Richard Yeselson


Contributing editor . Pretty sure I started the “revanchist” trend.

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قمت بحظر @yeselson

هل أنت متأكّد أنك تريد عرض هذه التغريدات؟ عرض التغريدات لن يلغي حظر @yeselson

  1. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
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    Why do House Democrats consistently refuse to play hardball? Really mystifying House Backs Off Holding Barr in Contempt in New Resolution

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  3. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
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    If you want an excellent primer on the biggest story in politics that even avid news consumers are largely oblivious to, I highly recommend this talk. Monetary policy is profoundly important, and the opposite of boring once one appreciates what's at stake.

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  4. قبل ساعة واحدة

    Given that Josh Hawley is being feted as an ascending conservative populist/social conservative, it’s useful to have ⁦⁩ sharply observant analysis of him. You can’t say you weren’t warned.

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  5. قبل ٥ ساعات

    Very interesting thread re Euro Social Dem and immigration.

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  6. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
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    “Common Cause argues this proof of ‘false statements’ is ‘highly relevant’ to its fight against the legislative gerrymander. “Republicans have argued that Hofeller drew these secret maps ‘out of personal interest in his spare time.’ “

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  7. قبل ٧ ساعات

    This is the apt criticism of : not that he imagines only white men write and should write long form essays, and not that he doesn’t want to develop younger women/non white writers. But he doesn’t acknowledge the many non white men doing excellent work *right now.*

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  8. قبل ٨ ساعات

    Sure—but the GOP can’t pull it off. Welfare state racial-ethno nationalism, leavened with anti-feminism, has always been their best bet. But the party plutocrats don’t want to fund a welfare state, let alone regulatory oversite. And don’t get them started about unions....

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    I did not schedule this tweet of my article. Please do not click links from the tweets management is forcing folks out of unit to do while we walk out

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  12. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
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    he should be bought out and banned from NBA games for life

    عرض هذه السلسلة
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  13. قبل ١١ ساعة

    Important thread, a key point-somehow both banal and profound— in excellent book which I reviewed in .

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  14. قبل ١١ ساعة

    This is a good competition and I urge support for both!

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  15. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
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    the best part about the internet is that it is a forum for people to share their thoughts. also the worst part.

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  16. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    قبل ٢٣ ساعة

    Seems like there's a pretty regular 6-month sequence of Tucker Carlson saying something that makes all the liberals react, "Oooh, he critiques capitalism too, maybe there's common ground!" Followed immediately by another half-year of polite racism and anti-Metric System nonsense.

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  17. تم إعادة تغريدها بواسطة
    قبل ١٥ ساعة

    America would be an infinitely better place if all white Southerners had the same attitude towards the Confederacy that most contemporary Germans do towards Nazism: be happy your ancestors lost a terrible war on behalf of an awful cause

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  18. قبل ١٤ ساعة

    Trump won by wedding nativism/racism/anti-feminism (“Kill the Bitch” didn’t come from nowhere) with statist protections for the wwc: trade chauvinism and a white social insurance gerontocracy. As Ruy Texiera noted, wwc was an massive 45% of total vote—his base turned out.

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  19. ٥ يونيو

    This silly thing whereby pretends that Cokie Roberts is an expert about everything insults its audience. And it really means that her research asst. is supposed to be an expert about everything. Better off hiring Jeopardy James who is suddenly available....

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  20. ٥ يونيو
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