At CNS, It's Buttigieg-Bashing Time, a "news" organization filled with gay-bashers, is unsurprisingly eager to repeatedly remind you that Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg is gay.

Related: Why Does CNS Hate Gays So Much?

The Mark Levin News Service

As befits a Media Research Center operation, is such close buddies with right-wing radio host Mark Levin that it published an article about him every 2.7 days in 2018 -- and at one point farmed out its editorial agenda to him.

LGBT-Bashing To The Max

Mysterious Media Research Center sports blogger Jay Maxson has a particular dislike for gays and transgender community -- and he (or she) really hates Caitlyn Jenner, so much that the MRC had to delete one of his Jenner-bashing posts.

CNS' Double Standard On Offensive Remarks is ON IT when a Democratic politician says something deemed to be controversial -- but it works to downplay the story when a Republican politician does the same thing.

Down the Conspiracy Drain

Even as leader Joseph Farah is incapacitated by a stroke and its corporate mismanagement is made public, WorldNetDaily still insists on promoting conspiracy theories even though doing so is one of the things that is driving it out of business.

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