Blue-shifting the Gem State, one blog entry at a time.

Border wall GoFundMe may need to issue refunds after millions raised

A grassroots online campaign to fund President Trump’s proposed border wall roared past $8.7 million on Thursday, but questions remained about whether the feds would be able to accept the gift, the New York Post Reports

As of Thursday evening, 143,821 people had donated $8,742,182 toward Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage's GoFundMe campaign, titled We the People Will Fund the Wall, just a little over three days after its launch.

An article in the atlantic put a new take on this phenomenon:

Individuals start or contribute to crowdfunding campaigns for their own reasons, but on a collective scale, Americans’ willingness to pitch in 20 bucks to a stranger online is among the defining phenomena of 2018. Its popularity is made possible by two intersecting realizations: Some of the vital structural underpinnings of life in the U.S. don’t work very well, and the ideas that end up mattering most are often those with money behind them.


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This National Nightmare is Going to End

A few days ago, one of the best and most comprehensive summaries of the current state of the Trump administration was written.

Don’t listen to the people saying this will never end and or Trump will be reelected in 2020. They are wrong. This is going to end. Those negative people are the same people who argued that we would never take the house because of gerrymandering. They are the same people who said we would never stop the ACA repeal. They are the same people who said Trump would declare martial law if the Democrats took the House. They are the same people who said we would never win a senate seat in Alabama. They are people who mistake cynicism for intelligence. They are people who mistake pessimism for realism. They are people who are afraid and think negativity will protect them. They are wrong on all those counts.

And the article does a good job of pointing out other pundits:

Even Fox news has been turning against him recently:

The author goes on to remind us that we are the majority and adds:

"The light of American democracy is bright and strong. And due to our hard work, it is going to shine for much longer. We will not be defeated by this failed reality TV show, lying, bankrupt, grifter."  read more »

Lt. Governor Candidate Janice McGeachin Thanks “Proud to Be White Again” Supporter

Crossposted on Daily Kos

Choose your friends wisely. Will Idaho elect a Lt. Governor who openly accepts white supremacists?

A truly awful conversation was recently on Facebook under this post. It has since been deleted. Fortunately, Seth Ogilvie of Idaho Reports covered the whole incident and has screenshots of the entire deleted conversation.

Check out this screenshot that sums up the problem:

This awful conversation was on Facebook yesterday under this post.

The first objection came from Robbie DeLeon: “Janice McGeachin Why should anyone who isn’t white vote for you after seeing these comments? If you want to represent our state you need to represent everyone, not just white conservatives,” according to idaho Reports.

McGeachin did not respond or thank DeLeon, but Jackson did saying “She clearly doesn’t need your vote OR ANY OF YOUR LIBERSL BUDDIES. THIS IS IDAHO! GO RED WAVE! #MAGA or #GTFO.

The thread played out like this for almost 24 hours. Idaho Reports then contacted McGeachin, asking “Does Janice McGeachin support the sentiment ‘I’m proud to be white again?’”

“I hope the voters in Idaho know that I believe that our country should celebrate diversity,” McGeachin told Idaho Reports in an email. “My ‘thank you’ was in response to his support of Trump and my campaigns.”

If you were a candidate and a Klan member posted support in your page, would you simply say “Thank You?”

The candidate later posted, and then deleted, a video from Eric Parker, a participant in the Bundy ranch standoff. He draws comparisons between the First and Second Amendments and encourages people to be as disciplined with their words as they are with their firearms: “Stop shooting the people around you and start shooting the target.”

Idaho Reports reached out to Jackson and received this statement shortly after the thread was deleted. It was posted without editing:

“I’m so mad I’m shakin. She posts about why Trump is getting support and I thank her, she thanks me, then all hell brakes lose. I ask sone of my millitia buddies to push back on the hate I was getting then next thing u know bitch tells me to watch myself and I’m getting beat up by Eric Parker himself for saying things he says all the time. Check FB him and me are/were friends. Now his goons are telling me I’m not wrong, just whatch where I post. Anyway it looks like its over because the bitch deleted my post and put me in FB jail so I can’t post comments to her stuff. McGeachin has no integrity. Can’t support the second while wiping your feet on the first or something like that.”  read more »

Young People's Pavilion: Why Understanding Student Trauma is More Important Than Teaching “Grit”

Crossposted on Young People's Pavilion

So, what are those challenges? If a hypothetical classroom of 30 children was based on current demographics in the United States, this is how the students in that classroom would live: Seven would live in poverty; 11 would be non-white; six wouldn’t speak English as a first language; six wouldn’t be reared by their biological parents; one would be homeless; and six would be victims of abuse.

