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Marketing on Facebook Messenger

Build customer relationships through conversation.

Get personal with an audience of over 1.3 billion people on Messenger1.

Messaging inspires trust.

Among people surveyed who message businesses2 the majority say being able to message a business helps them feel more confident about the brand3.

76%in Brazil

79%in India

66%in the UK

69%in the US

How can Messenger help your business?

Screen of a Messenger sponsored ad directly on the Messages section of Messenger
Example of a Messenger transaction between a business and a customer
Screen of a Messenger chat with a business as well as a Messenger ad that promotes an offer for a limited time
Screen of a business using messenger to interact with Customers

Acquire customers.

Messenger helps you simplify customer acquisition by providing a direct, conversational way for people to take action where they already spend their time.

Enable transactions.

Building a presence on Messenger allows people to browse your products and services, and purchase them directly in the conversation.

Drive awareness.

Building an experience on Messenger can help get your business, product or service in front of more people. Whether you’re launching a new product or driving awareness, conversation creates a meaningful connection with your business.

Show customers you care.

Integrating Messenger into a customer service strategy allows customers to communicate with your business on their terms. No more waiting on hold or keeping website windows open. And the conversation stays in Messenger, an easily accessible spot for questions and re-engagement.

Learn how businesses are driving results with Messenger.

Read the latest Messenger news, updates and best practices.

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