By Federale on 06/15/2019
In an ever so strange event, a mistrial was declared in the case of Scott Warren, an alien smuggler who works with a larger alien smuggling group, Pueblo Sin Fronteras and that organization’s leader, Irineo Mujica, also organizer of the many, many illegal aliens who have entered the United States as part of caravans of illegals from all over the world. Mr. Warren’s case resulted in a mistrial Tues...
By Lance Welton on 06/15/2019

Richard Lynn, now 89 years old, has made it his mission to discover the average IQ of every country on Earth. His first book on the subject, IQ and the Wealth of Nations [2002], written with Finnish political scientist Tatu Vanhanen (1929-2015), was put out by Praeger, a mainstream academic publisher. Since then, Lynn, usually with Vanhanen, has authored or co-authored a succession of books expanding on the same topic—Race Differences in Intelligence (2006), IQ and Global Inequality (2006), The Global Bell Curve (2008) and Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences (2012)—published either by Washington Summit or his own Ulster Institute for Social Research. now we have yet another one: The Intelligence of Nations, co-authored with a young German political scientist David Becker, based at the Technical University of Chemnitz in what was formerly East Germany. It is the most important of all of Lynn’s sequels, possibly even more worthy of your time than was the original—especially because Cultural Marxism is now eliminating, not merely public debate on the topic, but also academic science.

This ever-tightening Political Correctness stranglehold means that it’s impossible now for Lynn to publish his research via a house like Praeger. Similarly, conventional academic journals at least reviewed IQ and the Wealth of Nations, albeit nastily, but ten years later, there was no way they would review Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences.

Indeed, in the wake of the uproar surrounding student journalist/ enforcer Ben Van der Merwe’s 2018 “discovery” of the London Conference on Intelligence, the University of Ulster caved into pressure and stripped Lynn of the Emeritus Professorship it had awarded upon his retirement, by implication (the university simply referred to “all relevant information”) because it had only just discovered (Lynn taught there for forty-six years!) that his research was “racist and sexist in nature,” exactly as the student Leftists had claimed. [Ulster University withdraws status from Prof Richard Lynn, BBC News, April 14, 2018]’s James Fulford commented that Lynn was being stripped of emeritus status “for saying the same things that made him a professor in the first place.”

By John Derbyshire on 06/14/2019
00m45s  Media for gentry liberals.  (Introducing Long Island Newsday.) 05m37s  Towards the Beggars' Democracy.  (The bizarro world of CultMarx polemics.) 14m42s  More from the provincial press.  ("Comments are disabled on some stories...") 21m23s  Trump gets rolled on tariffs.  (By Mexico and the congressional GOP.) 27m39s  ChiCom lawlessness.  (Words mean nothing.) 34m36s  India's election result...
By John Derbyshire on 06/14/2019

Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, available exclusively on

Cover story in last Sunday's Long Island Newsday: in Trump Era, LI Immigrants Cope With Tougher ICE Actions, "Climate Of Fear", June 7, 2019, by  Will Van Sant [Email him] and Víctor Manuel Ramos. [Email him]

That headline raised my hackles right away. I am an LI [Long Island] immigrant, married to another Long Island immigrant. We're supposed to be "coping" with something that ICE is doing? Living in a "climate of fear"?

The Derbs have no interactions with ICE at all, and our fears are in the standard late-middle-aged suburban homeowner range: crabgrass, tax audits, atrial fibrillation. of course the headline is CultMarx double-speak. The word "immigrant" is code for what our federal statutes refer to as an "illegal alien."

As I keep wearily pointing out, not only is an illegal alien not an immigrant, he is positively a non-immigrant. So are most legal aliens. Before I got my green card in 1994 I entered the U.S.A. on permits stamped into my passport with the plain words NONIMMIGRANT VISA.

An immigrant is a foreigner who has been accepted by the authorities for indefinite settlement in the U.S.

All other aliens, surely including illegal ones, are non-immigrants.

So we are in the bizarro world of CultMarx polemics, where words are used in the opposite of their correct meaning—War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Non-immigrants are Immigrants. Got it.

So what's this 4300-word story, around four times the length of a major broadsheet newspaper op-ed, about?

Opening quote:

Fearing deportation, a Guatemalan cleaning woman in the country illegally has taught her children to go quiet when they hear a knock on the door at their Hempstead apartment. Under a policy enacted by President Donald Trump, federal agents looking for immigrants wanted for serious crimes could arrest and deport her, too.

More doublespeak there. The phrase, "Under a policy enacted by President Donald Trump" should actually read: "Under laws passed by Congress duly elected and assembled, according to the Constitution."

