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indonesia / philippines / australia / workplace struggles Wednesday May 01, 2019 20:57 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group
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The only way out is struggle. We, the working class, must organise in the teeth of all obstructions. We must build the unions that the officials manifestly can’t build by themselves. We must use our vital weapon, the strike, and if the officials won’t help, we must act without them. And we must build solidarity across borders, because only international solidarity can beat the power of global capital. Standing together, in defiance of nationalism, we will have built a movement that embodies the values of a new and better world, a movement which also has the power to create that world. We can make a revolution to overthrow capitalism and create libertarian communism, worldwide.

See also:

"1ero de Mayo desde el sur de Bogotá" Encuentro por la Autonomía

"[Colombia] Desde el sur y con la gente, primero de mayo combatiente" Grupo Estudiantil Anarquista

"O 1º de Maio e a Luta contra a Reforma da Previdência: Construir uma Greve Geral desde a base para defender nas ruas a nossa aposentadoria!" Coordenação Anarquista Brasileira (CAB)

"Η τραγωδία του Haymarket" Mother Jones (IWW)

"Resistamos a Duque, organicemos un nuevo movimiento sindical y popular. 1ero de mayo 2019" Grupo Libertario Vía Libre

"1 de Mayo en Argentina" Organización Resistencia Anarquista (ORA)

"Tek Damla Yağmurla Başlar Her Fırtına – 1 Mayıs 2019" Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF)

indonesia / philippines / australia / anti-fascism Sunday December 14, 2014 17:43 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group
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During the last 3 years in Greece, savage austerity imposed by the Troika (International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank and European Commission) has crippled the country’s economy. The austerity has led to a depression that is as bad, if not worse, as the Great Depression was in the United States. Enjoying the atmosphere of anguish and despair associated with economic depression, Golden Dawn has flourished, espousing an ideology of hate.

It is in effect a Fascist party that promotes anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant and misogynist chauvinism and has grown to become the third most popular political party in the country. It is this threat which led the Greek government to arrest the party’s leadership and dozens of its followers after a Golden Dawn member fatally stabbed anti-fascist rapper Pavlos Fyssas in September last year. Some Golden Dawn members (including senior leaders) have also been charged by police with bashing defenceless individuals, whom Golden Dawn deemed to be enemies, for causing explosions and for blackmail. A police investigation that has been launched into the party, but has failed to produce clear results. Beyond their racist, bigoted ideology, Golden Dawn draws inspiration from the violent methods of the Nazi German regime of the last century.

indonesia / philippines / australia / miscellaneous Tuesday March 29, 2005 23:50 byMark
The most catastrophic earthquake in recent memory occurred in the Indian Ocean on St. Stephen's day 2004. The resulting tsunami caused the deaths of at least 250,000 people across many countries in the region and has left millions more without homes, food, water or livelihoods.
indonesia / philippines / australia / history of anarchism Thursday March 10, 2005 00:52 bytranslation by Kolektif Tanam Paksa
Realitas mengenai implementasi sebuah masyarakat anarkis sering sekali diragukan. Dan kadang-kadang kita yang "setuju" dengan filosofis anarkisme pun menganggap masya-rakat anarkis sebagai utopia yang tidak dapat direalisasikan.
indonesia / philippines / australia / anarchist movement Friday March 04, 2005 23:36 byMelbourne Anarchist Communist Group
The aims and principles of the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group

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Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

Neste 8 de Março, levantamos mais uma vez a nossa voz e os nossos punhos pela vida das mulheres!

Indonesia / Philippines / Australia

Sun 16 Jun, 13:03

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