Michelle Travis


Tech writer. Gamer. Game designer. CITY OF HEROES/RIFT video geek. Rogue's Gallery Podcast freelance reporter. Hates fascists. So smart I'm stupid. She/her.

Filming on the Internet
Na Twitteri od: júl 2009


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  1. Pripnutý Tweet
    22. 4.

    PSA to them's that follow me - for the time being, I am not responding to DMs, nor will I be reading them. I can't turn them off entirely (thanks a lot, Twitter), and for now, I don't want to unfollow a bunch of people. So DMs will go unread and unresponded.

  2. pred 17 minútami

    I like as an actor, and then I see this... I am *REALLY* curious to see how this movie shapes up. Gimme more of the cast...

  3. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 5 hodinami

    One of the best quotes on creativity of all time. Applies to everyone, not only beginners

  4. pred 5 hodinami

    Today's , so I would be remiss if I did not shout out to my favorite anime teacher... UA High's Class 1-A homeroom teacher, the one and only Shouta Aizawa.

  5. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 5 hodinami
  6. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 7 hodinami

    I constantly have to tell myself that making a mistake is a human thing. It’s a hard thing to do sometimes. As long as that mistake is not a habit, your life will be ok. The world won’t collapse, you won’t get fired from your job, and you don’t have to beat yourself up about it.

  7. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 7 hodinami

    Have done pretty much all the major details, need to fix some things and preferably make her a bit prettier but. Final steps before colouring!!

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  8. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 9 hodinami

    Whoa! I broke 500,000 subscribers on yesterday! Grateful to everyone who has listened and subscribed. ❤️🙏🏻 The gold play button is in my reach!

  9. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 9 hodinami

    Midday reminder that there is a new chapter of my webcomic, Nothing Special, up on today! YA magical adventure, awkward encounters that end in supportive hugs, and dead vegetables. (Well, one dead vegetable.) Please give it a read!

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    pred 10 hodinami

    An important read for anyone considering community management as a career.

  11. pred 10 hodinami

    Okay, while I'm the first to admit that Tsukiko is not the type for formal clothes, the sheer (no pun intended) science cred behind this dress would totally prompt her to go to Oren's aunt and beg her on bended knee to make her a kimono of this stuff. ()

  12. pred 10 hodinami

    The concept of Radish as Cyrano de Bergerac gives me so much joy. If you are not reading this comic, stop what you're doing and go read it. From the beginning. It's awesome, it's gorgeous, and it's FREE. (Though you should support Katie's Patreon if you can swing it.)

  13. pred 23 hodinami

    There's a part of me that contemplates the idea of doing fanfic on demand a la fanart promotion: "$15 - Will write a quick Meet Cute of your OC and XYZ character of ABC fandom. Supply name, description, and preferred pronouns."

  14. pred 23 hodinami

    Okay, so I created a Patreon. Just in case.

  15. pred 24 hodinami

    I deserve a date with . *pause* Ummmmmmmmm... *long pause* Well, FUNimation, if you think Sony won't mind, I'd have to check with my husband, but I'm game if you are!

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    7. 5.

    A thread about pop culture, and the feeling you can get when you find yourself staring out from the other side of the fence.

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  17. 6. 5.

    SUCCESS!!! Admittedly, I have to reinstall a bunch of apps but THANK YOU GODS for me throwing stuff on to my OneDrive at the LAST MINUTE on Friday... Saved my resource OneNote and a TON of my work files.

  18. 6. 5.

    And THEN the re-imaging locked up... Fortunately this did NOT mean starting from scratch but still... *sigh*

  19. 6. 5.

    So, still stuck here at TechLink while my laptop gets re-imaged... Yay for free WiFi though. God's, I am so BORED.

  20. Retweetol používateľ
    6. 5.

    🎶Nooooo oooone lies like Gaston eats French fries like Gaston scales a castle then falls off and dies like Gaston 🎶

    Zobraziť toto vlákno
  21. 6. 5.

    Aaaaaaand my Monday starts with my work laptop BSODing. *groans* It is way too early in the day AND the week for this. Next stop, TechLink over at Building 34. *sighs*


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