By Reader on 06/14/2019
Re: James Fulford's LEGAL INSURRECTION's Terrific Coverage Of Gibson's Bakery Misses Point About Black Lady Lawyer From: Betsy [Email her] James Fulford writes I could see that the email was signed by a woman called Donica Thomas Varner, Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary. Ms. Varner [Email her] is a black lady lawyer, who has worked previously in Detroit law firms, and as a lawyer fo...
By Steve Sailer on 06/14/2019
From Vanity Fair: For the liberal Pritzker dynasty, Jennifer’s politics were the problem, never her identity. But the former lieutenant colonel says she’s had enough of the president’s hate. “I don’t want to see my life, and the life of people like me, become a political poker chip.” BY JAMES REGINATOJUNE 13, 2019 5:00 AM … Several Pritzkers are currently well known. Jay Robert (known as “JB”) ...
By Steve Sailer on 06/14/2019
From the New York Times opinion page: The Case for Gay Reparation Other countries are taking steps to atone for their shameful past treatment of L.G.B.T. people. The United States should too. By Omar G. EncarnaciónMr. Encarnación is a professor of political studies. June 14, 2019 I look forward to individuals documenting that they came from long lines of closeted gays forced by social pressur...
By James Fulford on 06/14/2019
Legal Insurrection has done an incredible job of covering the Black Lives Matter/Oberlin College attack on a white owned-bakery in Oberlin’s college town, but they seemed to have missed one point. Remember that this started when, as Michelle Malkin wrote in 2016: On Nov. 9 according to the city police report I obtained, shop employee Allyn Gibson caught a 19-year-old Oberlin College student allege...
By James Kirkpatrick on 06/14/2019
See Also: DeSantis Popular In Florida, But Still Hasn't Delivered On E-Verify by James Kirkpatrick Governor Ron DeSantis is definitely a rising star in the Republican Party and just delivered on a major campaign promise. Sanctuary cities are thing of the past in Florida.  All law enforcement agencies in Florida will have to cooperate with federal immigration authorities under a bill signed by Gov....
By Virginia Dare on 06/14/2019
Welcome to VDARE Radio; I’m your host Virginia Dare. California Governor Gavin Newsom recently tweeted: “There’s only the California Dream, attainable and aspirational. Around the world it’s a beacon light. Mark my words, California—we are the light at the end of the tunnel.” Unfortunately, if recent headlines are any indication, that tunnel is infested with rats and typhus. A recent article in th...


By Lance Welton on 06/15/2019

Richard Lynn, now 89 years old, has made it his mission to discover the average IQ of every country on Earth. His first book on the subject, IQ and the Wealth of Nations [2002], written with Finnish political scientist Tatu Vanhanen (1929-2015), was put out by Praeger, a mainstream academic publisher. Since then, Lynn, usually with Vanhanen, has authored or co-authored a succession of books expanding on the same topic—Race Differences in Intelligence (2006), IQ and Global Inequality (2006), The Global Bell Curve (2008) and Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences (2012)—published either by Washington Summit or his own Ulster Institute for Social Research. now we have yet another one: The Intelligence of Nations, co-authored with a young German political scientist David Becker, based at the Technical University of Chemnitz in what was formerly East Germany. It is the most important of all of Lynn’s sequels, possibly even more worthy of your time than was the original—especially because Cultural Marxism is now eliminating, not merely public debate on the topic, but also academic science.

This ever-tightening Political Correctness stranglehold means that it’s impossible now for Lynn to publish his research via a house like Praeger. Similarly, conventional academic journals at least reviewed IQ and the Wealth of Nations, albeit nastily, but ten years later, there was no way they would review Intelligence: A Unifying Construct for the Social Sciences.

Indeed, in the wake of the uproar surrounding student journalist/ enforcer Ben Van der Merwe’s 2018 “discovery” of the London Conference on Intelligence, the University of Ulster caved into pressure and stripped Lynn of the Emeritus Professorship it had awarded upon his retirement, by implication (the university simply referred to “all relevant information”) because it had only just discovered (Lynn taught there for forty-six years!) that his research was “racist and sexist in nature,” exactly as the student Leftists had claimed. [Ulster University withdraws status from Prof Richard Lynn, BBC News, April 14, 2018]’s James Fulford commented that Lynn was being stripped of emeritus status “for saying the same things that made him a professor in the first place.”

By John Derbyshire on 06/14/2019

Adapted from the latest Radio Derb, available exclusively on

Cover story in last Sunday's Long Island Newsday: in Trump Era, LI Immigrants Cope With Tougher ICE Actions, "Climate Of Fear", June 7, 2019, by  Will Van Sant [Email him] and Víctor Manuel Ramos. [Email him]

That headline raised my hackles right away. I am an LI [Long Island] immigrant, married to another Long Island immigrant. We're supposed to be "coping" with something that ICE is doing? Living in a "climate of fear"?

The Derbs have no interactions with ICE at all, and our fears are in the standard late-middle-aged suburban homeowner range: crabgrass, tax audits, atrial fibrillation. of course the headline is CultMarx double-speak. The word "immigrant" is code for what our federal statutes refer to as an "illegal alien."

