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Liveblog: Julian Assange in jeopardy

Julian Assange’s has been arrested and faces extradition charges to the United States; see here for ongoing legal, political and other developments

Julian Assange extradition hearing recap

At Julian Assange’s extradition hearing today at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London, which Assange attended via videolink from HMP Belmarsh, the full substantive proceedings were scheduled for five days in February 2020.

Academics, human rights activists, lawyers: Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning now

"As scholars and citizens concerned with the protection of whistleblowers and a free press, with the ability to hold government to account for such abuses we call for the immediate release of Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning from prison."

Isolated, Surveilled, Expelled: How Ecuador Betrayed Julian Assange

Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno gradually ratcheted up restrictions, surveillance, and threats on Julian Assange over the course of his presidential term to build a pretext for ultimately revoking asylum and inviting British police into Ecuador’s embassy.

Timeline: Julian Assange’s Expulsion & Arrest

Major events leading to Julian Assange's expulsion from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, starting even before new Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno took office.

Media analysis of Julian Assange’s superseding indictment

In-depth looks at the specific charges, the history of the Espionage Act, the precedent a conviction would set, and more

UN Torture Expert: “collective persecution” of Julian Assange must end now

“Mr. Assange has been deliberately exposed, for a period of several years, to progressively severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological torture.”