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Facebook Blueprint: Free online courses & certification


See all our available Facebook Blueprint certification exams.

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310-101: Facebook Advertising Core Competencies

This exam measures competency in the skills, tools, advertising policies and best practices required to manage Facebook Pages and to create, purchase and manage Facebook ads. It also measures proficiency in selecting and using advertising objectives, targeting audiences for maximum impact, and understanding the role of Facebook media planners and buyers. This exam is a core requirement for all Blueprint Certifications.

Facebook Blueprint Exam 310-101: Facebook Advertising Core Competencies

321-101: Facebook Certified Buying Professional

This exam measures advanced-level competency in managing, creating and purchasing ads, ad buying types, improving performance and delivery via the ad auction, troubleshooting ad issues, and mapping ad formats to advertising objectives. It also measures proficiency in audience targeting, Facebook reporting, mapping KPIs to buying objectives, understanding and testing the Facebook pixel and SDK, and leveraging consumer insights and the product catalog. This is a required exam for the Facebook Certified Buying Professional.

Facebook Blueprint Exam 321-101: Facebook Certified Buying Professional

322-101: Facebook Certified Planning Professional

This exam measures advanced-level competency in managing Pages, selecting and using advertising objectives, targeting audiences for maximum impact, using Audience Insights, and optimizing reach and frequency. It also measures proficiency in implementing planning strategies, understanding and learning from measurement solutions, and expertly tying Facebook products into a successful marketing and communication strategy. This is a required exam for the Facebook Certified Planning Professional.

Facebook Blueprint Exam 322-101: Facebook Certified Planning Professional

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