Revuelta Comunitaria

Revuelta Comunitaria: “Popular Consultations” and the Farce of Democracy

This piece is the latest in our semi-regular column "Revuelta Comunitaria" by the folks at Voices in Movement. It argues that the recent "popular consultations" being carried out by the new government administration in...

Autonomous Struggle Vs the Political Party Machine

In a recent op-ed piece in the Mexican liberal newspaper, La Jornada, professor at the College of Mexico, Soledad Loaeza, writes that, “History teaches us that political regimes without parties quickly become dictatorships that...

Revuelta Comunitaria: In Tlanixco, Solidarity and Organization Against State Repression

The following column looks at the struggle of the indigenous community of San Pedro Tlanixco in the State of Mexico to defend its water and territory and gain freedom for its political prisoners. It...