... writes Aisha Sultan in the Atlantic.

There are some great children's books that address trauma and help students deal with it.  I found this article 11 Kids’ Books On Dealing With Loss, Grief, Illness And Trauma, particularly helpful.

The author states: "When children experience serious illness, loss, grief or trauma, it’s crucial to allow them to express and cope with emotions while at the same time, helping them understand, as developmentally appropriate as possible, what is happening. As parents and caregivers help children process these often times new and intense emotions."

Sultan continues:

I was reminded of this conversation during a recent presentation by Tyrone C. Howard on how student culture affects learning. Howard, the associate dean for equity and inclusion at UCLA, provided a reality check to the heavy investment in skills such as grit that might help more students succeed. ... We are asking students to change a belief system without changing the situation around them ... It can be irresponsible and unfair to talk about grit without talking about structural challenges, ... referring to the recent interest in interventions tied to the concepts of grit and perseverance.  read more »

Lets change the Ada county caucus.

It is time to rethink the Ada county caucus. I know a lot of hard work went into it but the sheer numbers are overwhelming. We are the party that pushes early voting and absentee voting. We are the party that wants every vote to be counted. Yet we make our people stand in line for 2 to 3 hours to get into a building on a given day at a given time. Once there there is no food to buy. We volunteers are told that outside food is not permitted. The line to get in is so long that it is 9:30 PM before the scheduled 7 PM caucus can start.  read more »

Lets change the Ada county caucus.

It is time to rethink the Ada county caucus. I know a lot of hard work went into it but the sheer numbers are overwhelming. We are the party that pushes early voting and absentee voting. We are the party that wants every vote to be counted. Yet we make our people stand in line for 2 to 3 hours to get into a building on a given day at a given time. Once there there is no food to buy. We volunteers are told that outside food is not permitted. The line to get in is so long that it is 9:30 PM before the scheduled 7 PM caucus can start.  read more »

How Not to Run a Rebellion


SECOND UPDATE: 2/12/16. Advice: Don't harbor a future felon.

Melissa Cooper told OPB her husband was arrested in front of their two girls.

“It was traumatic for them,” Cooper said. “Then the FBI agents…these guys from Arizona, they let the air out of my tires so I was stuck. I don’t have money for new tires, and I’m trying to get them fixed right now.”

The FBI would not confirm the details of the arrest.

Read: 7 More Militants Charged In Connection With Malheur Occupation

UPDATE: 2/12/16. This entry of the hot new advice column: "How not to run a rebellion," offers wise counsel: If you are in a position to be charged with serious crimes including using a dangerous and deadly weapon to forcibly assault, resist, oppose, impede, intimidate, and interfere with federal law enforcement officers; don't put an announcement on your website that says ...

From the Cliven Bundy official site:

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

IT'S TIME!!!!!


Ummm ... dudes ... like ... the cops will know exactly where you going and where you will be ... and you will have been disarmed at the perfect time for the arrest.

Read Cliven Bundy's criminal complaint.

STANDOFF: "We're not going to leave unless ... Oh Crap!"

Thanks to Ammon Bundy and his cast, we have a nice list of suggested ways to screw up a protest, or anything like one...

Begin by demanding the release of two "Patriots" from jail. Throw in demands for return of federal lands to "the people."

NOTE: be sure to deprive thousdands of people of the land while you demand its "return" to people you want to have it.

End up with all 16 of your final protestors in jail, charged or otherwise stuck.

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) - Newly released documents show the four remaining occupiers at an Oregon wildlife refuge, including a couple from Idaho, are facing charges.

An indictment unsealed Thursday names a total of 16 defendants, including standoff leader Ammon Bundy and other occupiers who were arrested last week.

A federal grand jury charged all with felony conspiracy, accused of using intimidation to prevent federal officers from doing their work at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

The armed holdouts have said they wouldn't leave until receiving assurances they wouldn't be charged. (emphasis ours)


PHOTO Credit: Ammon Bundy in Creative Commons YouTube video posted by Blaine Cooper, January 23, 2016, three days before his arrest.

Ben Carson Speaks the Truth

He also played the tune on the First Thanksgiving ...


SOURCE: Fee Part Hatriots

Voice Your Opinion On The Idaho Freedom Foundation Lawsuit Against Boise Schools

"The lawsuit announced this week against the Boise School District is one worth watching because it will have sweeping consequences throughout Idaho," writes Wayne Hoffman of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. "While the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s complaint is directed at the Boise School District, it’s not the only school in Idaho where taxpayers are being forced to subsidize labor union organizing activities."

