Bloc Party

Bloc Party is an ongoing column that looks at State repression, counter-insurgency, prisons, political prisoners, as well as what people are doing to resist them.

Bloc Party: Our Neighbors to the North

In an effort to broaden our coverage of prisons across the borders to both the North and South of us, we’ve brought in some comrades from so-called Canada to share a history of the...

Bloc Party: Repression and Political Prisoner Updates

While there's been a lot going on around the bloc, we wanted to get out these very important political prisoner and repression updates as fast as possible.First up, Scott Walker, a volunteer with No...

Bloc Party: Interview with Former Vaughn Prisoner Thomas Gordon

"Sadly in an institution that is run solely off of fear and solely off of aggression and solely off of violence, the only way that they'll listen is if you, in return, apply some...

Florida Prisoners Set to Strike January 15th Against Prison Slavery

This January prisoners in Florida will continue to build on the momentum of nearly two years of uprising and rebellion, launching a statewide strike on January 15th. We had the opportunity to speak with...

Bloc Party: Prisoner Updates and Beyond

Bloc party here to give you several repression and political prisoner updates. Just a reminder, as New Year's Eve gets closer, there is a call for noise demos across the US and the world....

The Rankest Riot: Saskatchewan Prison Uprising One Year Later

"When I talked to this inmate and from letters and Facebook messages I’ve received, they said this was one of the rankest riots they’ve ever seen. It’s definitely one for the books, is what...

Bloc Party: Going in Style

On a blustery late November morning we rolled out of bed, threw on a pair of boots and our balaclavas. One never leaves the house without a balaclava! We made our disheveled way to the...

Virginia is for Grand Jury Resisters! What You Need to Know

On November 27th, 2017, federal grand jury subpoenas were received by at least two anti-racist activists and victims of the attack by neo-Nazi James Alex Fields, Jr. on August 12th, 2017. The US Attorney,...

Bloc Party: Vaughn & Building Support for Prison Rebels

"We have patience, a lot of time, and most importantly, nothing to lose." -A prisoner at the James T. Vaughn Correctional Center"They called the media, released a list of demands, and explained their actions as...

“Like a Wind Blowing Flames”: Prison Rebels Speak From the Cages

Photo from the Miami Herald. The past few months we've been closely following the Twitter accounts @JLawSpeak and @SlaveryPrison, which have been doing an excellent job of covering rebellion from within the prison walls. With hunger...