Simcox, once the face of the minuteman movement
Simcox, once the face of the minuteman movement

Chris Simcox Child Molestation Allegations: Daughter Listed as Victim

Minuteman Chris Simcox could end up being Chris Simcox, 25-to-life man, if the allegations against him are true.

Simcox's new home is Maricopa County's Lower Buckeye Jail, where he is being held nonbondable on several charges related to child molestation, attempted child molestation and sexual conduct with minors.

Phoenix police say the three victims are all under 10 years of age. According to Arizona's statute regarding dangerous crimes against children, any adult convicted of sexual conduct with a minor who is under 12 years of age "may be sentenced to life imprisonment."

See Also: Joe Arpaio Supporter, Minuteman Chris Simcox, Charged w/Child Molestation

Otherwise, the sentence for one count could be 13 to 27 years. The law also calls for consecutive sentencing in four out of the five counts listed for Simcox on his court paperwork. Meaning they would run back-to-back.

Details of the allegations were released this morning in the Phoenix Police Department's probable cause statement.

During a forensic interview with detectives, one of the girls, victim number two, refers to Simcox as "dad," and is identified as one of Simcox's daughters.

Victim number two mentions that her "sister was in the shower with her" during the time of one of the alleged incidents.

Apparently, victims number one and number three are not related to Simcox.

The first victim states that Simcox touched her while they were both in the kitchen of his home. This, as his two daughters were outside playing. She also alleges that Simcox showed her pornographic movies on his computer.

"She has been shown the movie more than one time," reads the summary. "The victim stated that these movies give her bad nightmares."

The third victim does not allege touching, but says Simcox asked to see her underwear and then what was beneath.

The passage reads, in part:

"The victim stated that that she showed her private [sic] because Chris Simcox said that he would give her candy...Chris Simcox gave her candy and told her not to tell her mom."

PPD spokesman Tommy Thompson indicated that Phoenix police learned of these allegations when one of the girls told her parents, who in turn reported it to law enforcement.

As part of the investigation, detectives made contact with a grown daughter of Simcox's from another marriage. She repeated allegations of sexual abuse first made public by the Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Report magazine.

The 30 year-old California woman told detectives that two incidents occurred when she was 14. One happened as she was sleeping on a couch. Simcox allegedly put his hand under the blanket and on her upper thigh.

His hand went under her shorts, then she woke up, and Simcox withdrew without a word.

The second incident began as Simcox was giving her a back rub, then a leg rub, which turned into outright molestation for about 10 seconds. She "yelled for her dad to stop" and sat up in bed.

"He told her that he was sorry and not to tell anyone about this," write investigators, adding that, "her dad was drunk on red wine during the incident."

The 30 year-old also described physical abuse by Simcox to her and her brother. She is reported as saying that Simcox "did drugs and drank during her stay with him."

After Simcox was arrested and read his rights, he denied all of the allegations, saying he believed that, "these allegations were coming from his ex-wife."

"He did name the...girls by name but stated that there was never any inappropriate touching," reads the report.

"Christopher mentioned that he is very careful in regards to being around the kids," states the summary. "He doesn't let his daughters even shower in his house."

Simcox has three ex-wives that I know of, the most recent being Alena Simcox, with whom he has two daughters, ages five and six and a-half.

The divorce of Alena and Chris Simcox was long and contentious. In 2010, she accused Simcox of violent behavior, and of once threatening to murder her, the children and any cops that responded to the emergency.

A superior court judge dissolved the marriage in 2011. Noting Simcox's "acts of domestic violence," he awarded custody of the children to Alena. The judge granted Simcox parenting time (mostly supervised), ordered him to pay child support and to get domestic violence counseling and drug testing.

On more than one occasion, the court found Simcox in contempt for failure to pay child support. But eventually, Simcox cleaned up his act enough so that he was able to get unsupervised parenting time.

As recently as May of this year, the court affirmed an order of protection Alena still has against the former U.S. Senate candidate and one-time kindergarten teacher. He was not allowed to go near her or her son by another union.

Too bad his own kids were exempted from that order.

Simcox's next hearing is scheduled for June 26. His preliminary hearing is set for June 28.

PPD spokesman Thompson reiterated that anyone with additional regarding these incidents should contact Phoenix Police Department Family Investigations Bureau at 602-534-2121, or Silent Witness at (480) WITNESS or (480) TESTIGO.


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