VOICE YOUR OPINION: Comment on this topic on Facebook.

Wayne Hoffman, head of the Idaho Freedom Foundation, announced this week that his group has filed a lawsuit against the Boise School District, raising constitutional questions about the district’s contract with its local teachers association because itallows paid leave for members who are delegates to attend Idaho Education Association conferences and covers $35,932 toward the salary and benefits of the association president, a teacher who takes leave to fulfill association duties, according to Betsy Russell on her Eye on Boise blog.


Hoffman continues:

In Boise’s case, the school board and the Boise Education Association hatched an agreement long ago that allows a teacher to be excused from teaching to conduct union business but still remain employed by the district, remain on the government payroll and benefit from taxpayer-provided health and retirement benefits. In other words, taxpayers pay for a teacher who doesn’t teach. Instead the money and the resources go to a taxpayer-funded union boss.

This, we’ve alleged in the Boise School District lawsuit, violates the state Constitution. The constitution, borne of the days in which the railroads benefited from super cozy relationships with the government and ill-conceived funding schemes, forbids arrangements in which private organizations benefit from taxpayer support. The school district arrangement violates that covenant.

Click here to read Wayne's full article.

Here’s a statement issued Thursday afternoon by the Boise School District.

“Boise School District administration and board of trustees do not comment about pending litigation.

“However, it’s important for people to remember that for the last 20 years Boise School District has benefited from a longstanding collaborative relationship with the Boise Education Association. This partnership continues to foster a culture of respect and teamwork in the district where our professional educators are valued for their work in ensuring our community’s students are provided every opportunity to succeed in college, career and citizenship. It is due to this positive ongoing working relationship that Boise School District is highly regarded in our state and nation as a high performing comprehensive public school system.”

The Idaho Education Association (IEA), which was not listed as a party in the lawsuit, noted they are looking into the matter, according to the Daily Caller. The union stated they have seen the BEA and the BSD do a lot of good for the schools.

“The Boise Education Association and the Idaho Education Association have been made aware of litigation involving the Boise School District,” Paul Stark, the general counsel for IEA, told TheDCNF in a statement. “While we are investigating the situation further, we have no concerns about the appropriateness of the relationship between the teachers and the school district.”

“The BEA and BSD have developed a strong working relationship over many years, which has made the Boise School District one of the best educational environments for students in the state of Idaho,” Stark continued.

Justice Scalia explains why Kim Davis should issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples or find a new job and other stories

"Think of it this way. Someone who objects to war due to his religious conscience has a right to be a conscientious objector and not serve in the military, even were there to be a draft. But he does not have the right to serve as a military officer, draw a paycheck from the military and then substitute his own personal views of when war is justified for that of the government. The same applies here." - Jonathan H. Adler in Washington Post

New IDP Chair Bert Marley: Visionary Leader

Idaho is at a tipping point.

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book, “The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Difference,” describes this moment in Idaho’s history very well:

“Look at the world around you. It may seem like an immovable, implacable place. It is not. With the slightest push—in just the right place—it can be tipped.”

After so much time under the Idaho GOP’s political yoke, it can take an act of courage to embrace the truth that Idaho is on the precipice of achieving balance. It’s unsurprising that the Lewiston Tribune opinion page dons the emotional armor of skepticism and cynicism.

Here’s IDP Chair Bert Marley’s response to the Lewiston Tribune (paysite):


‪#‎Victory‬ ‪#‎Systemic‬ ‪#‎Institutional‬ ‪#‎Racism‬ The Pennsylvania Supreme Court tossed about 4,000 convictions issued by Ciavarella between 2003 and 2008, saying he violated the constitutional rights of the juveniles, including the right to legal counsel and the right to intelligently enter a plea.

The notion of an intractable "culture of poverty" has pushed our country in an especially ugly direction.

White conservatives are quick to tell black folks and other folks of color to 'stop being victims,' and to bash them for adopting a 'victim mindset.' But then they base their entire political existence on the idea that they are victims: of brown immigrants, Muslims, “the gays,” trans folks, secular humanists, atheists, scientists, environmentalists, taxes, government regulations, affirmative action, Hollywood elitists, college professors, political correctness, feminism, anti-Christian bigots, the media, etc. In other words, the biggest professional victims on the planet — whose race, religion, and sexuality are still dominant throughout the society — think its OK to lecture others about the subject…fascinating. – Tim Wise.

