Bring Voice Shopping success to your store

Bring Voice Shopping success to your store

Create your store's voice assistant in minutes

Try it, its free.

Create Voice Assistant


Voice Enabled Experiences

Supports Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant


Easily let customers order and re-order products using voice.


Increase sales by letting customers ask for coupons and deals.


Increase customer engagement by providing product search/personalized recommendations from your store.

Product Features

Blutag lets customers search/browse your product catalog on voice based devices with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant

  • Natural Language

    Customers can ask your store questions in natural language “I am looking for some blue running shoes”

  • Sell more through voice

    Match customers to more products through simple voice searches and increase impulse purchases by reducing friction

  • Personalized recommendations

    Customers receive personalized recommendations using AI so they see products relevant to their taste and need.

Dashboard Included

Manage your stores voice assistant in one place. Blutag's Dashboard lets you create and publish voice apps. You can also setup any integration and your coupons and deals.

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Why Blutag?

Built for retail

Speed of setup

Voice based apps can be built and made live quickly.

Ready templates

Modify templates as needed and add new voice interactions.

No coding needed

We handle the backend and infrastructure on commercial cloud servers.


Centralized service to manage apps for various voice enabled platforms

Publishing and Analytics


The Blutag dashboard lets merchants create and publish voice assistants for their stores and also has advanced analytics.

Blutag in the Press

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