Richard Spencer Calls for a “White Bloc” to “Defend Against” Anti-Fascists

Richard Spencer has been having a tough couple weeks.  Donald Trump’s decision to intervene on the Syrian conflict, blanket bombing airfields, runs in direct contradiction to the Alt Right’s isolationist nationalist politics and desire for Trump to find an ally in Assad.  Spencer, along with Alt Right outlets like VDare, the Daily Stormer, Counter Currents, The Right Stuff, and others, have spoken out loudly against this, attempting to co-opt the language of the anti-war movement.

In doing this, Spencer arranged an Alt Right protest in front of the White House on April 9th, bringing together the young hosts of the Alt Right Politics podcast from Spencer’s own Radix Journal and Mike Peinovich (Mike Enoch) from The Daily Shoah and The Right Stuff.  They were met by a massive anti-fascist contingent, including organizers from D.C. area groups and the One People’s Project, who clashed with their attempt to carve out a space for themselves.  While the radical left is uniformly against the U.S.’s imperialist intervention, Spencer’s crowd is one who uses this as a proxy for white nationalist talking points, and this superficial agreement is no cause for shelter.

As happens to Spencer regularly, the confrontation became so heated that Spencer was forced to run away, covered by a bodyguard he brought.  He got into a cab that was blocked and had to run down the street as protesters swarmed around him, and two protesters ended up arrested.

Later, on reflection, Spencer spoke about the intensity of the conflict between anti-fascists and the Alt Right, including him most specifically.  Not only has the anti-fascist movement intensified, the average American has sided with anti-fascists against Spencer, and he can no longer enter public places without the possibility of conflict.

“That was the first time some type of use of force was used,” said Spencer about being “glitterbombed” during the event.  “You don’t know what anyone’s throwing at you when it’s glitter.”

Spencer and his crew went on to recount the story, signaling themselves as victims even though they were on camera antagonizing the crowd, calling people “faggots” and “pussies,” and making racist and anti-Semitic comments.

“Basically what’s happening is everything is escalating,” says Spencer, about the increased opposition he is facing.

If we’re going to do a demonstration then we’re going to have to escalate protection.  And I’m not going to talk about what we’re doing, but we are doing something…They’ve already escalated and I don’t know what degree they’re going to actually change [anti-fascist protesters].  They are just going to become more intense.  We know what Antifa basically do.  And this is where we are, and we need to escalate in terms of protection and we will.

The co-host later asks if Richard would like to “extend a little call to arms.”  Richard agrees to.

I will extend a call to arms in this sense, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: we need to form right-wing safety squads.  We need to form a “white bloc” that will counter the black bloc.




11 thoughts on “Richard Spencer Calls for a “White Bloc” to “Defend Against” Anti-Fascists”

  1. Nothing like beating down an anti march criticizing the Trump administration in the name of…I don’t even know “#resistance”! Of course having any coherent political view is like against the rules for anarchists only mindless violence is ok. Death to those that we don’t agree with, don’t even let email organize an anti war March against Trump.


  2. antifa are anti-bathing, anti-thinking, and violent due to lack of intelligence or any coherent ideology based in reality. basically a bunch of shook little babies who sucker punch people. the lowest scum of scum.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Do you think saying that does anything? I know it makes you look tough around your internet friends, but we can continue to “not bathe” and destroy your fake fucking movement. That “lack of intelligence” and “coherent ideology based in reality” is actually supported by all mainstream science, and dominates among Millenials. So which revolution is likely to come? The one led by the militant thousands who are coming for you, or a dozen dweebs in shitty haircuts led by beta cucks like Richard Spencer. Keep commenting neckbeard.


  3. Kill those fascist pigs ! Go Antifa! There are millions upon millions of us ready to fight. Kill every mother fing fascist white nationalist. No quarter.


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