
The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus is a peer-reviewed on-line publication providing critical analysis of the forces shaping the Asia-Pacific and the world. The Journal explores the geopolitics, economics, history, society, culture, international relations and environment of the modern and contemporary Asia-Pacific region.

Does it make sense to publish at the Asia-Pacific Journal? If you believe that print publication is the holy grail in the new millenium, the answer is obviously No! For others, it may be worth considering. We take pride in the speed and rigor of our peer-review process. From date of acceptance your article will be published within two weeks . . . we publish semi-monthly. You can expect to reach a large global audience with concentrations of readers across the Asia-Pacific including East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific, North America and Europe and beyond. You will find yourself in the company of authors addressing the most urgent issues in contemporary and historical affairs in the region and globally.

Articles labeled Feature comprise special issues. Course Readers make the best work of the journal accessible to teachers and students for classroom use. In addition, the Journal offers translations from Japanese, Chinese, Korean and other languages as well as links to translation of APJ articles in other languages. Our peer review process is recognized by Ulrich's Global Serial Directory.

Subscribers may choose to receive a free Newsletter published twice a month with links to new articles. More than 17,000 people in 195 countries presently subscribe to the journal, approximately half through our Newsletter, while others follow us through Facebook or Twitter. Readers on six continents access articles 100,000 to 150,000 times each month.

The Journal is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service. Contributions are tax-deductible and may be made via Paypal which accepts major credit cards and bank transfers.

The Asia-Pacific Journal is the recipient of The Ryukyu Shimpo's first Ikemiyagi Syuui Prize. The award recognizes that "Japan Focus has made an outstanding worldwide contribution to proposing solutions to problems confronting Okinawa."


Contributing to the Journal

To contribute an article to The Asia-Pacific Journal contact us introducing yourself and explaining what you propose to write. After approval, submit the article to us as a Word file following our style sheet:



The Editors

Andrew DeWit, Rikkyo University, Tokyo,

Norma Field, University of Chicago,

Geoffrey Gunn, University of Macau,

Laura Hein, Northwestern University, Chicago,

Jeff Kingston, Temple University, Tokyo,

Gavan McCormack, Australian National University, Canberra,

David McNeill, Sophia University, Tokyo,

Matthew Penney, Concordia University, Montreal,

Sonia Ryang, Rice University, Houston,

Satoko Oka Norimatsu, Peace Philosophy Center, Vancouver,

Sven Saaler, Sophia University, Tôkyô

Mark Selden, Cornell University, Ithaca,

Yuki Tanaka, Hiroshima Peace Institute, Hiroshima,

Tomomi Yamaguchi, Montana State University, Bozeman,


Contributing Editors

Nobuko Adachi Yonson Ahn  Matthew Allen Andrea Arai
Sandi Aritza Cemil Aydin  Tim Beal  Herbert Bix 
Vivian Blaxell Heather Bowen-Struyk  John Breen  Mark Caprio 
Jenny Chan Zeljko Cipris  Bruce Cumings  John Dower 
Alexis Dudden Stephen Epstein  Aya Ezawa  John Feffer 
Ruediger Frank Sabine Frühstuck  Aaron Gerow  Tom Gill 
Andrew Gordon Mel Gurtov  Nanyan Guo  Kimie Hara 
Michiko Hase Peter Hayes  Julie Higashi  Linda Hoaglund 
Christine Hong Asato Ikeda  Jean Inglis  Robert Jacobs 
Sheila Miyoshi Jager Rebecca Jennison  Paul Jobin  David Johnson 
Eric Johnston John Junkerman  Cary Karacas  Victor Koschmann 
Jeremy Kuzmarov Heonik Kwon  Adam Lebowitz  Douglas Lummis 
Vera Mackie Noriko Manabe  John A. Mathews Richard Minear 
Jon Mitchell  Yuki Miyamoto Mark Morris  Tessa Morris-Suzuki
R. Taggart Murphy Koichi Nakano Chris Nelson  Yoshiko Nozaki
Oguma Eiji James Orr  Nissim Otmazgin  Emanuel Pastreich 
Michael Penn Roger Pulvers Steve Rabson Rumi Sakamoto
Lawrence Repeta  Sven Saaler Peter Dale Scott Philip Seaton
Ae-Gyung Shim  Aaron Skabelund  David Slater Gregory Smits
David Adam Stott  Jae-Jung Suh Akiko Takenaka Mariko Tamanoi
Miyume Tanji  Richard Tanter  William Underwood  Vanessa Ward  
Brian Yecies  Hideki Yoshikawa    


Website Managers

Connor Griffin, Hannah LaTourette, Maria Salmon and Andrew Conley


Harvard University Reischauer Institute Editorial Fellow

Joelle Tapas


Social Media Coordinator

Yayoi Koizumi


ISSN Number: 1557-4660


Citation format

Since 2002, the Journal has gone through a number of different citation formats. In 2016 the Journal moved to unify the article database and assign correct metadata to all articles.

The earliest articles listed simply author, title and date of publication. The Journal began publishing the Newsletter in late 2008 as a means to organize our increasing output into volumes and issues. Lacking page numbers in online format, the system assigned consecutive numbers to each article per issue. Subsequent articles contain a recommended citation at the end of the article.

From mid-December 2008 through 2010, articles were labeled in the following format: x-y-z, where x is the week of the year as issue number, y the article number, and z the last two digits of the calendar year. Starting in 2011, consecutive volume numbers were adopted and have now been retroactively assigned volume and issue numbers. As the publication of the Newsletter has switched to twice a month, the issue numbers now consecutively number the issues. Also, the PDF files of articles have been given page numbers, which may be used for more precise citation.



Directory of Open Access Journals, Asia-Studies Research, Ebsco Host Political Science.


Articles at The Asia-Pacific Journal are published under a Creative Commons license. Permission is granted to forward electronically to others and to post Asia-Pacific Journal texts for non-commercial purposes following Creative Commons guidelines, provided they are reproduced intact and the source indicated and linked. To publish Asia-Pacific Journal texts in electronic, printed or other forms, including course use, contact us at

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