As I keep wearily pointing out, not only is an illegal alien not an immigrant, he is positively a non-immigrant. So are most legal aliens. Before I got my green card in 1994 I entered the U.S.A. on permits stamped into my passport with the plain words NONIMMIGRANT VISA.

An immigrant is a foreigner who has been accepted by the authorities for indefinite settlement in the U.S.

All other aliens, surely including illegal ones, are non-immigrants.

So we are in the bizarro world of CultMarx polemics, where words are used in the opposite of their correct meaning—War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Non-immigrants are Immigrants. Got it.

So what's this 4300-word story, around four times the length of a major broadsheet newspaper op-ed, about?

Opening quote:

Fearing deportation, a Guatemalan cleaning woman in the country illegally has taught her children to go quiet when they hear a knock on the door at their Hempstead apartment. Under a policy enacted by President Donald Trump, federal agents looking for immigrants wanted for serious crimes could arrest and deport her, too.

More doublespeak there. The phrase, "Under a policy enacted by President Donald Trump" should actually read: "Under laws passed by Congress duly elected and assembled, according to the Constitution."

By Hank Johnson on 06/13/2019

See, 15 years earlier: Abolishing New England: Cheap Labor vs. College Kids and More Cape Cod Clamoring For Cheap Labor by Joe Guzzardi

Summer officially starts next week, on July 21. But it won’t be warming American teenagers, increasingly shut out of summer jobs by foreigners imported on temporary work permits. Thus through at least the early 1990s, businesses would bus in teenagers from southeastern Massachusetts cities like New Bedford and Fall River to work in Cape Cod vacation area. But vigorous lobbying has enabled businesses to switch to foreigners. Wages stagnated and young adult labor force participation remained low, but at least Cape Cod businesses have their seasonal underclass of foreign workers! My Make Massachusetts Great Again proposal: compel these businesses to switch back to hiring Americans.

The key seasonal labor permits are the H-2B program, which brings in low-skill workers, 80 percent of whom hail from Mexico, and the J-1 program, which brings in swaths of eastern European college students. H2-B in particular has received pushback from labor unions and left-leaning think tanks, most notably the AFL-CIO and Economic Policy Institute.

The AFL-CIO notes the search for domestic workers is oftentimes insincere and jobs employers wish to fill with foreign labor are not offered for the typical rate—businesses reportedly can save nearly 25 percent by hiring foreigners.[Fact Sheet on Why the H-2B Program is Bad for Working People,, June 23, 2016] Meanwhile EPI points out the real wages for H-2B workers dropped from 2004 to 2014 in fields like landscaping (3.4 percent), meat/fish trimming (3.3 percent) and restaurant cooks (6.5 percent), among other occupations. [The H-2B temporary foreign worker program | Examining the effects on Americans’ job opportunities and wages, by Daniel Costa, June 8, 2016]

By Patrick J. Buchanan on 06/13/2019

See, earlier, by Peter Brimelow: “Wheel And Fight”—Pat Buchanan’s Nixon Book Provides Road Map For Trump.

"History is repeating itself, and with a vengeance," John Dean told the judiciary committee, drawing a parallel between Watergate, which brought down Richard Nixon, and "Russiagate" which has bedeviled Donald Trump.

But what strikes this veteran of Nixon's White House is not the similarities but the stark differences.

By Ann Coulter on 06/12/2019


The African folktale version of the 1989 Central Park gang-rape has swept the populace! The mob thirsts for vengeance against evil spirits, like Linda Fairstein.

In the past week, Fairstein, the head of the sex crimes unit of the Manhattan District Attorney's office during the trials of the accused rapists, has been exiled from society, like an albino chased from the village at the instigation of witch doctors. In a matter of days, she's been forced off of a half-dozen corporate boards, dropped by her publisher and dumped by her talent agency.

The people doing the ostracizing are full of crap, have no idea what they’re talking about, and get all their information about the case from Hollywood fantasy movies—most recently, the Netflix TV series "When They See Us" by Ava DuVernay, a major beneficiary of the #OscarsSoWhite campaign.

The actual evidence against the five boys convicted of the rape was overwhelming. Nothing has changed that.

This week, we’ll look not at the proof of their guilt, but at the proof of their alleged "exonerations."

In 2002, the convictions of the five Central Park rapists were vacated on the word of a psychopath, Matias Reyes, who suddenly announced that he, too, raped the jogger—not a surprise—and also that he’d acted alone—not possible.

The real reason the convictions were vacated was that the sainted Robert Morgenthau, Manhattan D.A. since the Fillmore administration, discovered that, during his tenure in office, the slaves had been freed and given the vote. The only facts he cared about were: 1) an election was coming; and 2) so was his impending death. Overturning those convictions would assure him both re-election and an adulatory New York Times obituary.