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How They are Made

Democracy Now! is the ONLY news program that offers full transcripts on its web site free of charge. These transcripts are made available within hours of our broadcast.

Normally, such a service would be completely cost-prohibitive for an independent news outlet, but Democracy Now! transcripts are made with people power. Using our closed captioned file as the basis, our network of trusty volunteers, people from throughout the country and the world, work diligently each morning to get these transcripts posted.

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Our creative commons copyright encourages YOU to republish DN! transcripts in any way YOU can. DN! transcripts are completely FREE–we ask only one thing in return–all reprints must credit Use DN!’s transcripts in your web blogs or make a regular feature in your college newspaper.

If you do reprint our transcripts, it would be great for us to know. Drop us a line at with a link, an attachment or mail a hard copy to: Outreach Department, Democracy Now!, 207 W. 25th St., Floor 11, New York, NY 10001

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