Featured Articles

Anarchist History: Maps and Overland Guides


RELATED: “Our Lost Continent” (April, 2015) “Looking Forward—Mapping Our Lost Continent” (April, 2018) “Our Lost Continent: Episodes from an Alternate History of the Anarchist Idea, 1840–1934” (May, 2019) However cautious I might be about some […]

Anarchist History: The Metaphor of the Main Stream


As tools for historical and cultural understanding, metaphors are obviously in the “use with great care” category and, as often as not, reveal more about our interpretive preconceptions than they do about the material we seek to interpret. But sometimes that’s just what is called for, as what needs to be more closely examined is at least as much the lens through which we are looking as it is the object of our scrutiny. […]

E. Armand, “Plan for an Epitaph” (1923)

Featured articles

f someone asked me what inscription I should like to see appear on my grave marker—if ever the luxury of resting in a tomb was given to me—I would first respond that I desire to sleep my last sleep in the nearest hole in the ground. If my friends insisted, this is the epitaph that I would be pleased to have them place on the slab recalling my memory: He lived. He gave of himself. He died unsatisfied. […]

Featured Projects

Max Nettlau Project

Featured Projects

One of 2019’s archival projects will be pulling together the large quantity of material I have gathered or generated regarding Max Nettlau and his works. […]