OneVoice Movement

The OneVoice Movement is a global initiative that supports grassroots activists in Israel, Palestine, and internationally who are working to build the human infrastructure needed to create the necessary conditions for a just and negotiated resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Mission Statement

Take a stand with our #ADDYOURVOICE campaign

Update from Palestine

Want to know what our Palestinian parter got up to last year? Read Zimam's 2018 Annual Report!

16 May 2019 See Post

Update from Israel

Want to know what our Israeli partner got up to last year? Read Darkenu's 2018 Annual Report!

16 May 2019 See Post

Update from Palestine

Zimam volunteers from the northern governorates participated in a joint-training with the German Social Democratic Party in Nablus on equality, community justice, and gender-based violence. Zimam strives for an educated and politically aware society as they work to build a Palestinian state.

23 December 2018 See Post

Update from Israel

Tens of thousands of Israelis participated in the process, the Charter for Israeli Discourse has been written, and so far nearly 30 MKs have signed on to commit themselves to upholding the principles for a clean and respectful discourse. Click on the image to watch MK Akram Hasson, a prominent Druze politician from the Kulanu party in the current governing coalition, discuss why he believes this campaign can work.

23 December 2018 See Post

Update from Israel

More than 80,000 people flooded Rabin Square this year in order to honor the memory of the slain prime minsiter and send a clear message that division and incitement has no place in Israeli society.

21 November 2018 See Post

Update from Palestine

Zimam hosted a special seminar for students in Nablus on the role of Palestinian women in the decision making process.

21 November 2018 See Post

Update from Israel

Ahead of the memorial rally in honor of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yizhak Rabin, which Darkenu is hosting for the second year in a row, our Israeli partner has mobilized activists across the country to help spread the word.

23 October 2018 See Post

Update from Palestine

Zimam hosted a special workshop for young people exploring the role and function of local, traditional judicial systems and the official Palestinian judiciary at the offices of the Youth Council in al-Ubeidiya, near Bethlehem.

22 October 2018 See Post

Update from Israel

At a special event held at his official residence, Israeli President Rivlin was presented with a copy of the Darkenu-led Charter for Israeli Discourse. He then called upon all 120 MKs to sign onto the charter and pledge to abide by its principles.

02 October 2018 See Post

Update from Palestine

In Gaza, Zimam teamed up with Pal Think to create a series of workshops promoting nonviolence under the “Be Conscious” initiative, which aims to raise awareness and provide education on issues of violence within Palestinian society.

02 October 2018 See Post

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