Follow and comment on this discussion on Facebook

In Under the Affluence, Wise builds on his fierce critique of racial privilege to discuss a related issue: class disparity and a culture of cruelty that demonizes those in need.

As Wise demonstrates, there was a time when the hardship of fellow Americans stirred feelings of sympathy, civic responsibility, and direct support for policies meant to alleviate poverty. But today, mainstream discourse increasingly blames low-income folks for their own situation, and the notion of an intractable "culture of poverty" has pushed our country in an especially ugly direction. Wise shows how the wealthy elite have commandeered discussions about class, moving the nation toward scorn and disengagement from the marginalized.

With clarity and precision, Wise not only documents growing contempt for the nation's have-nots, but also explores the underlying forces that perpetuate it. In doing so, he demonstrates how classism, racism, and sexism are inextricably linked, and how popular culture contributes to a deepening indifference to those who are struggling. Finally, Wise shows that far from a culture of poverty, it is the culture of affluence and power that deserves the blame for America's simmering economic and social crises.

Victim of Pocatello, Idaho police beating speaks out

They listen to Glenn Beck.

They hate the government ...

That is, except when those public officials in police uniforms are beating up Blacks, Hispanics and the poor.

Then ... #AllLivesMatter and #BlueLivesMatter

This is a follow up to my previous diary Pocatello police officer charged with assault. What Should Happen Now?

But wait! This case doesn't loan itself to those "Blacks commit more crimes" ... "You're race baiting" ... "This is just another liberal media smear" arguments.

The Idaho State Journal has interviewed the victim:

POCATELLO — James Rutherford said an altercation with police that resulted in Pocatello detective Steven Westfall being charged with assault by an officer and Rutherford being transported to the hospital started when he turned on the video camera on his cellphone.

Rutherford said he went to the IRS office at the Omni Building on 275 S. Fifth on July 10 to pick up a tax form for the financial aid office at Idaho State University. As he waited, a security guard asked him if he was carrying a knife. Rutherford told him he was not.

“He asked what was in my pocket. I told him it was my phone, and he asked if I would submit to a search,” Rutherford said. “I told him that I would not. He told me that I had to leave, and I told him that I was a tax-paying citizen and I had a right to be there.”

An exchange on the Idaho State Journal site encapsulates the dillemma for far-right extremists who want to side with the "good officer" over the "bad guy."

Ray Doe
Yes this young man could have prevented all of this in my opinion, according to what we have heard so far. If he would have allowed the security officer to do a search on him then it would have been a done deal. However the question is, what caused the security officer to question the guy in the first place and what made that security officer want to give him a body search..? I'm not taking sides for the individual that was arrested, but I'm not taking sides for any of the officers involved either. Is quite apparent that there was an officer that overstepped his boundaries on video , and without that evidence the officer wouldn't be facing charges himself!

Adam Stone
Ray Doe You don't have to "allow" an illegal search. At least that's not the America I want to live in.

Thank you, Adam Stone.

Pocatello police officer charged with assault. What Should Happen Now?

Crossposted on Daily Kos

A Pocatello, Idaho police officer is being charged with unnecessary assault by a policeman.

Detective Steven Westfall is being charged in connection to an arrest made on July 10, 2015. According Police Chief Scott Marchand, during the arrest Westfall allegedly used unnecessary force to subdue the suspect.

"What do you think should happen to Westfall for this incident involving a suspect? Should he lose his job? Should he be convicted of assault?" the Idaho State Journal asks.

Watch the video and voice your opinion.

Racism in Boise Idaho

"Please, no justification needed ..."

writes Louis J. Sheppard.

Read about his experience.

Has Donald Trump 'Fired up the Crazies?' Or is This Just Another Day in The Life of The GOP?

A fighter for immigration reform vs. a bored gazillionaire:

Republicans “need to reject this demagoguery. If we don’t, we will lose and we will deserve to lose,” McCain said, telling the New Yorker that he was certain once GOP primary voters learned more about Trump, he’d lose support. “He was a big Democratic supporter,” McCain pointed out. “Some of this stuff is going to come out: he gave more money to Democrats than Republicans, he had Hillary Clinton at his wedding. You know, he’s attacking Hillary Clinton after she was in the front row of his,” McCain recalled, shadily adding “I don’t know which wedding it was.”

Read Has Donald Trump 'Fired up the Crazies?' Or is This Just Another Day in The Life of The GOP?

