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Now That She's Not Before A Latino Audience, Angle Unleashes Another Bigoted Ad Riddled With Racial Stereotypes

I dunno, what do you think? Think these guys might be Asian? Well, anyway, now that Sharron Angle isn't having to make nice before a group of Latino students, she's back to her old Latino-bashing race-baiting ways, as TPM reports: "Waves


I dunno, what do you think? Think these guys might be Asian?

Well, anyway, now that Sharron Angle isn't having to make nice before a group of Latino students, she's back to her old Latino-bashing race-baiting ways, as TPM reports:

"Waves of illegal aliens streaming across our border, joining violent gangs, forcing families to live in fear," the announcer says. "And what's Harry Reid doing about it? Voting to give illegal aliens Social Security benefits, tax breaks, and college tuition. Voting against declaring English our national language -- twice. And even sided with Obama and the President of Mexico to block Arizona's tough new immigration law. Harry Reid, it's clear whose side he's on -- and it's not yours."

As with a previous ad, the victims of illegal immigration -- in this case the families living in fear, and kindergarteners who won't grow up in an America where English is the only official language -- all appear to be white, and stand in stark contrast to the dark-skinned criminals illegally coming from the Mexican border.

Greg Sargent astutely observes:

Here's why this is important. As you may recall, when Angle recently came under fire for another immigration ad that pictured swarthy young men sneaking around, she distanced herself from it by claiming that the men in her spot weren't necessarily Latinos.

Angle even suggested her earlier ad was a reference to border security in general, claiming: "Our northern border is where the terrorists came through."

Now that her new ad explicitly shows the Texas-Mexico border, can we assume that her earlier explanation is no longer operative?

I think we can also assume her doubtfulness that the men in her ads are Latino can be declared similarly inoperative.

You know, one can only hope that this kind of ugliness works as well for Angle as that right-wing Latino-voter-suppression effort.

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