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Last updated:20 November 2017


Current projects

Voting for Change – 150 years of radical movements, 1819 to 1969.

A joint 5 year project between the library and the People's History Museum/Labour History Archive funded by a ‘Collecting Cultures’ grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund which will build upon the complementary strengths of both collections to acquire material related to movements and campaigns for the franchise (From Autumn 2014)


Completed projects

Invisible Histories From World War One

A Heritage Lottery Fund grant for an exhibition/development of learning resources and a Living History performance about conscientious objectors/women’s work during WW1 (2015/2016)

Unlocking Ideas Worth Fighting For

Unlocking Ideas Worth Fighting For project exhibition In collaboration with Manchester's People's History Museum and the Labour History Archive, the Library was awarded a grant from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation in 2012 to research, find and unlock the hidden collections of both institutions and make links between them.


Invisible Histories

Invisible Histories exhibitionInvisible Histories was the Library‘s first oral history project, funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.  It ran from summer 2012 until early 2014. The aim of the project was to capture a flavour of people’s working lives during the period when Salford was a major industrial powerhouse in the North West – evidence for which is now almost completely gone.