Journalistic Integrity of The Post Register Questioned

Tanner Cox
Tanner Cox: Arrested

There appear to be several backstories to this story:

Idaho Falls beating death: Details on possible motive emerge
Post Register May 18, 2015

Here is one of them.

In the comments of the reprint of this story on the Idaho Statesman site ...

James Kent wrote:

Well that's finally the most thorough report yet of the incident. But it still omits a key fact that Cox bonded out for $1000 the following Monday without charges for the beating and was on the lam for a week. That's some significant negligence that deserves to be reported upon for public accountability. The Idaho Statesman should know that I made repeated requests to the Post Register as to why they omitted this information and the fact that Cox's mother is a former IFPD employee. They told me that they didn't want to ruin their relationship with their police contacts. When I observed that they were putting their personal relationship with the police over the duty to their readers, the Post Register banned me from their facebook page and deleted my comments. The Statesman might question future reports from the PR and perhaps put their own reporter on the story.

Kevin Wilson wrote on the Post Register Facebook page:

James Kent has made a number of posts here asking about apparent omissions in the reporting done by the Post Register about the killing of Josh Olzak. I have followed those posts closely. They were probing questions encouraging the Post Register to press the IFPD for details about why they released the prime suspect after apprehending him the night of the attack. Mr. Kent's posts were civil, professional, and free of vulgarity. They in no way violated the Facebook Terms of Use.

Why then has the Post Register deleted those posts and blocked James Kent from posting on this page?

UPDATE: 1:51 p.m.
James Kent said:

From the Statesman. They posted part of the information and then decided to censor me as well.
Thanks, James. We checked with the newspaper and the court records and I've added a reference to Cox bonding out, as well as his new bond. I've also gotten more information about their reporting so far, and am comfortable with keeping this story on our site.

If you have a concern with the Post Register, I'd ask that you work directly with them. We're not interested in allowing our comments section to help spread unsubstantiated allegations about anyone, regardless of whether they're other media or not, and I'd ask that you not use this page to do that. Until I'm given a better reason to believe that the paper is improperly withholding details, I'm going to hide this post from public view.

Kevin Wilson said:

If Nate Poppino is going to delete every comment that contains "unsubstantiated allegations" then he had better pack a lunch. He's going to be a very busy little worker bee for a very long time.


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Idaho House panel risks $246 million in funding to needy families because of Sharia law worries

UPDATE: 11:44 a.m. MST. My orginal blog headline stated $46 million, because I was using the fact that "roughly $16.1 million will immediately stop once Idaho is out of compliance. An additional $30 million is also in jeopardy because compliance is also tied to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families."

But upon further research:

Rep. John Rusche, D-Lewiston, said, “This is a bill of immense, immense consequences to the state of Idaho, to the state but mostly to the children of the state of Idaho, those that depend on child support payments for keeping body and soul together.” His voice cracking with fatigue, Rusche told the House, “This bill is required so that we can participate in the federal child support system. Without that participation, it will be very difficult, maybe impossible, to collect the over $200 million in child support payments that our Health & Welfare Department collects and dispenses.

Idaho made ABC News again!

"Republicans have been accused of abandoning the poor. It's the other way around. They never vote for us." - Dan Quayle

Stranger than fiction.

But alas, this is Idaho ...

An Idaho House panel voted 9-8 on Friday to kill legislation to bring the state into compliance with federal child-support collection rules after some lawmakers said they were concerned about Sharia law influencing Idaho's enforcement authority.

SOURCE: Associated Press.

And yet another victory for Idaho's single moms ... (end sarcasm)

Idaho child support program director Kandace Yearsley said the committee's decision has placed Idaho at risk of losing nearly $46 million in federal child-support funding as well as access to the federal enforcement tools used to collect child-support payments from parents living in other states.

And of course ...

But some members of the House committee said they were concerned the bill was tied to an international convention regarding cross-border recovery of child-support payments. Rep. Heather Scott and Sen. Sheryl Nuxoll, both Republicans, said they feared the bill could force Idaho to enforce child-support rulings made under Islamic law or foreign tribunals.

However ...

Deputy Attorney General Scott Keim countered during Friday's meeting that none of the countries involved in the Hague Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance —which Idaho entered into in 2007— are under Sharia law.

"I don't know of any other state going through this," said Yearsley, visibly shocked minutes after the committee voted. "There's no prior case. We are the first." Yearsley added that the committee's actions not only risk Idaho losing access to state enforcement tools but also risks the United States from being disqualified from the convention. This is because the convention requires that all states agree to be in compliance in order to participate, she said.

