Environment & Ecology

Energy commons: from energy transition to climate justice

Viewing energy as a common-held resource, rather than a privately-owned commodity, directly links production to consumption and re-engages our liability as energy users.

Capitalism & Crisis

AMLO in office: from megaprojects to militarization

While hiding behind a mask of progressiveness, Mexican president AMLO is championing a neoliberal regime and promoting highly controversial megaprojects.

Capitalism & Crisis

The hidden agenda behind corporate-led reforms

Do not fall for the corporate class’s offer to self-regulate. It is only interested in silencing criticism and expanding its own power and influence.

Equality & Empowerment

The trap of trickle-down anti-Islamophobia

Relying on state institutions as a bulwark against racism and Islamophobia obscures how the law itself reproduces intertwined hierarchies of race and class.

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