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Bob Brigham

Florida man’s own family blasts him after he was arrested for racist threats: ‘This isn’t how we were raised’

Bob Brigham

‘Weakness doesn’t win elections’: Indivisible co-founder explains why members are holding #ImpeachTrump rallies

Bob Brigham

Mississippi fast food cashier ‘terminated immediately’ for ugly racist slur on customer’s receipt

Matthew Chapman

Dem lawmaker serves notice to Hope Hicks that Trump won’t be able to save her when he grills her during Wednesday’s hearing

Matthew Chapman

Furious Dem lawmaker blows up on Trump over his Iran war escalation: ‘What the hell did he think was going to happen?’

Matthew Chapman

Trump’s ‘devastating’ internal polls are a red flag that he’s doomed in 2020: political analyst

Matthew Chapman

Trump is now openly soliciting foreign intelligence agencies to join the ‘Trump team’ for the 2020 election: Ex-intel officer

Matthew Chapman

Trump just handed foreign governments a new way to meddle in US elections: Ex-FBI agent

Tom Boggioni

Bill Maher ‘Real Time’ panel details why Trump will lose in what will be the ‘dirtiest election ever’

Bob Brigham

Bill Maher demands we bring back ‘confession signs’ for people like Sean Hannity and Vladimir Putin

Bob Brigham

Watch Bill Maher’s hilarious Father’s Day message to Republicans in the ‘Daddy Party’ in the age of Trump

Bob Brigham

HBO ‘Real Time’ panelist reveals the nasty slur conservatives are saying about the first Republican to back impeachment

Bob Brigham

’How did all of this happen?’: Former GOP strategist Nicolle Wallace wonders why Trump’s team is so incompetent



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