And as usual, those Republicans are really looking out for needy families (end sarcasm)

According to a letter from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, roughly $16.1 million will immediately stop once Idaho is out of compliance. An additional $30 million is also in jeopardy because compliance is also tied to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.

On the Spokesman Review blog, Sisyphus said:

The party of personal responsibility just let deadbeat parents off the hook and assured all those children will now have to go on government programs for food and health care. Brilliant strategy Napoleon. No hypocrisy there. Fiscally conservative is not fiscally responsible.

"Here's what the right-wing has in, there's no shortage of the natural resources of ignorance, apathy, hate, fear. As long as those things are in the collective conscious and unconscious, the Republicans will have some votes." - Janeane Garofalo  read more »

Clint Stennett Social, Hailey, May 1

Plan on attending the Clint Stennett Social in Hailey for a great evening with great friends. Proceeds will help the Blaine County Democrats grow and hold their rank as an Idaho Democratic stronghold.

What: Clint Stennett Social

When: 6 pm to 8 pm, Friday, May 1

Where: The Valley Club, Hailey

Cost: $50 per person or $30 for Young Democrats under 30

The honored guest will be Idaho Democratic Party Chairman Larry Kenck.

Check here for details and to RSVP or call Janie Davidson at 208-309-0350.

Power of Profanity

I have implemented a swear jar in my house. As a mother of two teenage boys, and one preteen boy, I needed some help to reduce the foul language. In fairness, my kids have heard me utter many of the words they say, and my husband can be a swearing machine. Swearing, it turns out, can be a very powerful force, for both positive and negative reasons. This is a lesson learned recently by Alex Labeau, President of Idaho’s most powerful lobby group, IACI.  read more »

Crony-Contract Collapse Saves Idaho Schools Big Dollars

Gov. Otter's vision for modern schools.
Idaho taxpayers don’t get a good deal when elected leaders let cronies and campaign contributors cash-in on state contracts.
As the Department of Justice investigates the sordid mess surrounding crony-ridden contracts for statewide school internet–commonly known as the Idaho Education Network scandal–Idahoans can glimpse how expensive Gov. Otter’s administration has been to schools and kids.
That illegal IEN contract made schools scramble to keep the internet going. But, once let out of a bloated state contract, Idaho schools and kids saw immediate benefits: better service and less-costly service.
One IT professional said this to the Spokesman Review:
“We’re getting more bandwidth than we did before. We’re definitely paying less.”
One internet provider said this:
“Post Falls is saving over $8,000 per month and is receiving 10 times the bandwidth versus IEN costs. They’re getting a full gigabit of Internet connectivity for a third the price.”
otter mug2Point your fingers at Gov. Otter and his agency heads for wink-and-nod contracts that pay back folks who got him elected.
We don’t have to put up with this. Rep. John Rusche, D-Lewiston, has proposed creating an Inspector General to investigate state contract issues as they arise. We can also stay informed. Let the people in power know that we are watching them. Be vocal about this waste and corruption.
Good government is something every Idahoans deserves. Bad government at the hands of Gov. Otter and his cronies harms us all.

North Idaho school districts say collapse of network contract is actually benefit

Far from leaving them in the dark without service, the demise of Idaho’s multimillion-dollar statewide school broadband network has brought several North Idaho school districts better service at a lower cost.
“We’re getting more bandwidth now than we did before,” said Seth Deniston, technology director for the Coeur d’Alene School District. “We’re definitely paying less.”
“It’s a lot cheaper than I thought,” said Tom Taggart, business manager for the Lakeland School District.
In fact, at least five North Idaho school districts were able to quickly transfer their broadband service from the troubled Idaho Education Network to local Post Falls firm Ednetics at big savings. And they increased their broadband speed.
“It appears we were being overcharged for the services provided,” said Senate Finance Chairman Dean Cameron, R-Rupert. “And obviously one of the silver linings in this whole issue is that not only will we reformulate what the IEN looks like, but we’ll have an opportunity for it to be more competitively bid.”
The statewide network, which linked every Idaho high school with broadband service and videoconferencing, collapsed last week after a judge declared the state’s $60 million contract with politically connected firms Education Networks of America and CenturyLink illegal. Lawmakers quickly approved a $3.6 million stopgap funding bill to cover costs for local school districts to find their own vendors for Internet service to replace the IEN.

READ the rest of the story at the Idaho Democratic Party Page.  read more »

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