major opposition figures. The phrase reads, “They want to break the border.”

5,038 words

Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

Hungary in 2018 lies under a pall of darkness. Its citizens, kept in thrall by being fed a steady diet of fear of imaginary threats, unbridled racism, and cynical hatemongering through the government’s relentless propaganda, are cowed and starving, but dare not speak out, as the government brutally cracks down on the slightest dissent. Read more …

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The Man of the Twentieth Century:
Remembering Ernst Jünger,
March 29, 1895–February 17, 1998

3,545 words

Hungarian translation here; Czech translation here

Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here.

If I could choose to be anyone from the twentieth century, I would not hesitate for a moment to pick Ernst Jünger. The man did just about everything it was possible to do in his time, and stretched the limits of what one individual can accomplish in a lifetime to their breaking point. Read more …

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Muž dvacátého století: vzpomínáme na Ernsta Jüngera (1895-1998)

2,860 slov

English original here; Hungarian translation here

Kdybych mohl být kýmkoliv z dvacátého století, ani na vteřinu bych neváhal s volbou Ernsta Jüngera. Tento muž totiž ve svém vymezeném čase vyzkoušel takřka všechno a napnul hranice toho, čeho může jednotlivec v životě dosáhnout, až na úplné maximum. Jeho nesmírně dlouhý život (zemřel měsíc před svými 103. narozeninami) překlenul Kaiserreich, německou revoluci, Výmarskou republiku, Třetí říši, Spolkovou republiku Německo a konečně v poslední dekádě jeho života také sjednocené Německo – a v každém z těchto období aktivně působil. Read more …

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The Power of Myth:
Remembering Joseph Campbell,
March 26, 1904–October 30, 1987

Joseph Campbell & his wife, Jean Erdman Campbell, c. 1939.

2,324 words

Joseph Campbell, the famed teacher of comparative mythology, was born on this day in 1904. For many people, including yours truly, he has served as a “gateway drug” into not only a new way of looking at myths, but into a non-materialistic way of viewing the world. And although as a public figure, Campbell mostly remained apolitical, evidence from his private life indicates that he was at least nominally a “man of the Right.” Read more …

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John Morgan Interviewed on The Convict Report

64 words

Counter-Currents Book Editor John Morgan recently spoke to the team at the Australian podcast, The Convict Report, about his long intellectual and personal journey into this milieu and his assessment of the Dissident Right as it stands today. John thanks the Dingoes for a great conversation and enjoyed speaking with his Anglo comrades and brethren in the land Down Under! To listen, click here.


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Europe Endless:
Kraftwerk on Tour in 2018

6,221 words

Audio version: To listen in a player, use the one above or click here. To download the mp3, right-click here and choose “save link as” or “save target as.” To subscribe to the CC podcast RSS feed, click here. Read more …

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Klást správné otázky aneb jak se vyhnout smrtícím nástrahám Trumpových polovičatých řešení

2,158 slov

English original here

Všichni jsme moc dobře věděli, že to ani nemůže být jinak: liberálové se v následujících čtyřech letech budou pohoršeně snažit zablokovat jakýkoliv krok prezidenta Trumpa, ať už bude ve skutečnosti seberozumnější či sebenepatrnější. Sledovat v příštích letech liberály, jak se rozhořčují nad novými a novými údajnými políčky lidské slušnosti, bude nepochybně nevyčerpatelným zdrojem pobavení. Read more …

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