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The Clampetts go to London

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The Trumps are in London, en masse, and it’s as embarrassing a spectacle as you can imagine. And that’s the topic of today’s UnPresidented podcast. From Ivanka’s cowgirl ...

“Beyond Burger” Taste Test — Does a plant-based burger taste like real meat?

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The Beyond Burger is a new plant-based fake hamburger that allegedly tastes just like the real thing. Well, I saw some Beyond Burger today at the local grocery story, and in spite of ...

Ian Dunt on Brexit, European elections, and fighting demagogic populism

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Brexit is still in chaos, and things didn’t get any clearer with the results of the European Parliament elections, that seemed to hand victory to populists across the board, both ...

Trump’s latest temper tantrum

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In today’s episode, we discuss a few new bad polls for Trump, Pete Buttigieg’s delicious attack on Trump’s draft-dodging, the weird non-story about Elizabeth Warren ...

Measles, Trump’s taxes, Facebook, and impeachment

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In today’s UnPresidented Podcast, Cliff and I talk about the wickedness of anti-vaxxers, a federal court ruling that Trump’s accountants have to turn over his taxes to House ...

Trump cheats little boy at golf

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We all knew Trump was a cheater, but cheating a ten-year-old kid? Oh yeah. We start with that little anecdote, and move to James Comey’s appearance on CNN last night, then Don ...

Jerry Falwell’s pool boy

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In today’s episode, we discuss the breaking that Trump didn’t pay taxes for 8 of 10 years during the 1980s and 90s, after losing more than a billion dollars. But the real ...

“Everything’s a f’g haiku with Mueller.” Bob Cesca joins us to talk Bill Barr.

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Bob Cesca joins us to talk about Attorney General William Barr’s disastrous testimony before the Senate this week. We all agreed that Mueller seems to have punted far too much ...

Pete Buttigieg framed by far-right Internet troll Jacob Wohl

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In this week’s UnPresidented podcast, we delve into Joe Biden’s first week on the campaign and the polls showing him doing awfully well, along with some improvement from ...
Barack Obama and Joe Biden, White House photo by Pete Souza.

Joe Biden for President

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Joe Biden has entered the race for president. And today’s UnPresidented podcast is all about Biden, where he stands on the issues, and how Biden’s candidacy affects Bernie ...
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